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WHM thats going to crack. XD

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  • WHM thats going to crack. XD

    I am a 42WHM/21BLM and I am dead stuck. No its not that I can't find a party its that I am so poor I cannot buy the skills I need to level up anymore. How did you guys earn some gil while leveling WHM up? Mostly I have been doing easy stuff considering I suck at soloing with WHM. Most of the time I kill rabbits outside Sandy. O.O I know this question is probably asked so much its become retarded but.. Its getting annoying blowing up rabbits and other things outside sandy. XD Oh! Another thing is my crafting experiences has cost me more then I have gained. lol ^.^ Thanks for reading! ^.^

  • #2
    Re: WHM thats going to crack. XD

    They didn't earn gil while leveling. They stopped leveling, earned some gil, and then went back to leveling. That's how everyone does it.

    You could teleport for gil if nothing else. Or maybe do low level crafts. Rarabs sure as hell aren't going to cut it. I'm not sure what to suggest, because I'd rather set myself on fire than farm on WHM at that level.


    • #3
      Re: WHM thats going to crack. XD

      Originally posted by Sohzu View Post
      I am a 42WHM/21BLM and I am dead stuck. No its not that I can't find a party its that I am so poor I cannot buy the skills I need to level up anymore. How did you guys earn some gil while leveling WHM up? Mostly I have been doing easy stuff considering I suck at soloing with WHM. Most of the time I kill rabbits outside Sandy. O.O I know this question is probably asked so much its become retarded but.. Its getting annoying blowing up rabbits and other things outside sandy. XD Oh! Another thing is my crafting experiences has cost me more then I have gained. lol ^.^ Thanks for reading! ^.^
      The first answer you're going to get is not what you want to hear, but level another job for farming. Something like THF. If you don't want to do that then at least level your BLM a bit more and -aga low level mobs and sell their crap.

      A good thing to do at level 30 is ENMs. This is in the same place as the Promy fights. The DEM one is easy and can be beaten with no 2 hours or special items or anima or anything. When you win, you get 3k EXP and cluster drops. A somber cluster is one of the best - 70k at the AH. You can only do the ENM once every 5 days though.

      Aside from that, you can try your hand making money at the AH. Look for things that sell cheaply from NPCs and sell them for more at the AH. Check all AHs for the different prices.



      • #4
        Re: WHM thats going to crack. XD

        I farmed bees, goblins and sheep, mined, tele-whored, and crafted (cooking and alchemy specifically). Pretty much anything you can do to make money in this game takes either time or money. None of it's quick.

        This question does come up a lot, and I think it's more along the lines of "You mean you really spent that long making money instead of leveling?" Yes. Yes we did.

        Have a few links.
        Ellipses on Fenrir
        There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
        . . .


        • #5
          Re: WHM thats going to crack. XD

          Or do what I do for a quick fix, sell CP items. And tele taxi!! Might have to do it a whole day but you can make atleast 70-100k in a day just by teleing.
          → ☆白75☆黒37☆ ←
          (≡´。`≡) ニャンニャン♪

          ♂ ラブストーリー♀


          • #6
            Re: WHM thats going to crack. XD

            Thanks for the input! ^.^ Some of these ideas like the setting on fire one made me laugh. lol Might level thf for th1.. But I don't know.

            Anywho thanks again! ^.^


            • #7
              Re: WHM thats going to crack. XD

              in ffxi you do everything you can to get gil. I've considered prostitution/ escort services since you can now visit moghouses lol.

              As a lvl 42 whm I'm concerned why you are killing rarabs outside sandy. Considering prices on my server "Remora" the only items which sells on Ah for a decent amount of gil is sandorian carrots and you get those by stealing from the mob with thf.

              My advice is get thf to 15 for TH then go whm/thf and go to pashow marshlands. kill leeches, crawlers, bees, gobbues and goblins. I made 60k in about 3 1/2 hours. not the best rate at getting gil but it was 60k i never had before

              Signature created by my good friend Naughtymistress, Remora server.


              • #8
                Re: WHM thats going to crack. XD

                tele-whore ftw i do a day of 200 teles on my bros account (cant be bothered to lvl whm myself) it takes generally 7-8 hours of constant teleporting but i make 300-400K a from it. put on a couple movies and mash macros its pretty simple and my main source of gil.

