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Bar-spells worthless/other newbie WHM ??'s

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  • Bar-spells worthless/other newbie WHM ??'s

    My LS recently added a new member, and we decided to form a partial static in order to get him levelled up quickly in order to party with him with our higher level jobs. I decided to level WHM up with him, as I've never played as main healer and wanted to give it a shot.

    The thing is, I'm noticing my Bar-spells aren't working for crap. We have been trio-ing in La Thiene on EM/T funguars, Orcs, and crabs and it seems like, despite all my efforts, my other two party members end up paralyzed or poisoned. I cast barparalyzra and barsleepra before every mob (when appropriate) but it seems like it does next to nothing...I'd estimate that I can only prevent these from landing one time in ten. I'm a little confused in that the spells always take effect everytime I cast them, they just don't actually block anything.

    Given this situation, is it worth it to be casting these spells? Right now it seems like it's just a waste of MP...and seeing as how we're about to form full parties in the Dunes pretty soon, I'm obviously all for MP conservation. I'm getting next to nothing for skillups with these spells, so I don't see a benefit as of now.

    Also, outside of protect and obviously curing, what other spells should I be thinking about in the 14-20 range in the dunes? Luckily, I have a BRD/WHM in my static, with an astral ring, so I've got a backup healer at my disposal should things go badly now, but said LS member is going to be changing to a melee job sometime in the 20's, so I can't depend on that, and want to make sure I'm doing the right thing.

    Also, as main healer, do I need to concern myself with magic-bursting? As of now I'm only worrying about healing and support spells, but if I'm going to be expected to mb at some point I'd like to know so I can get some practice in (I've never done it before).

    Last question (I promise!): What foods should I be eating? Right now I'm eating Apple Pie +1's and Grape Juice but I'm open to suggestions...

    Sorry so long, and thanks in advance! ^^
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  • #2
    Re: Bar-spells worthless/other newbie WHM ??'s

    Heh yay another opportunity to quote myself :3
    Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
    Bar- spells increase your resistance to an element or status effect. They scale in effectiveness based on your enhancing magic skill.

    Most players underappreciate resistance effects because they do not give a straight % reduction in damage or effectiveness like in other games. Rather, what resistance does is decrease the accuracy of magic that gets cast against you. For damage spells, this means you have a higher chance to take 1/2 damage, or 1/4, 1/8 or 1/16 the spell's normal damage. For status effects, resistance gives you a chance at a reduced duration. There is a chance that the effect will be completely resisted, but unless you're fighting a mob much lower level than you, the chance is rather slim.

    See a more thorough explanation of resistance here:

    Because the effect is random, it may not always work, so some players will cast Barfira againt goblins or Barsleepra against mandragoras and then write the spell off as useless because they see people take full damage from Bomb Toss or still get put to sleep by Dream Flower. If you use the spells consistently over time however, you'll start to notice some people taking a lot less damage than others, or waking up before everyone else. Especially at higher levels when your enhancing magic skill reaches more impressive numbers, casting the appropriate Bar- spell before battles can significantly cut down the the amount of mp you spend curing people, taking the edge off nasty AoEs like Cursed Sphere and Bomb Toss.

    Another tip so long as I'm rambling on: Every status effect is also associated with an element. For example, poison is a water-elemental status, so if you cast both Barwater and Barpoison on yourself, your resistance to poison will be much higher than if you only cast one or the other. You can get a complete list of the elemental relationships of status effects by talking to Noragu-Meragu behind the Orastery in Port Windurst.
    In the dunes, Cure and Cure II are pretty much the only spells you need to conern yourself with. Magic bursting as a whm adds a really tiny amount of damage to the party's output, and by doing damage you're giving yourself more enmity. Don't concern yourself with it unless you just have more mp than you know what to do with and the party's going really well. If you want to keep your divine skill up and have a little extra mp, throwing a banish when the mob is almost dead does the job.

    Whm food is ginger/wizard cookies now and forever. Your max mp doesn't affect the party's performance so much as the speed at which you regain your mp. More hMP means less time sitting between pulls, faster experience and higher, safer chains. There are other options such as mushroom food that give you some max mp, mnd, hMP and -enmity, but cookies are pretty much the staple food.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #3
      Re: Bar-spells worthless/other newbie WHM ??'s

      Bar-status spells don't prevent that status from landing, it shortens the time the spell stays active. They are of dubious value.

      Bar-element spells on the other hand are very usefull. BarFire can mean the difference between wiping or living through a Goblin Bomb for instance.
      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

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      • #4
        Re: Bar-spells worthless/other newbie WHM ??'s

        Most barstatus spells are useless in a party, since you're going to be standing out of range of the status effect anyway, and you can -na anyone that gets hit by them. If you're worried that you might get hit with petrify, sleep or paralyze, any of which would make you unable to heal yourself or others, it might be prudent to keep that bar- on yourself to possibly shorten the duration that you're helpless. For silence, it's better to just keep a stack of echo drops handy.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #5
          Re: Bar-spells worthless/other newbie WHM ??'s

          I remember reading a post somewhere by someone who did extensive testing with Bar-element and Bar-status in Dynamis. He basically piled on as much +Earth gear he could and with Barstonra got his Earth Resistance up to 150+. Together with Barpetra he was fully resisting Breakga almost every time.

