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Hypothetical new whm spell

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  • #16
    Re: Hypothetical new whm spell

    Originally posted by Ziero View Post
    Change Divine Viel to it's own JA kthx

    being able to AoE status cure once every 10 minutes is long outdated.
    Yeah seriously. Scholars easily out do whm in that area now ;_;
    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


    • #17
      Re: Hypothetical new whm spell

      I agree with this as well.

      Scholar really really steps on the toes of WHMs now, and it hurts. There's still not a lot of SCH around yet, but it's been hard enough for WHMs to feel useful in a lot of party situations, and with the versatility (at least to some extent) of SCH it's just one more way for the community to poo on WHMs.

      But I like to QQ (according to some people I know) so maybe I need to level another job no one wants to invite. Gimme suggestions!

      In all seriousness, I really haven't seen anything really useful posted except for separating DV from DS, most of the other stuff is just ... meh. Stuff I wouldn't really use.

      Perhaps a JA (or spell with ridiculous recast) that's instant 0-FULL. Meaning:

      Sevv's HP: 2/1423.

      Aksannyi casts Refill on Sevv.......OR.........Aksannyi uses Refill.
      Sevv regains 1423 HP. .............................Sevv regains 1423 HP.

      Cast time: .1 second. MP: 300. Why so much? Restricts how often it can be used, but it's something like a single-target Bene. There are lots of times when I'd like to cure pullers in Dynamis or Tanks on ... anything ... and I just can't get that Cure V out fast enough to save them. Martyr is good for the "instant cast" purpose but it doesn't do enough in most cases.

      I know Refill is a gay name. Just grasping here.

      Or if "Refill" was a JA,

      Refill (20 minutes, Level 65)
      Instantly restores Full HP of the selected target.

      While it would be incredibly useful in some situations, I can't see it being used more often than Devotion.

      Also, I really wish that when I used Devotion it would take from my FULL HP, not just what I've got left. I don't want to spend MP on a Cure III <me> to give someone the maximum possible MP. Though most of the time they're grateful for what they get, I like to give as much as possible, and I don't like to cure myself (Regen III ftw).

      Anyway these are just my ideas. I don't think I've ever suggested a JA before.
      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
      ~I has a blog~~
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      • #18
        Re: Hypothetical new whm spell

        Hey, Aksannyi, you do know that you can use Stoneskin to offset the damage caused by Devotion and Martyr right?

        I use both on a regular basis, and they never cut into my HPs unless I want them to. If I'm below max HP, it's because I'm shooting for a latent activation on Medicine Ring.



        • #19
          Re: Hypothetical new whm spell

          Whm: more Perdu wand type weapons and a few rare/ex piercing damage maces ;3

          Ok, i got nothing else, lol.
          Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


          • #20
            Re: Hypothetical new whm spell

            Originally posted by Icemage View Post
            Hey, Aksannyi, you do know that you can use Stoneskin to offset the damage caused by Devotion and Martyr right?

            I use both on a regular basis, and they never cut into my HPs unless I want them to. If I'm below max HP, it's because I'm shooting for a latent activation on Medicine Ring.

            Yes I do know this but what I'm saying is I don't want to have to cure myself to full BEFORE I use it to make it more effective. 9/10 if I'm using Devotion I'm not at full HP for whatever reason, or I'm putting on HP gear to make it more effective. But Devotion only gives MP based on what HP you are currently at, not your total.
            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
            ~I has a blog~~
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