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Will 2 cure3's get more hate than 1 cure4?

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  • Will 2 cure3's get more hate than 1 cure4?

    Since cure4 draws the most hate. Is it better to cure 3 2 times or cure4 once or is hate about the same?

  • #2
    Re: Will 2 cure3's get more hate than 1 cure4?

    The main difference is that using Cure IV will spike your enmity all at once whereas two Cure IIIs for the same amount of damage will break the enmity into two smaller spikes.

    Say you cast Cure IV on a level 51 character for 360 hp cured. The instant you cast you will gain 2520 enmity. After six seconds your enmity will have decayed to 2160, and after twelve seconds you'll have 1800 enmity. To give you some reference, 1800 is the amount of enmity generated by a Provoke, so if you're close to the hate line and drop a full Cure IV on your tank, he won't be able to voke the mob off you for about twelve seconds, which is enough time for it to get in three attack rounds on you.

    Let's compare to casting two Cure IIIs for 180 six seconds apart instead. The initial cast will spike you up to 1260 enmity. While you wait on recast your enmity will decay to 900 but the second cast will add another 1260 leaving you with 2160 enmity same as above, and again 1800 by the time you're ready to cast another Cure III.

    So in the long run it seems using Cure IIIs over Cure IVs doesn't really change your overall enmity generation. The reason it's better to go with the Cure IIIs is you avoid that initial large enmity spike that could pop you over the hate level of your tank and cause your face to get chewed.

    Cure V, btw, will always generate exactly 900 enmity regardless of how much hp it cures for, giving it an lower hate impact than even Cure III.

    Research and guide to enmity mechanics: Kanican - Enmity Testing (Part I)
    Specific section on curing enmity: Kanican - Enmity Testing (Part VIII)
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #3
      Re: Will 2 cure3's get more hate than 1 cure4?

      The above also assumes no Enmity down gear, but if you are wearing any Enmity- gear then the results should still be similar.


      • #4
        Re: Will 2 cure3's get more hate than 1 cure4?

        This is slightly off-topic, but...

        Now that Kanican is banned... What happens to all of the research on his blog?

        Wouldn't it be nice to incorporate that data into a more permanent location like ffxiclopedia?


        • #5
          Re: Will 2 cure3's get more hate than 1 cure4?

          He's ignored any of my attempts to talk about saving information from his blog. I did snatch up his blm guide and post it here though.
          Originally posted by Feba
          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
          Originally posted by Taskmage
          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
          Originally posted by DakAttack
          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


          • #6
            Re: Will 2 cure3's get more hate than 1 cure4?

            Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
            He's ignored any of my attempts to talk about saving information from his blog. I did snatch up his blm guide and post it here though.

            in other words he being a little baby ;p
            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


            • #7
              Re: Will 2 cure3's get more hate than 1 cure4?

              Originally posted by Kailea View Post
              in other words he being a little baby ;p
              Have you even read his post on the banning? You have no clue what you're talking about.
              Originally posted by Kaeko
              The last few days have been quite eye-opening for someone like myself, who has been given an essential online "death sentence" in the form of an LM-17. I am writing this essentially hours before knowing whether or not a second chance will be given to me. After reflecting upon this situation as well as others in the past, I have reach the conclusion that anything I get, no matter how harsh some may think it is, is acceptable. The ToS is against me, and the recent public outcry is as well.

              I look back upon my time in FFXI and feel like I've greatly enjoyed the experience. The character, my character, does hold meaning to me, even if it is just a bunch of virtual data stored somewhere on a server by SE. I know it's not mine legally, and I know because of this, it is at the mercy of SE at all times. Despite this, I've enjoyed things, which is the most important thing when you're playing a video game.

              I hope that the discussion I have presented regarding the ToS, Code of Conduct, and the idea of "exploits" in general has been as unbiased as possible. There's always something to be learned, and this couldn't be more true in this instance where huge errors in judgment have been made. I'll end this post, perhaps my final post, with this.

              We are all susceptible to errors in judgment. These errors come with consequences. Sometimes, they don't go your way, sometimes they can be severe, and sometimes you don't get a second chance. And really, that's OK.

              Best wishes to you all,

              and as of midnight January 26th, 2009, goodbye as well.

              Yes, obviously it is Kaeko who's being a baby and not someone else who is projecting their own deficiencies on others.
              Last edited by Taskmage; 02-14-2009, 11:38 AM.
              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


              • #8
                Re: Will 2 cure3's get more hate than 1 cure4?

