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WTF? (PLD drama)

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  • WTF? (PLD drama)

    Ok, so I am leveling in CN today, 42 (800exp from 43) hoping to get to 44, cause Regen II is calling my name. We are fighting crawlers, and I notice the strangest thing: Our PLD has decided not to use her MP. Now we have a COR, casting Healers and Evokers on me, and evokers on the other MP users in the party, so MP shouldn't be a concern. our Puller accidentally grabs a Exoray in addition to our next crawler, which starts attacking me.

    I keep my self alive, when I notice that the PLD has refused to cure me, or help me from my goal of not dying. So I get deadified, and the rest of the party follows suit, in the process stringing them across CN for me to raise <.< . So, once the mobs depop, I reraise, and get to a raising. The PLD died with full MP. I figure it is a fluke, or she panicked, so I just wait.

    I call a higher level PLD LS best friend to come watch, and to spend time iwth me (she is taking a break from FFXI, so we've been taking every oppertunity to hang out ingame). Anyways, so the puller gets another link, which my PLD friend grabs. I am healing the party and keeping an eye on her, because the exoray still clocked as a DC to her. Anyways, after the battle with our mob, i notice the PLD still has full MP.

    So the next battle, I decide, along with a few other party members, to do an experiment. We decide that I won't heal her, and see how long it takes her to heal herself.

    Apparently, she starts healing herself at 34 HP. She barely manages to live (I might of been wrong in doing this, but i was more than a little annoyed with her, letting me die without trying to help). We then have a talk inthe chat, I explain to her I was trying to help her get hate (she was having trouble keeping hate, cause she /never cured/!) and she got bitchy. We pull, and then I get attacked by a Water elemental. I die, without the PLD curing me, of course, and then I get this from her:

    We end up doing pretty well, as a party minus her. I level, and then some, and everyone else does good, so happy ending, but I don't see why some people are so stupid! *sorry for ranting*

  • #2
    Re: WTF? (PLD drama)

    We've seen a few horror stories like this here lately. When you run into idiot PLDs who don't know that they can cure themselves, let them die with full MP. Teaches them quick.



    • #3
      Re: WTF? (PLD drama)

      Yeah, that is basicly what I almost did. And the whole party, minus the PLD (of course) and the THF were with me, they understood. The THF was just kinda clueless the whole time, but he wasn't bad, so I ignored him (he couldn't time his SATA well, though)


      • #4
        Re: WTF? (PLD drama)

        Wow, that was seriously a bitch. "whats wrong couldn't heal yourself" is a comment that deserves her getting slapped in the face by a wet fish. It'll hurt, AND make her smell like raw stinky seafood.

        My PLD is only 22, but I use my MP all the time, as well as Refresh drinks on occasion. I cure myself, as well as other PT members who happened to have grabbed hate. I'm NEVER full, even with overzealous healers trying to keep me out of yellow HP. To me, this seems to be common PLD sense, but I guess I was wrong.

        I also remember being in parties with Paladins who never used their MP, and they wonder why they have problems keeping hate. I've told them to use it to keep hate, and they've used the advice, but that n00b Rayne seems to be a lost cause.


        • #5
          Re: WTF? (PLD drama)

          Originally posted by Illuen View Post
          *lolrant goes here*
          I lol'ed really hard. At you. Spoilers: The world is filled with retards.


          • #6
            Re: WTF? (PLD drama)

            Originally posted by dirtyclown View Post
            I lol'ed really hard. At you. Spoilers: The world is filled with retards.
            Spoilers: This site has moderators who don't appreciate those who act like retards on the forum. Kindly stop abusing other forum members.



            • #7
              Re: WTF? (PLD drama)

              Maybe that pld got PL all the way to 40s~ ... who knows~
              Server: Quetzalcoatl
              Race: Hume Rank 7
              75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU


              • #8
                Re: WTF? (PLD drama)

                Originally posted by Celeal View Post
                Maybe that pld got PL all the way to 40s~ ... who knows~
                Seeing as I just read a topic about PL's, I'm surprised I didn't think of this myself. XD But you're probably right. Sounds like another result of being babied through the lower levels.


                • #9
                  Re: WTF? (PLD drama)

                  Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                  Spoilers: This site has moderators who don't appreciate those who act like retards on the forum. Kindly stop abusing other forum members.

                  Further spoilers: It was a joke. Quick question though, Jim. Are you the one who keeps editing my posts without giving a reason?


                  • #10
                    Re: WTF? (PLD drama)

                    Originally posted by dirtyclown View Post
                    Further spoilers: It was a joke. Quick question though, Jim. Are you the one who keeps editing my posts without giving a reason?
                    "Oh, haha sorry that was a joke."
                    ... Not on my watch, buster.

                    I always leave a note when I edit posts. But thank you for the uncalled-for accusation. Would you like to take this to PMs, or shall I escalate matters?



                    • #11
                      Re: WTF? (PLD drama)

                      /gets popcorn ready
                      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                      • #12
                        Re: WTF? (PLD drama)



                        • #13
                          Re: WTF? (PLD drama)

                          Decision noted.



                          • #14
                            Re: WTF? (PLD drama)

                            Originally posted by Mog View Post
                            /gets popcorn ready
                            Pass me some of that *hands you Twizzlers, Pretzels, and Mountian Dew*


                            • #15
                              Re: WTF? (PLD drama)

                              Hmm, I must say as a PLD that I have been in parties where it was near useless to cure myself. I'm not saying the PLD was right in this thought, it was plain stupid.

                              No what I mean is sometimes you keep a watch on your own HP, and the WHM is practically curing you faster than you can do it, so you'd just be wasting your MP.

                              But that doesn't mean I wouldn't heal the others when needed. Just saying that sometimes the party dynamics calls that you don't really need to cure yourself through the fights. Watching over your teammates is the least you can do in that situation.

