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WHM/SCH Drain + Aspir Acc?

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  • WHM/SCH Drain + Aspir Acc?

    What directly effects Drain/Aspir when on WHM/SCH?

    How do i increase my Drain/Aspir numbers on WHM/SCH?

    Does INT directly effect Drain/Aspir?

    Thus far when i Drain/Aspir my setup is currently....


    Sub: DARK GRIP
    Range: XXX
    Ammo: XXX
    Head: XXX
    Ear2: XXX
    Hands: XXX
    Ring1: XXX
    Ring2: XXX
    Back: XXX
    Waist: XXX
    Legs: XXX
    Feet: XXX

    Now i wanted to replace my ERRANT HOUPPELANDE with the ORACLE'S ROBE for both Aspir/Drain and hMP. Will be nice also for my Afflatus Solace + Holy Build.

    What do you guys think? I have gone to the conclusion that DARK MAGIC skill effects Drain/Aspir rather than INT.
    ---Trying to level everything to 37---
    75WHM, 40BLM, 37SMN, 37SCH, 32BST, 32BLU, 37DNC, 32DRK, 32DRG, 32MNK, 32NIN, 32PLD, 37RNG, 37RDM, 32SAM, 37THF, 32WAR, 40COR, 37BRD, 1PUP.
    JOBS OF INTERESTS: BLU / PLD / COR / DNC / BST. [Tarutaru][Allright!]
    Sand'O'ria: Rank 10

  • #2
    Re: WHM/SCH Drain + Aspir Acc?

    I'm not aware of any known confirmed formula for Aspir (or Drain for that matter). Dark Magic seems to increase the accuracy as well as the damage inflicted, and INT seems to as well, but the relation between them is unknown since the results are so incredibly random.

    Maybe ask one of your RDM friends who has SCH or BLM levelled as a subjob to try testing it (RDMs being very good at testing MP/HP loss and recovery due to their spell selection and Fast Cast reducing the tedium).



    • #3
      Re: WHM/SCH Drain + Aspir Acc?

      Just like as Icemage said Dark Arts affects both of them, but mostly the accuracy.

      For Aspir, Intellegence NOR Magic attack bonus will not affect Aspir.

      Magic Accuracy may affect how much is drained with Aspir, but I am not sure.

      Magic attack bonus for Drain. That I do not know, but I do know that the higher your Dark Arts is... The more Hp that you will drain. It is also affected by the monsters resistances as well.


      • #4
        Re: WHM/SCH Drain + Aspir Acc?

        I've given up trying to Aspir/Drain when WHM/BLM because the Dark Magic skill level capped at 37 basically sucks. Even with Dark Arts, I can't imagine much better from /SCH. From what I recall, WHM/BLM gets single digit MP from Aspir when BLM gets like 50-100MP.

        Note that RDM/BLM (or RDM/SCH) wouldn't have as much of a problem because RDM has native Dark Magic skill, even if it is E. Also, WHM/RDM and BLM/RDM work well enough for Enfeebling and Enhancing because the main job has native skill.

        Level 37: A=114
        Level 75: E=200

        That's a big gap.

        Also, elemental nukes with WHM main should be expected to suck. WHM/BLM is mainly for the MP, but there are a few Enfeebling spells that can be useful like, uh, Blind?
        Elwynn @ Fairy Elwynbelwyn @ Sylph | PS2 PC
        99 Everything, mostly play PUP, WHM, and sometimes BST
        F13.1 W60.0 S54.1 G63.2 Cl70.0+1 L70.0 B54.0 A69.4 Co59.6

        >not having all jobs at 99

        Quasilumin : Examination complete. Examinee unregistered. Kuluu syndrome detected. Displays tendency towards cowardice. Report to infirmary for treatment.


        • #5
          Re: WHM/SCH Drain + Aspir Acc?

          Originally posted by Elwynn View Post
          I've given up trying to Aspir/Drain when WHM/BLM because the Dark Magic skill level capped at 37 basically sucks. Even with Dark Arts, I can't imagine much better from /SCH. From what I recall, WHM/BLM gets single digit MP from Aspir when BLM gets like 50-100MP.
          /SCH bumps magic skills up to B-ish level when the appropriate arts are used, WHM/SCH Drain and Aspir actually work pretty well.

          INT will not have any real effect on the amount you actually drain, but it will have some effect on resistance. The most important things of Dark/Magic are Skill/MAcc > Haste > INT. If you have Sea access most of the best pieces are from there. Nashira Turban, Nashira Manteel, and Anrin Obi(on Darksday or Dark weather, think Dynamis/Apollyon) are all very powerful Dark Magic pieces.