                You can act all cool and composed on one hand, but your actions speak louder than words. Maybe there is a legitimate reason he's ignoring any requests for the data he's collected. Maybe he's just being petty since he got banned. When one's actions crosses with one's words, it leaves one's motives open to interpretation.


                • #9
                  Re: Will 2 cure3's get more hate than 1 cure4?

                  Or perhaps he doesn't regularly check the blog he no longer updates for the game he can no longer play? If someone who's standing right in front of you doesn't respond, ok yeah they're sulking. If you send someone a letter and you don't hear back for a while that tells you nothing. Meanwhile all the data is on his blog for everyone to see so it's not like he's holding out on the community. It pisses me off that someone who's done so much to help people learn and understand the game would get attacked for absolutely nothing.
                  lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                  • #10
                    Re: Will 2 cure3's get more hate than 1 cure4?

                    I agree with Taskmage. You could make a point about his actions crossing with his words if he was all like "Screw you guys. I'm not sharing my info with anyone." But he didn't say anything like that. He simply hasn't responded to TGM. There's nothing saying you have to respond to someone who tries to contact you. Hell, now that he is no longer able to play I wouldn't be surprised if he simply doesn't look at anything dealing with the game anymore and has found something else to do. It's hardly a reason to interpret things as him being a baby or petty.
                    My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

                    Which FF Character Are You?
                    Originally posted by Balfree
                    Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


                    • #11
                      Re: Will 2 cure3's get more hate than 1 cure4?

                      I have issues responding to LJ PMs for some reason. A lot of times lately when I hit send it will lock up and I just give up after awhile. If you asked me via BG PM I definitely should have responded to you though. I'm not sure via which you sent me a PM, but sorry either way.

                      You can use, purge, copy, etc. whatever you want off the LJ. I'm not removing anything but I won't update anything either with the 1 exception of jotting down the rest of enmity findings w/o the tests a week ago. I already gave permission to Wiki via PM and on their forum weeks ago to use the enmity information, which is what the vast majority of people want out of the LJ.

                      I still check various forums every so often, mainly BG since a lot of it is non-FF related still. A number of friends still play and I like to at least keep up to speed on things, at least for the time being while I fully wind down out of "FFXI mode". I'd be lying if I said I was completely over FFXI, since I am obviously posting in an FFXI forum right now, but I think I've been far from bitter, petty, or a "cry-baby".

                      When you find out you've been banned and have to leave after 5 years, whether you deserved it or not, the last thing you'd want to immediately do is sit there replying to a ton of PMs about the game, reminding yourself you can't play in the process. To give you an idea, I got about 50 PMs alone via LJ + the 150+ open comments that week and there's just no way I could have replied to them all, especially given the situation. I do appreciate them and take the time to read them all, but it's hard to reply 100% of the time. All this without even considering the fact I do have a busy RL.

                      Forgive me for saying this if it sounds selfish, but what I provide the community via forum responses or the LJ isn't some duty or job on my part; I do it because I enjoy helping people. When I decide to stop, or even just fail to reply immediately, I don't understand how someone can fault me for doing so unless I were to like say F-you and delete all the information so others couldn't see it any longer. Keeping up with PMs, comments, and forum questions alone is incredibly time consuming sometimes and I just don't understand how someone can sit there and say I'm being a baby for not answering them all immediately.

                      If it makes you personally feel more significant to put me down over how I chose to handle my situation or to laugh at my expense simply because I'm a nice FFXI example of "how the mighty have fallen" then I guess that's ok though. The last thing a person needs is ill-will towards someone, especially over the internet; I really mean that. When something like this happens, the last thing I expect is sympathy, so I don't expect anyone to defend me or to shed an online tear over it - I just appreciate the ones that do.


                      • #12
                        Re: Will 2 cure3's get more hate than 1 cure4?

                        Well thank you Kaeko, I will certainly use your great info and, of course, give you full credit.

                        I'm sorry that people took my statement as me saying you were being petty because thats not what I meant at all. I just said I had not heard back from you. I didn't want to post more of your info on the site after that simply because I didn't want to waste all my time in case you would say please take it down.

                        You are right, maintaining forums/live journals/etc is VERY time consuming. I know I spend more than my fair share here on FFXIO and there are times my husband complains. (Like yesterday I was busy answering PM's/posts and ended up late to an important appointment. He's gonna walk up and unplug me one day I swear! lol)

                        Good luck to you in your online adventures wherever they take you. You were an awesome inspiration for many people (me included) and I'm sure you'll continue your work wherever you choose to land in the online world.

                        And now lets get back ON SUBJECT please as the issue at hand is resolved.
                        Originally posted by Feba
                        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                        Originally posted by DakAttack
                        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.

