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stupid haste question

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  • stupid haste question

    ...because, after 30 levels of having the spell, I feel like a n00b for asking this.

    How does Haste affect ranged attacks? As in, someone who stand back with the mage and mashes Ctrl-D.
    To do: Sandy 7-1, ToAU 42, WoG15

  • #2
    Re: stupid haste question

    It doesn't.

    RDM 75/WHM 38/BLM 37/DRK 37/NIN 37/PLD 37 -- Cooking 96.7+1
    Image by Askannyi


    • #3
      Re: stupid haste question

      Haste never affects ranged attacks largely due to the fact ranged attacks aren't automated. Rangers get a merit trait that reduces the delay or ranged attacks, which we could consider a kind of haste, I suppose. But the Haste spell, along with Advancing/Victory March, do nothing to speed up ranged attacks.

      Its decent if RNG/NIN is in need of a lowered recast on Utsusemi, but that's about it, but I'd access the situation before blowing MP on them for it.


      • #4
        Re: stupid haste question

        Ranged attacks are already hasted.

        ranged attacks are done at 100delay/sec, while melee attacks are at 60delay/sec, (this is equivalent to 66% haste)

        that combined with omg's statements about how /ra is a manual process pretty much sums up why haste doesn't apply to ranged attacks.

        that said, a ranger in melee range can benefit from haste for their daggers/axes; but generally it's not worth the trouble.
        Grant me wings so I may fly;
        My restless soul is longing.
        No Pain remains no Feeling~
        Eternity Awaits.


        • #5
          Re: stupid haste question

          I don't see how it being a manual process would have anything to do with it. Haste could lower the time it takes for the character to take out the weapon and shoot, but S-E chose not to let it do that.

          Also, minor correction, Ranged attacks are done at 110 Delay/sec.


          • #6
            Re: stupid haste question

            Thank you all, that's what I figured, but it never hurts to ask. If nothing else, maybe some WHM40 will read this...

            Anyway, that's 40mp more for Silenas (Mire fun) when the RNG or COR is back behind me.
            To do: Sandy 7-1, ToAU 42, WoG15


            • #7
              Re: stupid haste question

              Well, you may wish to consider COR a bit more for Haste at high level, but they're certainly not a Haste priority for where you are now. But once you see CORs with Joyeuses in your PT, its time to give them some Haste, too.

              That sword is really thier best means of TP at 70+, but any time before then, haste is wasted on them.


              • #8
                Re: stupid haste question

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                Well, you may wish to consider COR a bit more for Haste at high level, but they're certainly not a Haste priority for where you are now. But once you see CORs with Joyeuses in your PT, its time to give them some Haste, too.
                That sword is really thier best means of TP at 70+, but any time before then, haste is wasted on them.

                Cor with Joytoy?

                What server are you on?

                I've been out of the PT cycle for a while now, but I do run through meriting areas, and I've yet to see a cor out playing swordsman with a joytoy. Not saying it doesn't happen on my server, just that I haven't seen it.

                Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
                If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
                *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


                • #9
                  Re: stupid haste question

                  Originally posted by Irisjir Callard View Post
                  Cor with Joytoy?

                  What server are you on?

                  I've been out of the PT cycle for a while now, but I do run through meriting areas, and I've yet to see a cor out playing swordsman with a joytoy. Not saying it doesn't happen on my server, just that I haven't seen it.
                  I'm from Titan and I'd say half the CORs my level (which is like maybe 15 total on the server XD have a Joyeuse).

                  If you're out as COR/RNG in 70+ EXP and merit PTs, Joyeuse is where you get a lot of your TP gain for Slug Shot. You'd be crazy not to want one for that purpose. Pulling is sometimes expected and when we're pulling, we do it like a BRD as COR/NIN, negating the need to melee at all, but when /RNG sword melee becomes relevant at 70+. If a COR doesn't have this sword by merit level, you'll never really play much of a part in DD as you potentially could.

                  At any rate, COR/RNG with Joyeuse is more common than RNG with K Club or Ridill, which is why I'd give Haste priority to a Joyeuse COR/RNG over Anything RNG. Still not your top Haste priority, mind you, but Slug Shots are nothing to sneeze at.