          I'd recommend a setup like the following:

          Main: Pluto's Staff
          Sub: Dark Grip
          Head: Nashira Turban > Walahra Turban
          Neck: Dark Torque
          Ear1: Abyssal Earring > Dark Earring
          Ear2: Loquacious Earring
          Body: Nashira Manteel > Oracle's Robe > Goliard Saio
          Hands: Nashira Gages > Blessed Mitts
          Ring1: Omega/Balrahn's Ring
          Ring2: Same/Tamas
          Back: Merciful Cape
          Waist: (Anrin Obi) > Witch Sash/Swift Belt
          Legs: Nashira Seraweels > Blessed Trousers
          Feet: Goliard Clogs > Nashira Crackows/Blessed Pumps
          Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

          Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

          Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


          • #6
            Re: WHM/SCH Drain + Aspir Acc?

            Originally posted by Elwynn View Post
            I've given up trying to Aspir/Drain when WHM/BLM because the Dark Magic skill level capped at 37 basically sucks. Even with Dark Arts, I can't imagine much better from /SCH. From what I recall, WHM/BLM gets single digit MP from Aspir when BLM gets like 50-100MP.
            To echo Callisto, WHM/SCH, in Dark Arts, has a Dark Magic Skill of 240+. With a very few gear flips, I can reliably get 60-100 mp off mobs in Tenemos. In Dynamis, I can pull 100+ reliably everywhere except Xarc. I don't tend to Aspir at Bird camps since I don't like playing MP Roulette, but I can get 60-100 off mamool.

            The only gear I flip in is a Dark Staff, a Dark Torque, and a "Igqira" Redingote (little more consistent than Errant's, for me).

            A note about the Anrin Obi: it's very useful if you have the weather/day and don't have a sch giving you Aurorastorm. Otherwise, there are better belts.
            To do: Sandy 7-1, ToAU 42, WoG15


            • #7
              Re: WHM/SCH Drain + Aspir Acc?

              I have a dark magic build on WHM, slots which don't have any Dark skill + I use magic accuracy gear. In Dynamis with Anrin obi I can Aspir for up to 150 MP, which is pretty hot.


              Pluto's Staff
              Dark Grip
              Nashira Turban
              Dark Torque
              Abyssal Earring
              Nashira Manteel
              Nashira Gages
              Merciful Cape
              Anrin Obi (only swapped in during Darkday/Dark weather)

              Even with WHM/BLM I can get some fairly decent Aspirs with the extra gear, just Dark Arts really ups the accuracy of the spell. Don't bother with INT gear, either, it does nothing for Drain and Aspir.

              ---------- Post added at 08:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 PM ----------

              I should add, Aspir is pretty inconsistent on WHM, even with Dark Arts. I sometimes hit them for 40, other times 150, it's random, but I'm pretty sure I averaged around 85ish. Drain was a bit better, I think there's a chance that Drain is more accurate than Aspir.
              ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
              ~I has a blog~~
              ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


              • #8
                Re: WHM/SCH Drain + Aspir Acc?

                Originally posted by Kasandaro View Post
                To echo Callisto, WHM/SCH, in Dark Arts, has a Dark Magic Skill of 240+.
                So... you're saying that Dark Arts or Light Arts with /SCH changes your skill level to B at your main job's level?

                (After looking at wiki, it seems that this is true, even at /SCH10!)

                So /BST charms with a cap at your main job's level, and /SCH lets you have magic skills enhanced based on your main job level... what other subjobs do stuff that isn't capped to half your main job level?

                Still, WHM/BLM Aspir (without gear for it) is weaksauce. I got to try it once today and got like 30 MP off of a Divine Inspirier.
                Elwynn @ Fairy Elwynbelwyn @ Sylph | PS2 PC
                99 Everything, mostly play PUP, WHM, and sometimes BST
                F13.1 W60.0 S54.1 G63.2 Cl70.0+1 L70.0 B54.0 A69.4 Co59.6

                >not having all jobs at 99

                Quasilumin : Examination complete. Examinee unregistered. Kuluu syndrome detected. Displays tendency towards cowardice. Report to infirmary for treatment.


                • #9
                  Re: WHM/SCH Drain + Aspir Acc?

                  Originally posted by Elwynn View Post
                  So... you're saying that Dark Arts or Light Arts with /SCH changes your skill level to B at your main job's level?

                  (After looking at wiki, it seems that this is true, even at /SCH10!)
                  Yes, this is correct. WHM75/SCH10 with Dark Arts activated gains base Dark Magic skill at B rank for level 75. This is one of many reasons why /SCH is undoubtedly the best WHM subjob at endgame for almost all activities.

                  So /BST charms with a cap at your main job's level, and /SCH lets you have magic skills enhanced based on your main job level... what other subjobs do stuff that isn't capped to half your main job level?
                  Those are the only known instances as far as I'm aware.

                  Still, WHM/BLM Aspir (without gear for it) is weaksauce. I got to try it once today and got like 30 MP off of a Divine Inspirier.
                  You can make it stick a little better with Elemental Seal, but otherwise I agree.


