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How to level a whm...

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  • #31
    Re: How to level a whm...

    In his defense, taking out an EM as a subjob-less lvl 1 is cake as long as you have decent food and a good, fast weapon. I've done it often on rarabs in Sarutabaruta and I usually do it at those starting levels since it's the one time that solo chaining EM is easiest.

    As to whether or not it's more efficient than killing EP and DC, I can't say that. I've never compared the two methods and neither will i waste time trying to test it. I will say I've gotten up to chain 3 on rarabs if I'm quick enough, using dhalmel pie to boost my attack, str and HP. It's even easier with a job like whm since they have a means to cure themselves. I've never been able to make it work well up to lvl 7 though. Usually by the time I hit level 4 I'm killing EM bats in Ruins and I just stay with them until they're EP since it's quick and easy.
    My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

    Which FF Character Are You?
    Originally posted by Balfree
    Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


    • #32
      Re: How to level a whm...

      Okok.. Let me see here..

      Staff vs. Club - As far as damage output in your early levels, I honestly think it doesn't make much of a difference when choosing your weapon. For the sake of argument though, if you want to purely beat stuff up faster go with a Pole-type Staff.

      The other thing to consider when you're working on your early levels is getting into the routine of casting spells regularly and working on capping your magic skill levels. Certain staves will give you a small boost on your HP and MP total, which can add up when used with other equipment and allow you to cast more spells. Some clubs will give you a boost to your MND and INT. This, in my opinion, is a better way to go because it will allow your Cures and other spells to be more potent. The other thing about using a club is you'll be able to also use a shield, which gives you some added defense.

      Spells to have - You absolutely want to have Cure, Dia, Banish and Poisona which I believe are the spells available from levels 1-5. You should have Paralyze and Protect/Protectra at the ready for the next few levels as well, and once you reach a level where you can get parties in the Dunes bring Cure 2, Slow, Barwatera, and Paralyna.

      As you progress, I recommend that you get each and every possible spell. I've seen a couple people say in this thread that spells like Barpoisonra are useless. This comment is ridiculous. All the -ra spells give you an additional Magic Defense Bonus vs. all spells, and all of them help to reduce the potency of the particular status ailment they're meant to prevent. This means poisons and paralysis (among other ailments) might get resisted by your group, and it definitely means they will wear off faster and not proc as much. That's nice to have when a fly hits your tank with Venom.

      Food: Ginger cookies are perfect for any low-level mage, though I personally liked having a stack of Rolanberry Pies because of the massive MP boost.
      Host of #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
      Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
      Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4


      • #33
        Re: How to level a whm...

        Originally posted by Olorin401 View Post
        The other thing to consider when you're working on your early levels is getting into the routine of casting spells regularly and working on capping your magic skill levels. Certain staves will give you a small boost on your HP and MP total, which can add up when used with other equipment and allow you to cast more spells. Some clubs will give you a boost to your MND and INT. This, in my opinion, is a better way to go because it will allow your Cures and other spells to be more potent. The other thing about using a club is you'll be able to also use a shield, which gives you some added defense.
        Wands are definitely a good way to go once you hit level 18, but that's really the first level where club-type weapons start giving you any amount of usable stats, unless you've gone and camped Nunyununc for Pilgrim's Wand (but new players aren't going to be able to do that successfully in any case).

        For that matter staves give only minimal amounts of HP and MP, which generally aren't all that useful. Nice if they're there, but not something you should be counting on regardless. The payoff with these weapons is the improved melee damage and accuracy you get for those critical early levels from 1-10 before you get access to Cure II and have a reasonable chance to join a party.

        Spells to have - You absolutely want to have Cure, Dia, Banish and Poisona which I believe are the spells available from levels 1-5. You should have Paralyze and Protect/Protectra at the ready for the next few levels as well, and once you reach a level where you can get parties in the Dunes bring Cure 2, Slow, Barwatera, and Paralyna.
        Don't forget Poisona and Curaga, for those lovely Damselflies around level 15 or so.

