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Grouping at level 10?

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  • Grouping at level 10?

    Do people do it? I dinged ten earlier this morning on my WHM and have been seeking a party for about an hour and a half now (not complaining, just stating the facts.) I've begun to wonder if anyone groups at this level or if I should bother just trying to grind until maybe level 11 or 12...and even if I did that, would it improve my chances at receiving a group invite?

    Thanks in advance for the info

  • #2
    Re: Grouping at level 10?

    A lot now do seem to solo to 20 now, though that can be really slow going for WHM, BLM and a few other jobs. What you might want to think of doing is either asking in your LS (if you have one) or trying to pick up a duoing partner and level in smaller groups.
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • #3
      Re: Grouping at level 10?

      Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
      A lot now do seem to solo to 20 now, though that can be really slow going for WHM, BLM and a few other jobs. What you might want to think of doing is either asking in your LS (if you have one) or trying to pick up a duoing partner and level in smaller groups.
      Ah, yeah...not in a LS, but I'm sure I can find a friend to level with until 20 I guess. I was so looking forward to grouping


      • #4
        Re: Grouping at level 10?

        Many people will start partying together around 10, generally in or near Valkum Dunes. Where were you seeking? If you were in or near windy, people may not of wanted to wait for you to get there.

        As a whm you'll generally be invited to partys of melees a few levels above you. It wouldn't hurt to solo to 11 or 12, but having no subjob and being a whm you'd be hard pressed to solo much beyond that with any effeciency.

        May I suggest checking and research white mage a little in regards to spells. Many people level 10-20 in Valkum Dunes so it would be advisable to purchase or otherwise obtain all the spells you'll need to that point. Personally you could skip the single target protect/shell spells as long as you have the Protectra/Shellra versions for your party.

        Also before heading out to party you could level the job that you intend to use as your subjob once that ability is unlocked. Typically a whm will sub black mage once they've done the quest. It would be advisable to level this job up a little bit so that you don't have to start at square one after the subjob quest. Also, selling any drops from mobs that you kill will help you afford new gear and spells.

        Also, assuming you're new, you are sure that you are activily seeking? A green exclamation point in a bubble will be next to your name, making it aware that you want an experience points party.

        Lastly, sadly people are only concerned with themselves more often than not, so a subless whm will be last picked. However, whm are required nearly, for parties that range (aside from power levelers) so you'll get a chance eventually. Good luck, and if you have any further questions, don't be afraid to ask.


        • #5
          Re: Grouping at level 10?

          Originally posted by Tivul View Post
          Ah, yeah...not in a LS, but I'm sure I can find a friend to level with until 20 I guess. I was so looking forward to grouping
          Thats good, because you will. It's possible you were simply seeking on an off day on your server and you might get an invite in 5 minutes the next time.

          There are still people that do go to the Dunes right at 10 and start partying, but many who have done it many times over don't want to deal with it. Duoing or partying in a smaller number will be a little easier on you anyway. You'll fight stuff that's not as strong and you'll only have a few people to keep alive. it might be a better way to ease you into being a WHM.
          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



          • #6
            Re: Grouping at level 10?

            As WHM, it may be better to hold off full partying until Lv.11, when Cure II becomes available. Most partying at that level takes place at Valkrum Dunes, so you may want to hang around Konschtat Highlands (near Valkrum Dunes zone line) or sit in Selbina while seeking.

            Bring Silent Oil and Prism Powder; the oil will help you get through tunnels fill with bats, and the powder for getting past Goblins when they block narrow passages. Set your homepoint in Valkrum Dunes (near Konschtat Highlands zone line), or in Selbina.
            Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
            yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
            Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
            leaving no trace in the water.

            - Mugaku


            • #7
              Re: Grouping at level 10?

              I agree with Iztazura...take a little bit of time and solo to 11 before you hit the dunes...Cure II is a godsend for 10-12 group @ Lizard camp.

              As far as soloing to level 20...hmm...mixed feelings about that one. On one hand, you'll be able to bypass the dunes without seeking or dealing with morons, but at the same time, you're missing valuable healing experience in the process. It's not that drastic, mind you, I think you'd be fine (especially as a Tarutaru) skipping out on the dunes and starting to group in Qufim.

