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Newbie WHM search comment questions

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  • #31
    Re: Newbie WHM search comment questions

    (Geez. This is getting really off topic... >_>; )

    Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
    And whms need to learn to rest whenever they can, if I was swinging away at a mob in my parties I would be murdering chains unless we had a brd, rdm and cor, plus sanction/nobles refresh. Getting 1 or 2 ticks of mp in will extend a chain and cause much less down time.
    I think /heal on is situational, though usually the situation does call for getting as much of it as possible.

    For example, being really bored while exp'ing on Colibri tonight on RDM, both myself and another RDM in party decided to melee the critters, even after Sanction worn and we never had BRD or COR. MP just wasn't an issue, even though we had only one form of refresh. (We did rest when we get low on MP--even though we didn't really need to, since we have Convert.)

    Of course, we both started the night snatching every bit of /heal on time as we could. However, those Colibri's are so weak and we can't enfeeb it beyond Slow, it was too boring just Refresh, Haste, and occasional Cure.

    That said, one should always play it safe at the start of the party, and recover as much MP with resting as time permits. Then, if things are going well, see if it's ok to melee if feeling the need to club something.

    Originally posted by Necropolis View Post
    Another issue with meleeing whms is proximity is a factor in hate. At level 75 I can Divine Seal + Curaga II from a normal casting distant and pull no hate if I wait till appropriate hate tools have been used. But if I do the same while in melee range I will pull hate like no tomorrow.
    I don't have a Lv.75 anything, but from what I've observed on WHM and RDM, distance doesn't really matter. Before I discovered that Curaga can be cast on party members instead of just myself, I always ran up to melees for it. After that discovery, I don't, and cast it from the back line. Yet, I noticed no difference in enmity when I switched--I usually get hit for it lowie parties.

    If you were hitting the critter, you add a lot of enmity for yourself. Toss on top of that a Curaga II when lot's of people are low in HP, and you can easily get to the top of mob's hate list. It's not about distance--it's about total enmity generation.

    (Disclaimer: Never melee'ed on WHM in exp parties myself, even though I don't mind other people doing it when situation permits--I'm not much of a WHM to begin with, so didn't want the distractions. ^_^; )

    * * *
    Just thought of some things I would love to see in WHM search comments in Valkrum Dunes:

    Barfira: O Barwatera: O
    Barpoisonra: O Silence: O

    I couldn't believe the number of WHM's w/out those spells during my last tour in the Dunes. If a WHM knows they are important to have and advertise that, I'd beg and plead for that WHM to join my party.
    Last edited by ItazuraNhomango; 01-03-2007, 11:16 PM.
    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
    leaving no trace in the water.

    - Mugaku


    • #32
      Re: Newbie WHM search comment questions

      Being at extreme range does not help you with enmity on Curaga. You have to be much farther back (farther than it is possible to cast at) to avoid getting enmity for casting a spell, as far as I can tell. It might be possible if one party member is standing at extreme range for curaga and you cast on that person to hit the others with the AoE effect, but that's not something to count on.


      Barpoisonra is a waste of MP. Poisona is both more effective and more efficient. Barfira, Barwatera, and Silence are very useful spells at low levels, though.



      • #33
        Re: Newbie WHM search comment questions

        I am just saying this, But I started PTing in the dunes at 16,not that I have been PLed but I would have to say you would get beat in the dunes. I had that kind of problem wit the Highlands dont owrry though, I hear the lower levels on Wadi are pretty good for lvling till then. Anyway good luck to you when you get to the dunes.