        As you progress, I recommend that you get each and every possible spell. I've seen a couple people say in this thread that spells like Barpoisonra are useless. This comment is ridiculous. All the -ra spells give you an additional Magic Defense Bonus vs. all spells, and all of them help to reduce the potency of the particular status ailment they're meant to prevent. This means poisons and paralysis (among other ailments) might get resisted by your group, and it definitely means they will wear off faster and not proc as much. That's nice to have when a fly hits your tank with Venom.
        Anti-status barspells are a complete waste of time except in rare instances (Barsleepra the Elshimo Jungles). None of these grant any Magic Defense Bonus at all as far as I can tell. If we're talking about Bar-element spells, that's a different story, but we're not.

        Food: Ginger cookies are perfect for any low-level mage, though I personally liked having a stack of Rolanberry Pies because of the massive MP boost.
        Ginger cookies will outperform most pies unless you're one of the races with terminally low max MP pool (Galka, Elvaan).



        • #34
          Re: How to level a whm...

          Originally posted by Icemage View Post
          Don't forget Poisona and Curaga, for those lovely Damselflies around level 15 or so.
          Yeah I did forget about Curaga.. I usually do. Poisona's one of the first spells I said you should get though..
          Anti-status barspells are a complete waste of time except in rare instances (Barsleepra the Elshimo Jungles). None of these grant any Magic Defense Bonus at all as far as I can tell. If we're talking about Bar-element spells, that's a different story, but we're not.
          There's a difference between Magic Defense Bonus (MDB) and Elemental Magic Defense. Bar-status spells don't grant any additional elemental magic defense (instead they grant specific resistance to a particular status effect), but they do indeed grant a minimal boost to MDB.
          Ginger cookies will outperform most pies unless you're one of the races with terminally low max MP pool (Galka, Elvaan).
          <(~.~)>/ Elvaan here.. I used rolanberry pies until I was like level 60 lol...
          Host of #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
          Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
          Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4


          • #35
            Re: How to level a whm...

            Originally posted by Olorin401 View Post
            There's a difference between Magic Defense Bonus (MDB) and Elemental Magic Defense. Bar-status spells don't grant any additional elemental magic defense (instead they grant specific resistance to a particular status effect), but they do indeed grant a minimal boost to MDB.
            Odd. I've never noticed any significant change to magic damage when using Bar-status spells, but I'll admit I don't use them often except in rare instances where I'm expecting certain attacks (Barparalyzra probably sees the most use); I'll have to do some testing later. Unfortunately, it's rather hard to set up a controlled test since there are so few magic attacks that are consistent.

            Can you point me in the direction of where you've seen this proven?



            • #36
              Re: How to level a whm...

              Originally posted by Olorin401 View Post
              Okok.. Let me see here..

              Staff vs. Club - As far as damage output in your early levels, I honestly think it doesn't make much of a difference when choosing your weapon. For the sake of argument though, if you want to purely beat stuff up faster go with a Pole-type Staff.

              The other thing to consider when you're working on your early levels is getting into the routine of casting spells regularly and working on capping your magic skill levels. Certain staves will give you a small boost on your HP and MP total, which can add up when used with other equipment and allow you to cast more spells. Some clubs will give you a boost to your MND and INT. This, in my opinion, is a better way to go because it will allow your Cures and other spells to be more potent. The other thing about using a club is you'll be able to also use a shield, which gives you some added defense.

              Spells to have - You absolutely want to have Cure, Dia, Banish and Poisona which I believe are the spells available from levels 1-5. You should have Paralyze and Protect/Protectra at the ready for the next few levels as well, and once you reach a level where you can get parties in the Dunes bring Cure 2, Slow, Barwatera, and Paralyna.