              However, as horrible as Valkurm can be, it's really great practice getting started on your long White Mage career. You'll learn how to pace your cures, deal with mp conservation, using barspells, etc. Getting familiarized with taking care of a group on your own. You'd be able to learn exact things in Qufim Island, I suppose, but it doesn't hurt to learn these things early, just a suggestion.


              • #8
                Re: Grouping at level 10?

                Thanks for the info guys, I'll continue to group search and slowly level at the same time. I'm rather broke right now, so I haven't been able to afford Protectra, Barsleep, Barwatera, and I think there may be another. However, I'll try to farm some stuff and hopefully have enough to purchase all my spells before I head to the Dunes.

                I'm currently sitting in San d'Oria while searching.


                • #9
                  Re: Grouping at level 10?

                  ... Valkrum Dunes isn't always that bad. >_> Overall, it can be a really valuable experience for newbies. Valkrum Dunes taught me:
                  - How to Skillchain. (Yes, for real.)
                  - How to MB (from JP players, no less).
                  - Danger of undeads.
                  - Importance of Silent Oil/Sneak and Prism Powder/Invisible.
                  - How to run around Goblins without aggro.
                  - Importance of sitting home point.
                  - Food!
                  - The power and danger of Cure and Curaga.
                  - Managing MP--and to demand time to rest. >_>;
                  - The roles of Puller, tank, healer, and DD.
                  - Duo/trio tanking, and Utsusemi shadow counting
                  - And, much, much more.

                  Most importantly, I learned kindness in Valkrum Dunes. Strangers volunteered to help me get support job quest items. Random WHM's gave raise to party members who didn't set HP in Selbina or near by. Passer-bys cheered us on when we defeat toucher than expected monsters. Chocobo riders who dismounted to clear tunnel's bats so lowbies without oil can pass by safely.

                  And, I'll never forgot that a kind, high level player put together an entire party for me because I was feeling sad not not able to get a party as THF/---.

                  Is Valkrum Dunes a perfect place to play? Of course not! Yet, it's not just about the "noobs" and silly things they do or do not--it was the place I first found the FFXI community.

                  * * *

                  Don't scare the newbies so much; the first time in VE is a period of joyous growth. ^_^
                  Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                  yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                  Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                  leaving no trace in the water.

                  - Mugaku


                  • #10
                    Re: Grouping at level 10?

                    Where can I get silent powder or something similar? Or would it be easier tof ind someone to cast Sneak on me? Also, how long do said buffs last?


                    • #11
                      Re: Grouping at level 10?

                      ^^ That brought a tear to my eye.

                      EDIT: That was directed to IfritnoItazura's post.
                      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                      ~I has a blog~~
                      ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                      • #12
                        Re: Grouping at level 10?

                        Originally posted by Tivul View Post
                        Where can I get silent powder or something similar? Or would it be easier tof ind someone to cast Sneak on me? Also, how long do said buffs last?
                        You can find them in Auction House under Medicines.

                        They likely won't seem affordable for new players, and more expensive in starter cities than in Jeuno. I would say get a stack (12) of each, and use sparely. If you only have enough Gil for one, though, take a stack of Silent Oil.

                        Not sure how long they last, but the medicines are far more reliable than the spells. (The spells can start to wear off seconds after casting!) Of course, if you have a high level player escorting you, the chances are they can take care of any aggro if your sneak/invisible wear off at inconvenient times.
                        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                        leaving no trace in the water.

                        - Mugaku


                        • #13
                          Re: Grouping at level 10?

                          I made it to Valkurm in one piece and I got me a party! Experience is nice, I'm getting a lotta confidence and the folks I'm with are really nice.

                          Only problem now is my healing. I can't keep up with our NIN tank and the mobs are dpsing over my heals. Only two deaths so far, neither of which were my own, so I can't complain too much...and the folks were really understanding.


                          • #14
                            Re: Grouping at level 10?

                            Well I'm an glad that you are enjoying your first party in the dunes. And everything Itazura said above is very true of your first couple times through the dunes. I really enjoyed my first two times through the dunes, and had a lot of fun meeting people. Which is odd as I'm not a very sociable person outside of my environment.

                            I wouldn't concern yourself with the occasional death. They happen at every level. As long as you are learning the roll of your job in party dynamics, then everything is going well. And I am glad that you found a nice friendly group to party with your first time through. Listen to thier advice and see if it makes sense. If it does, try to apply what you've learn so far, and you'll be set!

                            Good luck, and enjoy ^^v

