I'm a level 22 WHM and so far it's been really fun. The only problem I have is removing negative status effects. I don't know how to check if they've been silenced, blinded or whatever else. I'm constantly paying attention to the HP of my allies so I don't look at the chat log. I'd look at the chat log, but it goes by waaay too fast and I can't see what happened to who.
Is there a way to tell if a member of my party has a negative effect on him? I feel really bad when people say "Use ____ please" because I feel like I'm not doing my job correctly and I want to do the best I can. If not, is there a way to slow down the chat logs so I can see what the monster used on my partner?
Is there a way to tell if a member of my party has a negative effect on him? I feel really bad when people say "Use ____ please" because I feel like I'm not doing my job correctly and I want to do the best I can. If not, is there a way to slow down the chat logs so I can see what the monster used on my partner?