Hello fellow WHM's! I am currently 65WHM, and plan to attempt Maat at 67. I am Taru Taru WHM, Carrottop on Kujata server. If anyone can give me tips on what sub to take, what food to eat stuff like that, i would appretiate it alot, thanks!
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Almost time....
Re: Almost time....
good luck!
You will lose your sub job when you fight maat. so it doesn't matter
bring some high ether, muslam, yagudo drinks and vile elixir +1
eat the best defense food you can afford. Tavnazian taco will do fine
I'm not a whm but, dont attack maat. just keep yourself alive.There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: Almost time....
He won't, the point of the WHM Maat fight is to take damage and cure yourself. You have to cure yourself with a varying amount before he gives up.I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2
PSN: Caspian
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Re: Almost time....
Originally posted by Evilwarrior View PostHow will he die if i dont attack? O.o?
I recommend:
Light Staff/Apollo Staff/Healing Staff: +10% cure potency
Medicine Ring: +10% more cure potency when HP is yellow or lower and TP < 100%.
MP gears: As much as you can lay hands on
HP gears: Get as much HP+ gear as you can to swap in as well - more max HP (particularly for Tarutaru) means more leeway for screwing up when trying to stay alive.
Food: VIT+/DEF+ is very useful here. It'll keep down the max damage of his weaponskills (since Maat uses hand to hand) and give you more time to think. Steamed Crab is a good idea, or Tavnazian Taco.
Medicine: Vitality potion or Yellow Drop if you can find them, otherwise whatever.
Potions, etc: Stay away from Ether/Hi-Ether/Super-Ether. They take too long to use. Stick with really fast items like Mulsum. If something bad happens like an unexpected Raging Fists or other unpleasant WS, you'll want to be able to react immediately. A couple of Hi-Potions might be a good idea for an emergency "buy myself time without spending MP" deal too.
Yagudo Drink is a must (bring at least 3, maybe 4 if you're feeling paranoid). A HP regen drink like Pamama Au Lait might work too, if you don't think you'll manage to finish a Regen spell while under attack.
Echo drops are a good idea, too.
Your strategy is to control how much damage you take and keep up with it by healing/regen effects/Benediction/Divine Seal, etc. Keep up Haste, Aquaveil, Protect IV, and have Erase, Cure III, Cure IV, Cure IV. Don't cast Shell IV - his only offensive magic is weak white magic (Holy, Banish(ga) I/II/III). I don't know if he can cast Banish III, but "probably" - it was added after I did this battle so I'm not sure, but it would make sense.
Stay alive, stand your ground, DON'T engage him in melee (it gives him more TP to spam on you), and most important of all: don't panic. This fight is actually surprisingly easy if you keep your cool.
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Re: Almost time....
Echo everything Icemage said. I did this at Lv66 with no real problems at all. WHM Maat is cake as long as you keep your cool and remember all the utilities that are available to you. I've seen people fail this mission because they forgot they had Divine Seal or something equally silly.
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Re: Almost time....
Firstly, write down all the bad statuses that Maat could inflict on you, paralyze / slow/ silence etc and make sure you have the appropriate remedy macro'd (and you have the appropriate meds of course), nothing worse than fiddling through items or spells when getting beat on.
Take enough meds for any contingency, you can always sell any spare back after but if you don't take enough and die you'll end up having to spend more in the long-run anyway.
I disagree with Icemage about standing your ground, run away! If you're running then when Maat stops to cast a spell on you then the distance between you gives you valuable time to heal yourself up before he can catch you up and the beating starts again. If you're just stood next to him he can start pounding on you again as soon as he finishes casting.
I also disagree about choice of equip, I went in with Tavnazian Taco, an Earth Staff (phys. dmg taken -20%) and a cape that had -5% phys dmg (can't remember the name). Maat only hit me for modest amounts: ~30dmg per hit as I recall and I was never in any danger of dying. I also finished it with plenty of time to spare.
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Re: Almost time....
The fight is time-based. If you can last 5 mins from the point when Maat first realizes you are there, you will win! I pulled Maat with paralyze and didn't bother trying to keep it on him when it wore off.
As a galka, I decided to load up on VIT and DEF. I believe with food, I had +17 VIT and my DEF was up in the 390 range (hmm, that might be a bit high, but I don't recall exactly).
I started with my max MP setup and then switched to more appropriate gear after I buffed. I used Medicine earring (which never really kicked in as I only got into red HP once), phalanx ringx2, earth staff, any AF that gave +VIT, tavnazian taco. I also used one yag drink. I had a stack of echo drops on me from my XP parties, but I don't recall having to use one.
