Re: Where Did The Real Mages Go?
I've not had the game for long but from what I have seen it really depends on the player. I have been in a party where the Paladin was a useless tank who had no idea how to hold hate which resulted in the Damage dealers (A Black Mage and a Samurai) and the White Mage (me) drawing pretty much all of the hate resulting in the fastest wipe I've ever seen. The Paladin didn't even provoke until after half of the party had died and there was nobody there to keep him healed.
On the other hand I've seen some bad mages. A few nights ago I saw a red Mage who did nothing but melee. He didn't bother to enfeeble or backup heal so I found myself regularly running out of MP due to having to main heal alone in the Dunes and having to keep up the enfeebles. Then there was the Black Mage this morning who wouldn't stop nuking and died about 3 times in a row.
I'm really sorry to hear that you ran into some bad mages. Like I said I'm fairly new at the game (I'm only at Lv14) but I do enjoy being a White Mage. It can get frustrating and hair-pulling at times but I really love that job. And to be honest from what I have played I find that Tanks are much more enjoyable to party with because they don't need babysitting. I have partied with a ninja before and he needed almost constant supervision while the Paladin only needed a cure every now and then.
I've not had the game for long but from what I have seen it really depends on the player. I have been in a party where the Paladin was a useless tank who had no idea how to hold hate which resulted in the Damage dealers (A Black Mage and a Samurai) and the White Mage (me) drawing pretty much all of the hate resulting in the fastest wipe I've ever seen. The Paladin didn't even provoke until after half of the party had died and there was nobody there to keep him healed.
On the other hand I've seen some bad mages. A few nights ago I saw a red Mage who did nothing but melee. He didn't bother to enfeeble or backup heal so I found myself regularly running out of MP due to having to main heal alone in the Dunes and having to keep up the enfeebles. Then there was the Black Mage this morning who wouldn't stop nuking and died about 3 times in a row.
I'm really sorry to hear that you ran into some bad mages. Like I said I'm fairly new at the game (I'm only at Lv14) but I do enjoy being a White Mage. It can get frustrating and hair-pulling at times but I really love that job. And to be honest from what I have played I find that Tanks are much more enjoyable to party with because they don't need babysitting. I have partied with a ninja before and he needed almost constant supervision while the Paladin only needed a cure every now and then.