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WHM NM Stuffage

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  • WHM NM Stuffage

    Decided to stop procrastinating on my WHM sub, but I decided to do a round of NM hunting before I really got started. Did pilgrim wand this morning. Also managed to pick up Entraning Ribbon, but that's better off for BRD or PUP.

    Any other NMs of note to go after?

  • #2
    Re: WHM NM Stuffage

    I can't think of any particular gear from NMs that is very helpful or essential to a whm in the beginning.

    The only NMs I fought for whm drops are Shen, Pirates, Allistor, the Buffalo for Cure Clogs, and a a few BCNMs for things like Pentients Rope. But those are all higher level equips.

    You could do a few BCNMs for Astral Rings, but since this is for your taru (foobar right?) MP isn't a major concern, and astrals will just take from your already gimped HP.

    To be honest I was completly new when I started WHM, I had pretty plain gear till about 29 with Seers.

    Most gear I've worn from 1-37 where crafted goods. Seers, mnd rings, mp earrings. Nothing too pricy and you won't really notice a large advantage from +1s like you would in a DD job. Even MND doesn't have a large influence until Cure5, but can help hit the soft caps a little quicker.

    You could consider leveling cooking to 30ish to be able to make your our juice, and 56 I believe you can make Ginger Cookies (I'd have to check, getting ready for work). But cookies are usually just cheaper to buy from the traveling circus.


    • #3
      Re: WHM NM Stuffage

      Fasting ring. Mini astral.

      Originally posted by Aksannyi
      "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


      • #4
        Re: WHM NM Stuffage

        Foobar has a WHM sub, this is for Kitten Foobar's WHM is 39 and will likely only ever acheive 42 for complete telewhoretation, and then he will be forced to funnel the gil made into Kitten's ammo/tool funds.

        Just curious since I want to have any edge I can that will make levelling WHM faster and get it over with, really. I found just levelling on juices made BLM fly the last time I levelled a mage job.


        • #5
          Re: WHM NM Stuffage

          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
          Foobar has a WHM sub, this is for Kitten Foobar's WHM is 39 and will likely only ever acheive 42 for complete telewhoretation, and then he will be forced to funnel the gil made into Kitten's ammo/tool funds.

          Just curious since I want to have any edge I can that will make levelling WHM faster and get it over with, really. I found just levelling on juices made BLM fly the last time I levelled a mage job.
          Whm was my first job, and I was a complete newb at in the dunes with the most basic of gear. No rings or earrings besides the windy starting ring and the exp band. I was in and out of the dunes in a day and was in the 30s within a week of getting the game.

          I can't think of a particular thing that would give you a far superior edge. People will see a whm and invite them because they need them. Any little perks really just help the party move a little faster but they wouldn't notice anyways.

          Being new when I leveled it I had nothing as far as juice or Pilgrams Wand. But I probably wasn't the most effective whm ever in those levels. My only saving grace was that I was a taru with enough mp to last a fight. Took me a while to learn that Curaga was not for use during battles :x

          I once showed up to a party in Kazham with no pants on just to see thier reaction. No body said anything, so I sheepishly put my pants back on and continued to party. Just goes to show you what a party will put up with when no PL is around <.<


          • #6
            Re: WHM NM Stuffage

            With maintenance coming up you have a good opportunity to get a Tortoise Shield. The NM will pop within a 10 minute window 21 hours after the servers come back up. The shield isn't 100% though. It's another one of those r/e drops from a 21+ hour mob that SE should really think about fixing.

            Regardless, its a great mage shield and can last quite a while if you take the job past 37.

            Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


            • #7
              Re: WHM NM Stuffage

              How about Mycophile Cuffs? From the Mushroom NM in Carpenter's Landing.

              Lvl 25
              Whm, Blm, Smn
              Enmity -2

              Though, your plans may include your RSE hands which give 16 MP and Mnd +2


              • #8
                Re: WHM NM Stuffage

                Originally posted by Mazon View Post
                How about Mycophile Cuffs? From the Mushroom NM in Carpenter's Landing.
                Yeah, those are great and the NM is very easy to pop.

                This one is a stretch, but if you ever decide to level past 37, you may want to look into a pair of Mannequin Pumps. If you don't already have a mannequin completed though it may not be worth the effort just for two levels.

                Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                • #9
                  Re: WHM NM Stuffage

                  If you just did the pilgrim's wand and you're still near Windurst, go ahead and get your mist silk cape. It's OK for a backpiece for a while.


