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  • WHM DD Solo

    My husband laughs at me about this, because I want to have a job that I like soloing with (and my rdm is only 37), and whm seemed to offer that with the appropriate gear.

    I was just wondering how many whm's use their whm as a soloing/DD job? And did any of you augment your royal redingcoat to have acc and att like I did? Hubby says I'm going to regret it, but I don't! He says thatI should have gotten the Mirke body as there are more jobs that I can use it with, but, I personally think that the RR with Acc and Att is better then the Reverend Mail (which I don't have because I don't really have a large endgame ls that can help with it).

    Any thoughts?
    Tarutaru Female
    Nations: Complete Zilart: Complete COP: Complete ACP: Complete

  • #2
    Re: WHM DD Solo

    I use it for farming, like sea organs and stuff, plus my boyfriend and I can make light skillchains. Also it's rather fun for FoV when I've got nothing better going on. I'm leveling other DD jobs that are more traditional but WHM DD is definitely fun and can put out fairly respectable numbers.

    Oh, and sometimes I get to DD King Vinegarroon, I get TP from surrounding mobs and then I WS when the zerg starts, and cure my party after my WS goes off. Fun times. But as far as taking WHM DD to Dynamis or something, won't ever happen, though I'm fine with that.
    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
    ~I has a blog~~
    ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


    • #3
      Re: WHM DD Solo

      If you'll put it to enough use I don't think your ACP choice was bad. Damage isn't as big of a priority for DNC as much as raw TP gain is; that job can get by with a Scorp Harness. SAM can use Haubergeon and DRG is loaded with Acc and can use Assault Jerkin. I'm not sure if MNK has any reasonable alternatives to Scorp Harness though.

      Either way the bottom line is that if you're serious about WHM solo then the pseudo-Haub Redingcoat will provide a bigger boost to your WHM (especially in the absence of Reverend Mail) than what a pseudo-Haub Wardecors could offer the other jobs. Mystic Boon does give WHM some incentive to move up to the front lines in the right situations, and Hexa Strike is no joke even if WHM will obviously never output the same damage as a true DD.


      • #4
        Re: WHM DD Solo

        Originally posted by Armando View Post
        If you'll put it to enough use I don't think your ACP choice was bad. Damage isn't as big of a priority for DNC as much as raw TP gain is; that job can get by with a Scorp Harness. SAM can use Haubergeon and DRG is loaded with Acc and can use Assault Jerkin. I'm not sure if MNK has any reasonable alternatives to Scorp Harness though.
        See, I have MNK and BLM to 75, DNC at 70 and SAM is the next one for me at 54... for MNK I have the AF2 body (and tbh would love Kirin's Osode... again lack of ls hurts...) DNC I can use Scorpion Harness or the Pahluwan Body, and SAM I have a Hachiman body for when it's higher, plus I have a Byrnie now too, so for most of the DD jobs, I'm about set, but for WHM, I don't have anything for soloing.

        I find it funny that he's laughing at this, because for the last few weeks, he's been wanting to skill up h2h for his mnk... and then get Asuran Fists, and who did he duo with? My whm...LOL.

        Plus the redingcoat is sooooooooooooo cute on a Taru. The only problem I can see with it is if I lvl Rdm, and then I might want the fast cast, or the magic attack and acc, but... i'm sure I know a few people who need the ACP fight and can get it again....

        so for now, I'm happy with whm DD.
        Tarutaru Female
        Nations: Complete Zilart: Complete COP: Complete ACP: Complete


        • #5
          Re: WHM DD Solo

          See, I have MNK and BLM to 75, DNC at 70 and SAM is the next one for me at 54... for MNK I have the AF2 body (and tbh would love Kirin's Osode... again lack of ls hurts...) DNC I can use Scorpion Harness or the Pahluwan Body, and SAM I have a Hachiman body for when it's higher, plus I have a Byrnie now too, so for most of the DD jobs, I'm about set, but for WHM, I don't have anything for soloing.
          Eck. I hope you were talking about resting/Chakra and Chi Blast because neither MNK AF2 or Kirin's Osode are good TP pieces. Nor is Byrnie or Hachiman Body going to be better than Haub for an unmerited SAM.
          Last edited by Armando; 05-19-2009, 12:02 PM.


          • #6
            Re: WHM DD Solo

            I picked a DD-type redingote for my WHM. I picked ACC and DA. If I ever manage to get in on a Shen run, I'll probably turn it in for more mage-appropriate augments (M.Acc/MAB specifically). I love meleeing on WHM ^^

            WHM99 - RDM99 - WAR99 - BRD99 - MNK99 - BLM99 - DNC99 - SCH 99 - BST 99
            WorldSlayers ~ Asura


            • #7
              Re: WHM DD Solo

              I would have to say skills > gear here. Get your club skill capped, and get Black Halo. WHM's damage mostly comes from these two weapon skills. Get MND+ gear (like Ajari Necklace) if using Hexa Strike. Capping evasion by cure-tanking in Besieged should help too. Then I would have to say that auto-refresh from my Noble's Tunic helps reduce my downtime. Most importantly you want to be able to keep your defensive buffs going, especially stoneskin.

