A few friends of mine and myself recently came to ffxi from wow, they started playing a week or so ago so they know a bit more than myself, but couldnt help me with this problem. Currently im level 10 WHM, almost 11, so i went to go buy a cure II scroll, currently Bastok is 3rd on my server(Hades) so the bastok vendor isnt selling it, and we do not control the dunes either so i dont beleive that vendor will sell to me. What im asking is, am i basically sol until bastok gets a higher standing or controls the dunes? Or until someone puts one on the ah anyway. The only thing i can think of is going to san'doria or windurst and asking someone affiliated with that nation to buy it for me, but its a pretty lengthy walk from Bastok, and i was hoping to avoid it if possible.
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New WHM, standing specific scrolls?
Re: New WHM, standing specific scrolls?
The NPC does not sell anything based on the nation you are affiliated with. If they sell it, they will always sell it no matter what nation you are from.
I believe generally the conquest standings only effect the NPCs in the starter towns. Perhaps some in Jeuno, but I can't think of one off hand.
The price ranges listed on the link are fame dependent, and since you are just starting out, expect it to be at the higher end of the scale.
Hope that helps.
Thanks 0
Re: New WHM, standing specific scrolls?
Ah, k. A couple on the people on alla were saying that the merchants inventory was dictated by conquest rank, but they seemed to be more guessing rather than actually checking. Thanks for your help.
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Re: New WHM, standing specific scrolls?
The merchants' inventory in the home cities is dictated by Conquest. That doesn't mean you couldn't get up to San d'Oria and buy it from them while they have it. It's not that long a walk, though it gets a little exciting. Best bet would be to pick it up in Selbina.
Another option, depending on your linkshell, is see if someone can run to San d'Oria and pick one up for you.WHM75-SCH75-DNC75-THF75
To do: Sandy 7-1, ToAU 42, WoG15
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Re: New WHM, standing specific scrolls?
No problem. Every time I am shopping for an item, I check wiki for it. It will give you a list of NPCs that sell it, and weather or not your nation's standing is an influence to thier inventory.
Just type in the item and search, and go from there.
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Re: New WHM, standing specific scrolls?
Word of advice, and this is totally related to how much of a nut you are with FFXI, but if you can afford the extra $1 per month each, create mules in all of the starter cities. It makes things SOOOO much easier, and will save you gil also, as prices at the AH will be different from city to city. Whenever I need to get new gear, I always log on and check the price at the different cities - see who's cheapest, send them the money from my main, buy it and mail it back to myself. Obviously the same rule applies to vendors...just see who's in first and buy all the stuff you need from NPC's in that city (if possible).
Comes in handy when you're selling the random crap you get as you level, too. Send the stuff where it sells for the highest price to maximize your profit.I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
-Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"
Check out my blog! => http://deuceffxi.blogspot.com/
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Re: New WHM, standing specific scrolls?
Originally posted by Effedup View PostWord of advice, and this is totally related to how much of a nut you are with FFXI, but if you can afford the extra $1 per month each, create mules in all of the starter cities. It makes things SOOOO much easier, and will save you gil also, as prices at the AH will be different from city to city. Whenever I need to get new gear, I always log on and check the price at the different cities - see who's cheapest, send them the money from my main, buy it and mail it back to myself. Obviously the same rule applies to vendors...just see who's in first and buy all the stuff you need from NPC's in that city (if possible).
Comes in handy when you're selling the random crap you get as you level, too. Send the stuff where it sells for the highest price to maximize your profit.
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Re: New WHM, standing specific scrolls?
Going back to the OP, thre are some low end scrolls that are not sold by NPCs in the starter towns - the bar-ra scrolls are a prime example! Goodness knows why SE decided that the only NPC to sell a level 4 scroll should be in Jeuno!
Get with someone from your LS and have them get you at least barwatera and barfira (being the two most indispensible scrolls for the dunes) - you can get the rest in Jeuno when you get there - Waag-deeb's magic shop in lower jeuno, which is where people buy them so they can make a killing selling them on the AH in the starting towns!
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