My strategy was to rely as little on magic as I could. I filled my inventory with Hi-pots before the battle (I had 26 at the beginning, and walked out with 3). He was hitting me for 30-40 per punch, with crits in the 100-ish range. I found that the Hi-pots were more than adequate to keep up with the damage. I threw a DS+Cure III in there as well as a Benediction after he used Howling Fists for 400ish damage near the 4-minute mark (the only time I hit red HP). I used a pamama au lait and kept Regen III up. In the end, I cured just over 2800 hit points not counting Regen and the au lait.
WHM99 - RDM99 - WAR99 - BRD99 - MNK99 - BLM99 - DNC99 - SCH 99 - BST 99
WorldSlayers ~ Asura http://sillygalka.blogspot.com
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Re: Almost time....
Originally posted by Truece View PostThe fight is time-based. If you can last 5 mins from the point when Maat first realizes you are there, you will win!
As for kiting his spells, you can do it, but it's risky. Unless you react VERY quickly to his longer-casting spells like Banishga II, you run a risk of accidentally cancelling your own spells by moving. I don't personally consider it worth the risk, but if you can juggle that little detail with the other stuff you're tracking, then by all means give it a try.
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Re: Almost time....
Originally posted by Icemage View PostThis doesn't compute. I took Maat on at level 70 and barely won at just over 9 minutes. It didn't take me 4 minutes to engage him - 90 seconds at most.
Also, I found an old post which lists the details of my fight. It looks like my memory isn't as good as I would like.
I used 27 Hi-pots, Benediction, Cure IV, and DS+Cure III.
I healed ~4615 (+ au lait and Regen) dmg throughout the fight.
Special equipment: Earth Staff, Medicine Earring, Powerful Rope, Full AF, Phalanx Ring x2
WHM99 - RDM99 - WAR99 - BRD99 - MNK99 - BLM99 - DNC99 - SCH 99 - BST 99
WorldSlayers ~ Asura http://sillygalka.blogspot.com
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Re: Almost time....
Originally posted by Icemage View PostThis doesn't compute. I took Maat on at level 70 and barely won at just over 9 minutes. It didn't take me 4 minutes to engage him - 90 seconds at most.
Based on the information I was given by others, the fight is based on the total amount of HP cured - from 3500-4000HP. I went into the arena with a strategy of defense/evasion and maximizing my mana points.
And I'm sure I overdid it - I lost on my first two tries and wanted to win!
For those with this fight coming up, here's a list of items that can help. Chances are you've seen some of this stuff before for other Maat fight prep lists:
- A pair of Bat Earrings (and 3 Blind Pots to activate them)
- A Earth or Terra's Staff (yes, instead of Light Staff. You want to slow the damage down, not die while you're curing yourself)
- Cure Clogs.. if you have the gil.
- A pair of Phalanx Rings, as well as a pair of MP rings
- 1 Fish Chiefkabob
- 3-4 Yag Drinks
- 2-3 Periskos au Lait
- 1 stack of Mulsum
- 3-4 Echo Drops
- 1 Pro Ether or better
- 1 Hi-Ether
Once you go in, cast Protect IV and RR2 and rest to full. After that, you shouldn't cast any other spells besides Cures and the occasional -na spell. That means no Haste, Stoneskin or Blink - not only are they a waste of MP, but they can easily be beaten off or Erased, or in the worst possible case they could extend the fight too much and you'll lose to the clock!Last edited by Olorin401; 12-29-2006, 03:27 AM.Host of irc.gamesurge.net #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4
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Re: Almost time....
Originally posted by Olorin401 View PostSame here.. I cleared the fight in just over 12 minutes.
WHM99 - RDM99 - WAR99 - BRD99 - MNK99 - BLM99 - DNC99 - SCH 99 - BST 99
WorldSlayers ~ Asura http://sillygalka.blogspot.com
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Re: Almost time....
Originally posted by Truece View PostI thought the time limit for this fight was 10 mins...
BTW, I was just reading through the WHM GK5 Wiki and I found this cute little strategy:
Another trick some people use is to get very close to leveling up (like 500 exp away), then during the fight use a Dragon Chronicles or Miratete's Memoirs page to level up during the fight, restoring all HP and MP. These pages take a few seconds to use though, and this method can be a bit harder to pull off.Last edited by Olorin401; 12-29-2006, 03:26 AM.Host of irc.gamesurge.net #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4
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