                  • #10
                    Re: WHM NM Stuffage

                    Fasting Ring is good if your not gonna get Astrals, although if you plan to get other mage jobs to 37-40, Astrals would be a better investment.
                    Cleverness - Hades
                    DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


                    • #11
                      Re: WHM NM Stuffage

                      Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
                      Whm was my first job, and I was a complete newb at in the dunes with the most basic of gear. No rings or earrings besides the windy starting ring and the exp band. I was in and out of the dunes in a day and was in the 30s within a week of getting the game.

                      I can't think of a particular thing that would give you a far superior edge. People will see a whm and invite them because they need them. Any little perks really just help the party move a little faster but they wouldn't notice anyways.

                      Being new when I leveled it I had nothing as far as juice or Pilgrams Wand. But I probably wasn't the most effective whm ever in those levels. My only saving grace was that I was a taru with enough mp to last a fight. Took me a while to learn that Curaga was not for use during battles :x

                      I once showed up to a party in Kazham with no pants on just to see thier reaction. No body said anything, so I sheepishly put my pants back on and continued to party. Just goes to show you what a party will put up with when no PL is around <.<
                      WHM was the first job I got to 30 originally, I was terrible at it even though I was a taru. My attitude then was "I'm here to keep you alive, not healthy."

                      Now that I do know better from several go-rounds levelling other jobs, I want to put in a better effort like I did with BLM. I'm a 75 BRD, COR and RNG and positively detest people who show me they aren't even trying to do a passable job. I've seen BRDs with level 1 RSE pants in ToA EXP camps, level 1 harp on top of that; I've seen CORs always /NIN with STR rings and no worthwhile accuracy gear, but hey, they have evoker's roll, right?

                      Skill is more important than gear. Gear doesn't do anything by itself, you have to know how to put it to use. But when used properly, your skill is enhanced by that gear or use of a subjob. I know that as both BRD and COR what I do and what I have will likely be taken for granted, but I still like to improve where I can, even if its "just a subjob."

                      I'd say I've gotten more direct praise as a RNG than I have the other jobs I've played, but it was purely for the damage and not the other little things I do with it. I have seen a fair number of people praise my COR and it wasn't for the damage dealt, merely for the fact that (1) I was willing to pull (which many CORs refuse to do) and (2) kept buffs up at all times. So sometimes those little things taken for granted do stand out to people.

                      But it doesn't bother me if it does get taken for granted so long as I get the results I want.


                      • #12
                        Re: WHM NM Stuffage

                        Pilgrim's Wand is probably the most useful of the NM drops I've bothered to get for Koren. Swappable hMP is always good, though with the changes to signet I may have to weigh a little more carefully when soloing. (Hmm... soloing... need to get back to raising alchemy so I can synth a Holy Maul...)

                        Mycophile Cuffs are common enough, I've gotten these, though most of the time I prefer Zealot's Mitts. There's also the Shaman's Belt from Jolly Green. Not a vital piece of equipment, but nice. I got this by accident while farming Tree Cuttings in Pashhow.

                        As far as rings, if you're hurting for MP Fasting may be worth considering (I have one on Kumei for DRK, but gave it up in favor of Deft Ring). However, I usually just equip a pair of Saintly Rings, myself. MND won't affect cure potency much due to healing caps, but it will affect White Enfeebles. I try to keep Enfeebling Magic capped and if I'm in a party with a second WHM, I'll generally try to take the role of main debuff and backup heal.
                        Kumei, pickpocket of Midgardsormr(Bastok Rank 10)
                        Alchemy 72, Smithing 51, Goldsmithing 48, Leathercraft 23, Fishing 20
                        Koren, San d'Orian Adv.(Rank 10)
                        Woodworking 29,Cooking 20
                        All celestials(Trial-Size), Fenrir, Diabolos, Alexander, Odin
                        Myrna, Windurstian Merchant
                        Clothcraft 24
                        Nyamohrreh, Windurstian Adv.(Rank 6)


                        • #13
                          Re: WHM NM Stuffage

                          Originally posted by Kirsteena View Post
                          Fasting ring. Mini astral.
                          Fasting Ring is pretty damn decent! Trying to pop the damn thing is a pain in the butt tho.

                          Also while the prices are low, pick up a Holy Phial and Holy Ampulla, and grab some of the Seer's gear to fill in where your RSE doesn't fit.

                          And Talisman Cape!! Such a great piece for low levels.. a bit pricey tho
                          Last edited by Olorin401; 03-26-2007, 09:37 AM.
                          Host of #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
                          Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
                          Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4