          So as Taskmage said, the spells are far from useless but because they don't completely resist spells then people write them off as useless. When you hit 50, try hunting Mandragoras again with Barsleepra and whilst wearing an Insomnia Earring - you'll only get slept about 10% of the time.


          • #6
            Re: Bar-spells worthless/other newbie WHM ??'s

            I don't know if anyone said it, i did not read all the posts. The effect of a bar spells shortening a status you have depends on the level of your enhancing magic.
            Signature, ah!


            • #7
              Re: Bar-spells worthless/other newbie WHM ??'s

              Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
              Whm food is ginger/wizard cookies now and forever.
              I'm sure you mean Imperial Coffee (+1) or Buche au Chocolat instead. >_> <_<;

              Using cookies over and over and have it wear off in the middle of resting is a pain. Cheap three hour food is the way to go.
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
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              - Mugaku


              • #8
                Re: Bar-spells worthless/other newbie WHM ??'s

                Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
                I'm sure you mean Imperial Coffee (+1) or Buche au Chocolat instead. >_> <_<;
                Using cookies over and over and have it wear off in the middle of resting is a pain. Cheap three hour food is the way to go.
                Hm, 3hMP/4hmp for the coffee, 5hmp for the Chocolate (area effect food that could piss off you party if you use it at the wrong time), 5hmp for Ginger cookies sold from a vendor for incredibly cheap, or 7hMP from the Wizards Cookie.

                I think the cookies win. Too bad you can't coat the cookies in Chocolate and dip them in your coffee
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                • #9
                  Re: Bar-spells worthless/other newbie WHM ??'s

                  Good tip. Coffee +1 and that cake are rather intermittant on the AH on Lakshmi, at least last time I checked, so I don't tend to think of them. But yeah, they're much more convenient than ginger cookies and just as good. Wizards would be better, but they're overpriced imo.

                  Edit: Actually, it's 3/5 hmp for coffee/coffee+1 and 4 hmp for the chocolat according to the stats on the wiki.
                  lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                  • #10
                    Re: Bar-spells worthless/other newbie WHM ??'s

                    I want a coffee and some cookies now.

                    Sadly Bar-status spells werent fixed after SE nerfed resistence (or at least that's what it seems from the update history), but stacking Bar-element with the Bar-status helps not only to resist the spell but also reduce the time the effect is active (in case you don't have the -na spell).

                    I tested that soloing poisonous mobs, stacking Barwater with Barpoison reduced the time the effect was on me by a lot, and many times Barwater alone would let me resist the effect.

                    This was as PLD/RDM so the effect of both spells was reduced a bit due to skill issues.
                    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                    • #11
                      Re: Bar-spells worthless/other newbie WHM ??'s

                      Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                      Edit: Actually, it's 3/5 hmp for coffee/coffee+1 and 4 hmp for the chocolat according to the stats on the wiki.
                      Silly me. I looked at them all then double checked what the cookies did. I must have mixed up what did what.
                      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                      • #12
                        Re: Bar-spells worthless/other newbie WHM ??'s

                        If cash isn't a worry, I like Mushroom Stew
                        -emnity, +mnd, +4hMp and some other bits for a 3 hour food at about 7-10k a stew.

                        also theres a 20 belt thats +mp and +1hMp, the Mohbwa Sash.


                        • #13
                          Re: Bar-spells worthless/other newbie WHM ??'s

                          Originally posted by Kildem View Post
                          I don't know if anyone said it, i did not read all the posts. The effect of a bar spells shortening a status you have depends on the level of your enhancing magic.
                          I don't want to be a butt, but what's the point of posting in a thread that you haven't read?


                          • #14
                            Re: Bar-spells worthless/other newbie WHM ??'s

                            Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                            Bar-status spells don't prevent that status from landing, it shortens the time the spell stays active. They are of dubious value.
                            Bar-element spells on the other hand are very usefull. BarFire can mean the difference between wiping or living through a Goblin Bomb for instance.
                            Thats basically one of the only ones i used. That an barwater vs the crabs...

                            Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                            • #15
                              Re: Bar-spells worthless/other newbie WHM ??'s

                              As for food I stick with cookies in exp parties, unless I know the party isn't going to let me die for 3 hours. Much prefer losing a cookie that is 2k/stack for 99, than 1k for a single cup of coffee.

                              Even in a static party with friends, you are bound to die from time to time in the dunes. I started using brain stew in the 60s, and was nice for the 3 hour effect, but went back to cookies the first time I died right after using it. Lost 20k <.<

                              Bar spells have been covered already, but I've always used them. I especially used bar-sleepra for mandys in the jungles. Or mainly on mobs that had AOE effecrs. Single targets I found it just as easy to -na them than spend time and MP bar- ing them.

                              As for magic bursting, I wouldn't waste the time or MP till later on. I started really MBing in late early 70s on light Skillchains with Banish III and Holy. Any nukes from your blm sub IMO is not worth the time or MP.