              As you progress, I recommend that you get each and every possible spell. I've seen a couple people say in this thread that spells like Barpoisonra are useless. This comment is ridiculous. All the -ra spells give you an additional Magic Defense Bonus vs. all spells, and all of them help to reduce the potency of the particular status ailment they're meant to prevent. This means poisons and paralysis (among other ailments) might get resisted by your group, and it definitely means they will wear off faster and not proc as much. That's nice to have when a fly hits your tank with Venom.

              Food: Ginger cookies are perfect for any low-level mage, though I personally liked having a stack of Rolanberry Pies because of the massive MP boost.

              Ok well this one post somes up, pretty much everything that I was asking lol so thank you!! Also..I really dont know anything so I cant really comment on the other posts sorry..But to me I think that Staff is the best way to go, and I have also been told by my LS that Bara spells are pointless threw out the whole game. So I really dont know lol...
              Originally posted by Silent Howler
              Vana'diel is a big world, so don't bite off more than you can chew.


              • #37
                Re: How to level a whm...

                You shouldn't pass up on the elemental bar spells, IMO. I think those have a more noticeable defense bonus and are certainly more useful. All bar spells are situational, but if you don't have something for that situation you might regret it.


                • #38
                  Re: How to level a whm...

                  Originally posted by Silent Howler View Post
                  You shouldn't pass up on the elemental bar spells, IMO. I think those have a more noticeable defense bonus and are certainly more useful. All bar spells are situational, but if you don't have something for that situation you might regret it.
                  Yeah I guess, but I dont know I am confused about alot of stuff right now, but I guess I will find out what really works for me when the time comes.
                  Originally posted by Silent Howler
                  Vana'diel is a big world, so don't bite off more than you can chew.


                  • #39
                    Re: How to level a whm...

                    Vana'diel is a big word, so don't bite off more than you can chew.


                    • #40
                      Re: How to level a whm...

                      You'll eventually want all of them for situation purposes, but what people here are recommending is until you find a niche in the market to make solid gil it's better to only buy what you need. That rule pretty much follows you throughout your FFXI career.
                      Cleverness - Hades
                      DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                      • #41
                        Re: How to level a whm...

                        Originally posted by Clever Ninja View Post
                        You'll eventually want all of them for situation purposes, but what people here are recommending is until you find a niche in the market to make solid gil it's better to only buy what you need. That rule pretty much follows you throughout your FFXI career.
                        ah ok thanks, is there a gil making guide anyware?
                        Originally posted by Silent Howler
                        Vana'diel is a big world, so don't bite off more than you can chew.


                        • #42
                          Re: How to level a whm...

                          I haven't searched the forum to see if an actual guide is up as I don't remember if we have one, but what anyone will tell you is at low levels just keep Signet up and collect crystal, then put them on the Auction House. Once you get higher and this doesn't becoming enough you'd have to start picking up a profession of sorts, or just stick to farming items like Beehive Chips, etc.
                          Cleverness - Hades
                          DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                          • #43
                            Re: How to level a whm...

                            Beehive chips might actually be a little difficult considering his level. The Giant bees are a bit tough and I honestly don't think he would survive a fight. Same goes for Silk threads, except the main threat there is the crawler's poison.

                            I say keep organizing your inventory and make frequent trips back to a shop the sell what you've gathered. Pay attention to how much things sell for, so that the next time you head out you can drop the worthless items and keep only the most profitable ones.


                            • #44
                              Re: How to level a whm...

                              True, I probably should have specified that, but by the time crystals aren't enough money I was personally like level 16 AFTER unlocking my subjob. After I saw Fire sold for more I just stuck to farming those from mobs like Lizards and Vultures while I leveled in Gustaberg and made lots. Of course this was pre-RMT nerf and Fire sold for 7k-8k in Bastok back then <_<.

                              Don't try Bees for awhile basically till you hit 10, where you can start comfortably farming them for Beehive Chips.
                              Cleverness - Hades
                              DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                              • #45
                                Re: How to level a whm...

                                I am in Windurst, I dont think we have beehive chips I think I will do silk thread??
                                Originally posted by Silent Howler
                                Vana'diel is a big world, so don't bite off more than you can chew.