                If this seems unfair to my bro we switch acounts for a couple days a month he uses my 75RDM/NIN to hunt NM's and stuff for some gear drops he needs/sells so it balances out.

                sig courtesy tgm
                retired -08


                • #9
                  how I mine for fish?

                  Tele-taxi in Jeuno is slow these days. If all you want is money for spells, food, and low-budget equipment then farming the crag zones, or adjacent zones, is also not too shabby since you save a lot of time on transportation.

                  And maybe H.E.L.M? I have no recent experience with that though, no idea if areas a 40-ish WHM can access are still profitable. But it would solve the problem of slow kill speed.


                  • #10
                    Re: WHM thats going to crack. XD

                    I only have two of the three main teleports and if I can find someone to teleport for 1-2k maybe more if they are offering I do it but its like a mad race with these guys that sit there day in day out in Jeuno waiting for people to teleport. lol

                    Whats a good macro set up for this if there is one? I normally just type in the party invite commands and frantically type their name when it flashes. XD


                    • #11
                      Re: WHM thats going to crack. XD

                      Additionally Sandy has some decent fishing spots (outside the Chateau is great for me) and if you've leveled your fishing at all you should be able to catch enough Moat Carps to make 17.5k - 30k for just a few hours effort (best fishing is during full and new moons, Windsday is good, so is Watersday - Fishing gear helps).

                      (\ /)
                      ( . . )
                      ...Somebunny loves you....

                      ...That's "Little Washu", Bub....


                      • #12
                        Re: WHM thats going to crack. XD

                        I also say fish. West Ronfaure at Knightswell with any kind of small rod you could afford (Hume Rod preferred), and some little worms is a great fishing spot to fish moat carps. It's where I started to make gil when I was tired of being a gimp spell and gear lacking BLM. I fished my brains out, but it worked. It's basically the second cheapest way to go when it comes to making gil at that kind of level.
                        To be the best in this must help each other become the best.


                        • #13
                          Re: WHM thats going to crack. XD

                          When I level a new job from 1-10, I buy armor, weapons, etc. from NPC if I don't have something usable stored somewhere. Make my own food when not lazy, or buy more food from NPC.

                          Then, I turn around and sell all those gears on AH when I'm done, and bazaar the leftover food. With that, and all the drops, it's always profitable taking a job to Lv.10.

                          So, go level every job to Lv.10 if you haven't. Unlock any Extra Job you haven't already and level those to 10 as well. (SCH and DNC were relatively easy to unlock, IIRC.) It'd give you leg up on getting all the support jobs ready, plus pad your wallet a bit.
                          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                          leaving no trace in the water.

                          - Mugaku


                          • #14
                            Re: WHM thats going to crack. XD

                            Originally posted by Sohzu View Post
                            I only have two of the three main teleports and if I can find someone to teleport for 1-2k maybe more if they are offering I do it but its like a mad race with these guys that sit there day in day out in Jeuno waiting for people to teleport. lol

                            Whats a good macro set up for this if there is one? I normally just type in the party invite commands and frantically type their name when it flashes. XD
                            Well, that's 2 of the 4 that you could easily quest. Taking the time to get the other two (I'm including Altep) will give you more firepower for teleporting. You'll need a bit of help for Yhoat and Vahzl though. a side note, it won't be too much longer, and the people you want to party with will pretty much be expecting you to have those scrolls. *cough* Altep *cough*

                            As far as macros go....I have only my spells, including warp. Some people like the /add version for sending tele-port party invites. For some strange reason, I like keeping /sea in the text bar. When someone invites, I tap in the first 2 or 3 letters of their name and send the invite from the names that appear from the search function.

                            ...and yes, it's generally a race to get the invites out there. The faster you get a "fair" and get back, the faster you can send your next invite. Don't worry if you get beat out...keep at it. You will make money. Good luck!!
                            Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
                  's always profitable taking a job to Lv.10.

                            So, go level every job to Lv.10 if you haven't. Unlock any Extra Job you haven't already and level those to 10 as well. (SCH and DNC were relatively easy to unlock, IIRC.) It'd give you leg up on getting all the support jobs ready, plus pad your wallet a bit.

                            I've also found that to be true. ...and the bold I agree with as well.
                            Last edited by WovenDarkness; 03-04-2008, 10:36 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

