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~~WHM & Scythe~~

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  • #31
    Re: ~~WHM & Scythe~~

    Originally posted by silentsteel
    No, what we need are 2 handed hammers to do even more smashing.
    And I read ALL THE WAY THROUGH the rest of the thread to make sure I would be the first person to bring this up, and what is it the LAST POST SAYS?

    {Great Hammer} {Yes please!}

    I would so use the heck out of that. I can see it now.

    The AF would be "Baka Mallet." The relic would be "Smashing hammer" THe fully upgraded relic would be "Whitemage's Mallet"!

    Capable of hitting any blackamge anywhere at anytime (It reaches all the way around the world.)

    Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
    If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
    *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


    • #32
      Re: ~~WHM & Scythe~~

      I think rdm should get a gun that can only do damage to party members and only after they use the translater to say "(Refresh)(Can I have it?)" (Double damage if you were in the process of casting it when they say it.
      Triple damage to whm if they have a scythe equipped.
      Last edited by Hamlet; 07-27-2006, 06:08 PM.


      • #33
        Re: ~~WHM & Scythe~~

        I can see it now, new 2 hr for WHM "Benedict Weapon"

        Instead of having a drain effect it has a cure effect and heals the mob by the same amount it would normaly hit for.
        "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
        Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



        • #34
          Re: ~~WHM & Scythe~~

          Umm, alright now. All I can say is, What?

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #35
            Re: ~~WHM & Scythe~~

            Perhaps a Halloween event item, but I voted No. Be happy with your Hexastrike dammit!


            • #36
              Re: ~~WHM & Scythe~~

              I think someone has seen one too many Hawthorne Heights videos. I find it funny that the OP is trying to take the innate emoness of scythes/DRK, and transfer that to the perkiness that is the WHM.

