Re: Whats a good sub-job?
The question isn't quite as simple as that. There's several jobs that can be useful to a White Mage. It's all about the situation you're in that is the determining factor.
WHM/SMN - This is the combination I find myself using most often for EXP/Limit parties, Dynamis, Besieged, and some Assault missions. SMN gives you the largest boost to your base MP and MND, adds Auto-Refresh which becomes insanely useful combined with Refresh, Ballad, HMP effects, Sanction, Evoker's & Healer's Roll, and in combination with cookies and equipment effects. The downsides are the need to have a form of Warp available to get back from a remote area, and the loss of black & elemental utility magic in favor of.. well.. a companion and Aerial Armor.
WHM/BLM - While I used this combination the most while I was still levelling WHM, it's taken a backseat to SMN's benefits. I now use this combo when I am travelling, when I specifically need Elemental Magic i.e. certain Assault missions.
WHM/RDM - I just recently started toying around with RDM, and while I'm not quite sold on it yet as a viable subjob I have used it for soloing and for situations where casting speed is most essential. Unfortunately, as an Elvaan WHM I have much more use for the MP provided by SMN.
WHM/NIN - This is by far the best setup if you're going out specifically to melee or skill up Club. It allows you to dual wield, gives a great boost to your AGI, and of course it gives you the infinitely useful Utsusemi. Toss on some melee gear and you're a beat machine. Of course, I still need to get my O-Hat, Rev Mail, Sea Robber & Kraken Clubs, Life Belt, Behemoth Rings...... O_o
WHM/WAR - Alternately, this is the best option for a WHM skilling up Staff. You get Double Attack, Berserk, Defender, extra STR and DEX.
Originally posted by Fickley
WHM/SMN - This is the combination I find myself using most often for EXP/Limit parties, Dynamis, Besieged, and some Assault missions. SMN gives you the largest boost to your base MP and MND, adds Auto-Refresh which becomes insanely useful combined with Refresh, Ballad, HMP effects, Sanction, Evoker's & Healer's Roll, and in combination with cookies and equipment effects. The downsides are the need to have a form of Warp available to get back from a remote area, and the loss of black & elemental utility magic in favor of.. well.. a companion and Aerial Armor.
WHM/BLM - While I used this combination the most while I was still levelling WHM, it's taken a backseat to SMN's benefits. I now use this combo when I am travelling, when I specifically need Elemental Magic i.e. certain Assault missions.
WHM/RDM - I just recently started toying around with RDM, and while I'm not quite sold on it yet as a viable subjob I have used it for soloing and for situations where casting speed is most essential. Unfortunately, as an Elvaan WHM I have much more use for the MP provided by SMN.
WHM/NIN - This is by far the best setup if you're going out specifically to melee or skill up Club. It allows you to dual wield, gives a great boost to your AGI, and of course it gives you the infinitely useful Utsusemi. Toss on some melee gear and you're a beat machine. Of course, I still need to get my O-Hat, Rev Mail, Sea Robber & Kraken Clubs, Life Belt, Behemoth Rings...... O_o
WHM/WAR - Alternately, this is the best option for a WHM skilling up Staff. You get Double Attack, Berserk, Defender, extra STR and DEX.