Actually, where should I put mine would be the most appropriate question.
Current merits:
Two levels of Max MP+
One each of Devotion, Prot5, and Shel5
Current plans:
Most likely I will cap out Max MP, and Spell Interruption. Currently those are the only two categories I have made a solid decision about.
I am not tampering with my enimity in either direction. Thought about it, turned the idea over very carefully in my head, and decided this was something I didn't want to muck with.
Of my twelve slots for combat skills, I plan to merit evasion first, then club, and possibly sheild after that.
The Questions:
Of my eight possible slots, how should I fit my magic skill merits together? I am looking at enfeebling magic very thoughtfully for this one.
Is cure skill merits worth the work to put into them, or would it only be two or three HP per cure 4 per merit?
Also, is there any practical application for raising my Enhancing Magic skill farther?
*Will raising Enhancing magic have a discernible effect on spells such as Haste, Regen, Prot/Shel, Sneak, Invis, Stoneskin, Reraise?*
*note* My enhancing magic skill is already capped. It is my only natural magical skill that has capped so far, even though I have never made any attempt to skill it up. I skill up curing magic whenever I have idle time on my hands, yet I have only recently gotten past 240 with it. You can look at this information two ways, either say "Omg gimp" and put no further thought into your which case don't even bother posting your knee-jerk reaction...or you can think for a moment and realize that I just explained exactly what type of WHM I am and what spells I have use for, and what spells I tend not to need. Not to say I refuse to use the Cure family at all...just that...I rarely have the need to.
Of my ten slots for WHM-specific merits, should I even bother using any for barspell effectiveness?
I know many WHM's out there have maxed out cure casting time, how useful is this overall?
*I understand that cure casting time does not actually shorten the time spent casting, just alters the 'effect point' of the even though a 10 second cast takes effect at 7 seconds, I cannot cast something else for another 3 seconds, is this true? If this is true, is there a genuine benefit to meriting this ability, ESPECIALLY for a whitemage who resorts to cures only when forced to by heavy and rapid damage received?*
And yes, I plan to merit first and foremost of this category regen potency. The final question here;
As a whitemage who relies extraordinarily heavily on the regen trio, should I even bother meriting anything else?
Also, are there any categories I am overlooking? For example, of my attributes, mind is the only one that seems whm-slanted. On the other hand, of how much actual worth are mind+ merits with so much mind+ gear available? Perhaps +vit might be better, to reduce damage taken from AOE attacks in say, dynamsis? Or +agi for evasion boost? (yeah my evasion capped itself about 5 minutes after I hit 75...
And lastly, yes, I adore soloing and meleeing, on the other hand, I am very proud of my effectiveness in the traditional back-line role, and extremely proud of the lack of deaths my PT's experience in dynamis (Currently the only endgame activity I regularly participate in...) While I am MORE than open to suggestions as to merit arrangements that will increase my soloing/meleeing power, I would rather not sacrifice party effectiveness to do so. My preferential setup is one that benefits both roles equally.
Current merits:
Two levels of Max MP+
One each of Devotion, Prot5, and Shel5
Current plans:
Most likely I will cap out Max MP, and Spell Interruption. Currently those are the only two categories I have made a solid decision about.
I am not tampering with my enimity in either direction. Thought about it, turned the idea over very carefully in my head, and decided this was something I didn't want to muck with.
Of my twelve slots for combat skills, I plan to merit evasion first, then club, and possibly sheild after that.
The Questions:
Of my eight possible slots, how should I fit my magic skill merits together? I am looking at enfeebling magic very thoughtfully for this one.
Is cure skill merits worth the work to put into them, or would it only be two or three HP per cure 4 per merit?
Also, is there any practical application for raising my Enhancing Magic skill farther?
*Will raising Enhancing magic have a discernible effect on spells such as Haste, Regen, Prot/Shel, Sneak, Invis, Stoneskin, Reraise?*
*note* My enhancing magic skill is already capped. It is my only natural magical skill that has capped so far, even though I have never made any attempt to skill it up. I skill up curing magic whenever I have idle time on my hands, yet I have only recently gotten past 240 with it. You can look at this information two ways, either say "Omg gimp" and put no further thought into your which case don't even bother posting your knee-jerk reaction...or you can think for a moment and realize that I just explained exactly what type of WHM I am and what spells I have use for, and what spells I tend not to need. Not to say I refuse to use the Cure family at all...just that...I rarely have the need to.
Of my ten slots for WHM-specific merits, should I even bother using any for barspell effectiveness?
I know many WHM's out there have maxed out cure casting time, how useful is this overall?
*I understand that cure casting time does not actually shorten the time spent casting, just alters the 'effect point' of the even though a 10 second cast takes effect at 7 seconds, I cannot cast something else for another 3 seconds, is this true? If this is true, is there a genuine benefit to meriting this ability, ESPECIALLY for a whitemage who resorts to cures only when forced to by heavy and rapid damage received?*
And yes, I plan to merit first and foremost of this category regen potency. The final question here;
As a whitemage who relies extraordinarily heavily on the regen trio, should I even bother meriting anything else?
Also, are there any categories I am overlooking? For example, of my attributes, mind is the only one that seems whm-slanted. On the other hand, of how much actual worth are mind+ merits with so much mind+ gear available? Perhaps +vit might be better, to reduce damage taken from AOE attacks in say, dynamsis? Or +agi for evasion boost? (yeah my evasion capped itself about 5 minutes after I hit 75...
And lastly, yes, I adore soloing and meleeing, on the other hand, I am very proud of my effectiveness in the traditional back-line role, and extremely proud of the lack of deaths my PT's experience in dynamis (Currently the only endgame activity I regularly participate in...) While I am MORE than open to suggestions as to merit arrangements that will increase my soloing/meleeing power, I would rather not sacrifice party effectiveness to do so. My preferential setup is one that benefits both roles equally.