              /NIN helps a lot because of Dual Wield (faster TP for WS), and Utsusemi (MP-free and reliable shadows). Double haste from Walmart Turban + Blessed Mitts + Blessed Trousers + Blessed Pumps + Haste is also good for getting more TP, and it lets you use Utsu Itchi, saving Utsu Ni for emergencies.
              Elwynn @ Fairy Elwynbelwyn @ Sylph | PS2 PC
              99 Everything, mostly play PUP, WHM, and sometimes BST
              F13.1 W60.0 S54.1 G63.2 Cl70.0+1 L70.0 B54.0 A69.4 Co59.6

              >not having all jobs at 99

              Quasilumin : Examination complete. Examinee unregistered. Kuluu syndrome detected. Displays tendency towards cowardice. Report to infirmary for treatment.


              • #8
                Re: WHM DD Solo

                Get MND+ gear (like Ajari Necklace) if using Hexa Strike.
                Accuracy comes first if that's not capped, then STR/Attack. MND should only be equipped where no other stat is available. The MND mod is only 20%, which would already make it inferior to STR even if Hexa didn't have a secondary STR mod, but it does have a 20% STR mod as well, so all the less reason to opt for MND where there's other things that can be equipped.

                I would encourage getting Black Halo for the sake of skillchain versatility, but besides that it's a strictly inferior WS to Hexa Strike.

                By the way, Dual Wield doesn't improve TP gain, only DPS and WS damage.


                • #9
                  Re: WHM DD Solo

                  I like /nin because I can use the Darksteels, I like the added att on them. I was doing DD whm, but again, hubby still thinks that I'm going to regret the choices that I picked for my ACP body....

                  I have never used the Ajari Necklace for the MND, I just used the chiv chain or the pcharm for the added acc. Usually with my gear I wear blessed trousers, hands, and pants, nobles tunic, really the only difference is that i use my Raja's ring, uthla (sp? aht urgan) ring, and spike earrings. Anyone have a better idea for a back? I don't have anything except my Rainbow cape, but is there anything better?
                  Tarutaru Female
                  Nations: Complete Zilart: Complete COP: Complete ACP: Complete


                  • #10
                    Re: WHM DD Solo

                    Originally posted by Andromache View Post
                    I like /nin because I can use the Darksteels, I like the added att on them. I was doing DD whm, but again, hubby still thinks that I'm going to regret the choices that I picked for my ACP body....

                    I have never used the Ajari Necklace for the MND, I just used the chiv chain or the pcharm for the added acc. Usually with my gear I wear blessed trousers, hands, and pants, nobles tunic, really the only difference is that i use my Raja's ring, uthla (sp? aht urgan) ring, and spike earrings. Anyone have a better idea for a back? I don't have anything except my Rainbow cape, but is there anything better?
                    Bellicose Mantle or Royal Army Mantle are the best you're gonna get outta that slot. The staple is Amemet Mantle but WHM can't wear that.

                    Also, you need to get Perdu Wand. The difference in performance in DPS between Perdu Wand and the next best thing is very big. Also start working towards Brutal Earring (since you have Rajas you have access to this already, and could buy all the coins if you were wealthy enough) and Suppanomimi.


                    • #11
                      Re: WHM DD Solo

                      Originally posted by Andromache View Post
                      My husband laughs at me about this, because I want to have a job that I like soloing with (and my rdm is only 37), and whm seemed to offer that with the appropriate gear.

                      I was just wondering how many whm's use their whm as a soloing/DD job? And did any of you augment your royal redingcoat to have acc and att like I did? Hubby says I'm going to regret it, but I don't! He says thatI should have gotten the Mirke body as there are more jobs that I can use it with, but, I personally think that the RR with Acc and Att is better then the Reverend Mail (which I don't have because I don't really have a large endgame ls that can help with it).

                      Any thoughts?

                      Believe it or not, whm is probably one of the better jobs for soloing certain types of mobs in succession. With Repose and Mystic Boon, whm can practically solo almost any type of xp mob out there.

                      The RR with acc/atk stat is better than Reverend Mail. Gearing WHM for soloing doesn't take much. Most can be bought thru AH. Darksteel Mauls, Blessed Gears, Cheap accuracy rings, and some sole sushis and you will be able to take on EP's and EM mobs with ease.

                      If you want to see what a well geared melee WHM can do, watch these videos on youtube:




                      or you can search "Jarriane WHM" for the videos.

                      everything on the video can be done by a decent geared WHM just not as fast.


                      • #12
                        Re: WHM DD Solo

                        This is the 3rd thread you have necro'd, check the dates before posting, they are all months old.

                        500 hours in MS paint

