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I'd suggest getting Silence @15. This spell - to be used on monsters that cast magic only (sorry, I see so many people silencing crabs in the dunes) - is incredibly useful right when you get it. Likely, you'll be fighting gobs, and half of them are mage types. Also, RDM doesn't get this spell 'til 18. By then, you're done with the gobs.
"And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"
It's great for getting away from track by scent monsters. Repose (or ES Sleep) a crawler, Deodorize, Sneak. Run for it. Handy when there's no puddles or streams around.
You see, if I'm in a situation where I need to get away, in most cases, I'll just sleep + warp, or I'll just make a run for it; I've never once had the problem of a mob catching up with me once I've put a good bit of distance between us. It either loses the scent on its own (which has happened to me a fair number of times) or I am so far ahead that it cannot possibly catch up with me. Like I said though, if you have the money to fill out your spellbook, I recommend it, if only to be overly prepared.
You see, if I'm in a situation where I need to get away, in most cases, I'll just sleep + warp, or I'll just make a run for it; I've never once had the problem of a mob catching up with me once I've put a good bit of distance between us. It either loses the scent on its own (which has happened to me a fair number of times) or I am so far ahead that it cannot possibly catch up with me.
If you don't need to remain near the vicinity, sure. In any case, not argument that it's not a frequently used spell.
I once had a crawler which followed me all the way from middle of Tahrongi Canyon to the southern zone line. Surprised the heck out of me when it hit me out of resting; I had thought once I couldn't see it for a while, it'd would have lost me, too.
That is it. Next WHM I have in party, gonna make him beg for Refresh--he'll pay for your insult!
No, Illuen is very much in the right: White Mages can both heal and melee better than us. What's there left for us to do, aside from Refresh (which, might I add, is not exclusive to us)?
Originally posted by Armando
No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
Originally posted by Armando
Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
Originally posted by Taskmage
Originally posted by Taskmage
However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
You see, if I'm in a situation where I need to get away, in most cases, I'll just sleep + warp, or I'll just make a run for it; I've never once had the problem of a mob catching up with me once I've put a good bit of distance between us. It either loses the scent on its own (which has happened to me a fair number of times) or I am so far ahead that it cannot possibly catch up with me.
Not to be rude or anything, but I'm pretty sure mobs don't just go and lose your scent. They can lose you if it starts raining or if you go through bodies of water. You probably already knew this, but your post can be misconstrued by the OP and that'll get him killed quick.
Actually I found out the scent thing the hard way when farming Sheepskins. I accidentally hit a link and was chased by 3 Wild Sheep (I didn't realise that they did link until then ^_^;; ) from the mid point of East Ronfaure all the way to the south exit point leading to West Ronfaure. I had no MP and was in the red. Luckily I was close enough to the border to be able to use Benediction then quickly zone out and rest with no repercussions. That skill is highly useful in emergencies and getting rid of the hate is actually pretty easy as long as you give the party a clear warning before you use it.
The Energy Earrings are VERY expensive on the AH (I don't think I've seen one go for less than 5k on the AH) and the cheapest I've seen Saintly Rings go for are for 2k a pop so at my level it will take a while for me to get those items. My White Mage friend has loaned me a Copper Hairpin but they are extremely cheap so I'll probably get my own very soon. According to the Wiki the Pilgrims Wand is obtained through a NM quest so I will likely have to enlist help from some friends for that one since my gil will be being spent on the other equipment you suggested.
Yes, those gears would seem expensive to a new player, which is why I qualified my statement with a "should". ^_^;
All things considered, though, White Mage gears are relatively inexpensive. (Check out the price for "Sniper's Ring" at Lv.40, a borderline "must have" item for Ninja, for example, vs. "Rose Wand +1", a "luxury" item for White Mage at Lv.48.)
Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
leaving no trace in the water. - Mugaku
A solution for the cost of gear would be to have someone help you get to Jueno. for the lvl gear you are looking for the tax plus cost of the item will be less than the other cities. Another option is to go for conquest gear(for whm Windy would be the better city). I find until lvl 15 you can get away with basic gear(unless you want to try to solo). If you have high lvl help, have them farm you gear off the beastmen(gob leechers will drop important spells for you also--invis, silence, deoderize(sp), re-raise(need at least a lvl 50 to attempt to farm this).
At your level, and item carrying capicity you will be better off farming any crystals or go for seeds from the saplings(real good seller on the ah for decent gill at lvl 10).
u have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them
Spending an hour a day farming Crystals on Ronfaure is actually brining in quite a bit of money. Especially when I get the odd Goblin Mask (500gil but I've had someone blindly bid 1k for one) or Orcish Axe (150gil from NPCs) drop. I also spend that tme doing what me and my friend call "General White Maging" or simply just helping out passers by or parties fighting monsters.I've made a lot of friends simply by dropping protects and Cures on a party after a battle of giving a mid-battle party some emergency cures or cures to relive their main healer. It boosted my healing skills from 15 to 20 in one hour too ^_^
Currently I'm at Lv11. Cure 2 is fun but really eats up Mp so I see why Cure is much more cost effective MP-wise and Aquaveil is very useful if Paralyze fails to effect the mob and/or the tank is bad at drawing hate. I'll probably hit the Dunes tomorrow because right now I need sleep. Wish me luck I guess ^_^
Although before I leave I would like to share a pretty hilarious screw up story. My friend Lv35 White Mage) agreed to hep me with Bat Hunt and Grave Concerns since at my level I still fear undead. We got to the middle of the tomb but I accidentally turned the wrong way so instead of finding where I had to place the Well Water I found the "???" on the wrong side of the clearing. My friend has never actually done any missions so both of us had no idea what it did. After a moment we decided to enter and were greeted by a very nasty surprise. I think we lasted for 5 seconds before we were both killed by the Lv50+ mobs down there. The irony is that when we roleplay my White Mage is very clumsy and has no sense of direction. We managed to laugh it off very quickly when I claimed I was just staying in character.
Not to be rude or anything, but I'm pretty sure mobs don't just go and lose your scent. They can lose you if it starts raining or if you go through bodies of water. You probably already knew this, but your post can be misconstrued by the OP and that'll get him killed quick.
Hmm, now I'm rather curious about this. I've seen quite a few times someone sleeping a mob, running a fair distance (but not out of zone) and when the mob wakes up, it either A) walks back to its spawn point or B) Depop. I don't know if this has a name that I am not in the know about, or what, but I am fairly certain that it wasn't someone running through rain or a river, so I'm not quite sure whats going on.
Also, to be fair, if you have enough time to cast deodorize, you should have enough time to put enough distance between the mob and yourself to where you can zone safely.
No, Illuen is very much in the right: White Mages can both heal and melee better than us.
Heehee. RDM may be able to heal more efficiently because of Refresh and Convert, but WHM can absolutely heal "better" in the sense of being able to pull numbers out of our ass that you could only dream of.
You're right though, you can melee better than us, although there are some fairly fun solo WHM setups (I'm looking at you, my beautiful pair of Darksteel +1s; and I swear I will have a Reverend Mail someday) for endgame WHMs.
Note: All things said are said in jest. I don't have an evil evil grudge against RDMs. I just hate it when you cure over my Regen III =P.
If you don't mind me asking, what server are you on, Firewind?
Last edited by Illuen; 02-17-2008, 03:48 AM.
Reason: Automerged Doublepost