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Curing over the soft cap?

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  • Curing over the soft cap?

    I will have to explain. I finally started levelling again yesterday (*cheer*) and it was great but I noticed that I was consistently curing over the soft cap on cure IIs. I don’t have any cure potency gear and it wasn’t lightsday (I checked, frequently). It’s not by a lot over cap (91-100hp) but I am definitely curing over the soft cap. I thought it was only lightsday and cure potency gear that let you do this?
    Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress

  • #2
    Re: Curing over the soft cap?

    What level were you? Your level can also affect that.

    At least...I think it can.

    edit: And healing skill/MND as Amele mentioned below. I am terrible with the informative posts, I swear.


    • #3
      Re: Curing over the soft cap?

      high healing skill/mind is how you're over the soft cap (it's usually around 'double' the amount needed to cap it - although I don't know if anyone has bothered for scientific tests) this is why it's a 'soft cap' and not a 'hard cap'

      my cure I does about 34 at 75, I see similar improvements to cure II and III as well (I've never paid close attention to cure IV) and cure V is obviously uncapped. (it isn't clear if there's actually 'no cap' but that's the suspicion, since otherwise it would presumably cap at double + a bit cure IV and it's obviously more than that.)

      level doesn't affect cure caps, except as it affects your mind score and healing magic skill cap.
      Grant me wings so I may fly;
      My restless soul is longing.
      No Pain remains no Feeling~
      Eternity Awaits.


      • #4
        Re: Curing over the soft cap?

        Healing magic skill and mnd can push it over the cap as well. I'd give the formula, but wiki seems to be messing up at the moment, but you'll hit a point of diminishing returns eventually (with the exception to cure 5)

        You can also stack on more cure potency to add past the cap as well. Asklepios 5%, Templar mace 10%, Aristocrats tunic 12%, healing feater 15% for a +42% potency. Throw in a Korin obi and double light weather on lights day in Temonos (I think thats pretty much the only double light weather place you'll find regularly) and you can have cure 5s in the 1400+ range. But thats more epeen than anything else, but I can steadily push cure5 to the 880 range with 120 mnd, templar mace, aristo.


        • #5
          Re: Curing over the soft cap?

          It seems to me that level affects your cure cap. I was on MNK75/WHM27 once...and my cures were doing 34-ish as well, and obviously I didn't get any bonus Healing Magic skill from MNK. Although I suppose it could be my MND, seeing as it's unnaturally high on MNK.

          But it seemed to me that level would be more of a modifyer than MND, but is that wrong?

          Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


          • #6
            Re: Curing over the soft cap?

            Thanks guys I always read up on my spells at wiki and haven't found any healing skill or mnd related formulas for pushing things over the cap so any links would be much appreciated (wiki seems to have recovered again).
            Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress


            • #7
              Re: Curing over the soft cap?

              Originally posted by KoukiRyu View Post
              It seems to me that level affects your cure cap. I was on MNK75/WHM27 once...and my cures were doing 34-ish as well, and obviously I didn't get any bonus Healing Magic skill from MNK. Although I suppose it could be my MND, seeing as it's unnaturally high on MNK.
              But it seemed to me that level would be more of a modifyer than MND, but is that wrong?
              it's mind and healing skill, although as a 75 anything you'll probably have enough mind to break the soft cap on at least Cure I or II.

              if it were primarily level, then redmages should start to break the soft cap at the same time as whitemages, and this isn't the case (it's about a 4-5 level lag in my experience).
              Grant me wings so I may fly;
              My restless soul is longing.
              No Pain remains no Feeling~
              Eternity Awaits.


              • #8
                Re: Curing over the soft cap?

                I don't think anyone's bothered to do any real tests on how much Healing Magic Skill and MND is needed to make a Cure do 1 more HP over the soft cap. That's probably simply because it takes so much to see a 1 point improvement that it's not worth equipping for it. You just sort of "let it happen"

