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Whm 50+

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  • #46
    Re: Whm 50+

    Originally posted by Spiritbear View Post
    I am trying to figure out what I should be lvling for a sub job so I can do some soloing as my whm. I'm tired of getting the same crap statements that whms shouldn't solo or fight for that matter.
    Originally posted by Spiritbear View Post
    I usually try to play frontline whm when I pt, but would like to know what job would be better for a sub to do that.

    I think you guys are wasting your time; OP doesn't want to know the truth; Spiritbear wants somebody to tell him that "WHM should solo and should fight" and that he should "play frontline whm when (he) pt".

    Telling him why he should not will just make him madder and more stubbon; he's looking for validation, not well-meaning, accurate observations from experience and analysis of the game mechanism.

    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
    leaving no trace in the water.

    - Mugaku


    • #47
      Re: Whm 50+

      Originally posted by Icemage View Post
      It's easier to raise RDM or BLU to 75 and actually have some damage capability than it is to get people to go fight Shen for Reverend Mail (and still have your damage mostly suck in comparison).
      Lol that fight is not one I want to do in a hurry again. My mannequin is very glad to wear my reverend mail till I can wear it...

      Originally posted by Aksannyi
      "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


      • #48
        Re: Soloing as Whm 50+

        Originally posted by Spiritbear View Post
        I play frontline when I am able to. If I am sitting in the back and only having to cast a cure ever few min then why shouldn't I be up in the front lvling my club skills. I know what my job is suppose to do and I can do it from the front while I bash in the mobs head with my hammer, there have been several instances where I have done more dmg then the rest of the pt, but those are usually when we have a PL with us. I don't understand why everyone on this game has to be and do what everyone else wants them to do. If I am in a pt I know when I need to pull back and just cure and buff, but I'm also competent enough to know when I can be up there with the rest of the pt using my beating stick on the mobs. This post was not to have everyone tell me that I can't be a frontline, it was to find out what everyone felt would be BETTER in thier OPINION for a whm to sub and use for equipment. So lets try to stick to the questions at hand and not try to dissuade someone from enjoying the game the way they want, and I would also like to challenge everyone that reads this post and plays the game to do the same. The game is for people to have fun, not so they have to bend and conform to the desires of the masses.
        As quite a few people have mentioned here, White Mage simply isn't a job that is desinged well for melee, especially in a experience/limit point party setup. The job is too fragile, too weak, and the entire party gets much more benefit from you casting enhancing and curative magic.

        Also, an EXP party is definetly not the place for a White Mage to skill up club or staff. You can easily get to 100 do so while soloing EP & DC mobs through your 20s and 30s if you have some spare time. After that, keep an eye out for skill up parties.

        Once you get up to the higher levels, and you decide you do want to get into soloing as a White Mage, the best way to do it is to have Ninja sub. You can get away with it because the combination of Club Dual wield, Utsusemi and Stoneskin is nuts. At that point though, I'm forced to recommend that you pick up some extra special pieces of equipment specifically for soloing - an Optical Hat, Reverend Mail, and at least one really decent club. A Darksteel +1 will do, but you should probably go for a Kraken Club, Sea Robber Club, or Seawolf Club.

        And if you're really REALLY ambitious and dedicated to the game.. there's always Mjollnir.
        Host of #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
        Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
        Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4


        • #49
          Re: Whm 50+

          lol @ Mjollnir. I thnk the only relic weapon that is weaker than Mjollnir is Claustrum. Complete waste of time and resources. Mjollnir won't magically turn a WHM into a DD - and just like with Reverend Mail, it's easier to raise Red Mage or Blue Mage to 75 than complete a Mjollnir, and you'll be much happier with your damage output at the end.



          • #50
            Re: Whm 50+

            Originally posted by Icemage
            and just like with Reverend Mail, it's easier to raise Red Mage or Blue Mage to 75 than complete a Mjollnir, and you'll be much happier with your damage output at the end.
            That fact that its true makes me lol all the more.
            What did Spiritbear decide to do, since he hasn't posted here in nearly two weeks. What route did he decide to take?
            I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

            PSN: Caspian


            • #51
              Re: Whm 50+

              Originally posted by Icemage View Post
              lol @ Mjollnir. I thnk the only relic weapon that is weaker than Mjollnir is Claustrum. Complete waste of time and resources. Mjollnir won't magically turn a WHM into a DD - and just like with Reverend Mail, it's easier to raise Red Mage or Blue Mage to 75 than complete a Mjollnir, and you'll be much happier with your damage output at the end.
              Yeah true.. but hey just the idea of carrying it around and knowing almost no one else has it would be enough for me!
              Host of #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
              Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
              Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4


              • #52
                Re: Whm 50+

                Holy or Divine Breastplate is a good defensive piece for the body slot.


                • #53
                  Re: Whm 50+

                  I decided to take a break from Whm just after I hit 50 and go G1 done. I switched over to mainly lvling Bst and Pld, but also lvled all of my jobs past 7 except Brd and Smn.

                  Created by Eohmer


                  • #54
                    Re: Whm 50+

                    Originally posted by Batrachophagus View Post
                    Holy or Divine Breastplate is a good defensive piece for the body slot.
                    /beats the dead thread with an ugly stick
                    ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                    • #55
                      Re: Whm 50+

                      Originally posted by Mog View Post
                      /beats the dead thread with an ugly stick

                      ROFL. I had actually forgotten about this thread. It was odd to get an e-mail about it.

                      Created by Eohmer


                      • #56
                        Re: Whm 50+

                        I did have a party, awhile back, where we had two BLMs. One of them subbed SMN and help to pull spiders in Boyahda and meeleeed with his scythe. It surprised us how well it worked out ^~

                        Anyway, when a party is doing so well that any back-line people have little to do I generally say go ahead and meelee 'in between.' Sometimes, they ask, and sometimes I suggest it 1st. Sometimes it does end up building up the enemy TP too much for the tank, so we stop.

                        A Taru in my server likes to meelee/solo as WHM, I don't know to what degree in, say, exp ptys and such - I only relatively recently got acquainted with him in the game the mission LS that I had gotten. He did comment that people were often surprised at how well he could do (I can try to get details if you like - just PM me).

                        After about the mid 60s, I have no experiences to draw from where a WHM would 'mix in' any meelee. I'd have to check with my Taru friend to see if he was able to. Actually, there might have been a few times. I think, on occasion, exp parties would provide a few opportunities as a favor to the WHM to skill up when they were close to thier cap.

                        I typically mix in meelee, myself - at least to keep my skill up. But, as it turns out - for me, anyway - the higher level I go, the more non-stop that I do party buffs. To the point where I had realized that I didn't even think of meeleeing b/c I was so frantically running to-and-fro doing Ballad and so on.

                        Anyway, I like the idea of 'maximum effort' in general. But, in some situations, it does back-fire such as the TP building too much for the tank to handle, or when a creature's attack has too high of a risk to 'one-shot' of disable (for example, get put to sleep) the main healer.

                        - Greg W.

                        ps - I bet $50 that I'll have to edit something - speling at least ^~
                        Last edited by Achaicus; 04-24-2007, 06:07 PM. Reason: to edit - what else? lol
                        while helping a friend with a HL level mission..
                        "np - just raise me again - Bard is still effective while cursed,
                        plus, just being a Bard IS a exp buffer"

