Hey guys, sorry if I'm asking too many questions >.> but I realize that this forum is probably better to ask questions in than killing ifrit or allakhazam. I logged on this morning and was discussing with my ls the possibility of different subs for whm. Soon after that they kinda got on a kick about how whm wasn't really desired for endgame and that It's going to be really difficult for me to get to 75 because people prefer rdm more for healers. I just want to know if leveling whm to 75 will be a bad choice. I really enjoy this class and it's probably my favorite, but I dont want to take the time to level it if I'm not going to be needed in endgame events. I dont really mind a slower leveling process as long as I can find a place for endgame activities. I really thought whm would be a good class to level before my ls made it look like poop compared to rdm
Wow, I kinda said the same thing 50 times. oh well,
I guess I'm just looking for some encouragement and an honest outlook on whm desirability and if I'm going to be able to find a spot in endgame.

Wow, I kinda said the same thing 50 times. oh well,
I guess I'm just looking for some encouragement and an honest outlook on whm desirability and if I'm going to be able to find a spot in endgame.