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Beginner levels for a weary WHM?

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  • #31
    Re: Beginner levels for a weary WHM?

    Haha, sounds interesting. I just bought my Empress band and I hit level 7, so I gotta go update my little signature thing I guess...anyways, thanks for all the advice guys


    • #32
      Re: Beginner levels for a weary WHM?

      Originally posted by Ichiba
      Oh and after like level 20.. it's impossible to kill EPs just as whm/smn or whm/blm.. Believe me.. I tried to kill a EP at level 32 (a Damselfly in Valkrum to be specific).. Sure I wasn't about to die, but you know when you can't beat the mob.. So I ran my butt off-since my mana pool was drying up.. I was chizzling away at it's health. I mean seriously... 21 tnl from level 33 and I couldn't take an EP... *Sigh* I was so mad lol.
      I've never had a problem taking out Easy Prey as WHM, all the way up to 51 so far. I mean, if you're low on MP and completely unbuffed when the fight starts, yeah, you're screwed. But if you keep your armor up to date and keep a good shield and hammer with you, it shouldn't be that bad. At 51 I use an Earth Staff, though I'm guessing a Holy Shield and hammer would end up being better.
      Ellipses on Fenrir
      There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
      . . .


      • #33
        Re: Beginner levels for a weary WHM?

        Originally posted by Ellipses
        I've never had a problem taking out Easy Prey as WHM, all the way up to 51 so far. I mean, if you're low on MP and completely unbuffed when the fight starts, yeah, you're screwed. But if you keep your armor up to date and keep a good shield and hammer with you, it shouldn't be that bad. At 51 I use an Earth Staff, though I'm guessing a Holy Shield and hammer would end up being better.
        Lol I guess I'm just a whimp then >.> I had all buffs.. like 200 mp.. Seer's Equips (Ok.. not the best.. but good nuff').. xD Yeah.. I'ma' whimp.. I didn't wanna' risk I wasn't totally sure if I could beat the fly
        World: Remora
        Race: Mithra
        Name: Ichiba
        Rank: San D'oria 4
        Job Levels Attained: Whm38, Blm22, Smn20, Thf18, War12, Mnk9
        MainLS: Pinkachu


        • #34
          Re: Beginner levels for a weary WHM?

          XD Sorry, wasn't trying to call you a wimp. I just think a lot of people get the impression that WHMs are so drastically fragile they have to run from anything that looks at them funny, so I like to present an alternate view when there are new players around. WHM can even solo Kazham keys and stuff! :D (Extraordinarily slowly.)
          Ellipses on Fenrir
          There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
          . . .


          • #35
            Re: Beginner levels for a weary WHM?

            Originally posted by Ellipses
            XD Sorry, wasn't trying to call you a wimp. I just think a lot of people get the impression that WHMs are so drastically fragile they have to run from anything that looks at them funny, so I like to present an alternate view when there are new players around. WHM can even solo Kazham keys and stuff! :D (Extraordinarily slowly.)
            xD Lol, it's okay ^^ I took no offence to it... but yeah, you're right about the whm thinking they're weak... >.> even I used to think that, but then I saw a couple of screen caps (on ffxi@Alakazahm) of this whm/nin owning Garuda prime solo. Under "YES WE CAN!" It rocked But lol thanks and wow :D Lol... when I did my Kazham keys I had a whm friend with me and we were hammering mobs to death xD it rocked.
            World: Remora
            Race: Mithra
            Name: Ichiba
            Rank: San D'oria 4
            Job Levels Attained: Whm38, Blm22, Smn20, Thf18, War12, Mnk9
            MainLS: Pinkachu


            • #36
              Re: Beginner levels for a weary WHM?

              By the way, Tivul, when your Empress Band runs out of charges in a week or so, do not throw it away. If you've accumulated at least 700 Conquest Points by that time (and you should have by then), you can trade it back to the town guards and receive a newly recharged band for 700 points, instead of buying a new one for 1000.

              Also note that you can do this as soon as you run out of charges, after using the 7th charge on the band you can return it, get it recharged and use the fresh one again right away if you so choose.



              • #37
                Re: Beginner levels for a weary WHM?

                Originally posted by Ellipses
                XD Sorry, wasn't trying to call you a wimp. I just think a lot of people get the impression that WHMs are so drastically fragile they have to run from anything that looks at them funny, so I like to present an alternate view when there are new players around. WHM can even solo Kazham keys and stuff! :D (Extraordinarily slowly.)
                I soloed my RSE as a 40 WHM. It was good times! Extremely slow and painful times, yes, but also good! Each fight was a thrilling adventure called "Will I live to see the end of this?"


                • #38
                  Re: Beginner levels for a weary WHM?

                  Ah, thanks Ice

                  If I hadn't known that, I surely would've pitched it. But now that I know, I should be getting quite a bit more exp. I have noticed a very large increase in the exp I'm currently getting with it equipped, so I'm pretty happy!

                  Another other newbie advice you guys can offer to me?


                  • #39
                    Re: Beginner levels for a weary WHM?

                    Originally posted by Aelathir
                    I soloed my RSE as a 40 WHM. It was good times! Extremely slow and painful times, yes, but also good! Each fight was a thrilling adventure called "Will I live to see the end of this?"
                    Ya, but, you're crazy.
                    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                    • #40
                      Re: Beginner levels for a weary WHM?

                      One thing I learned after about a month or so of playing was how to stack items in my inventory using the "Sort" function. I was dropping things once I got a full inventory of 30 items, but had no idea that I could put like items together until I stumbled upon that. It sure helped a lot. ^.^ You seem like you know a bit more than I do, so I'm not thinking that you need that advice, but it never hurts to throw it out there.

                      Sounds like you have got a pretty good grasp so far, and the advice given in this thread is good.
                      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                      ~I has a blog~~
                      ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                      • #41
                        Re: Beginner levels for a weary WHM?

                        Haha, thanks for the advice Aksannyi! I got the sort function down, haha. I'm a pretty fast learner, though, and I read quite a bit of the manual as well as the posts here. I'm loving this game so far (so much so I haven't had time to do the journal entry I planned to do.)


                        • #42
                          Re: Beginner levels for a weary WHM?

                          Originally posted by Tivul
                          I'm loving this game so far (so much so I haven't had time to do the journal entry I planned to do.)
                          Ya, just give up on the rest of you're life. You aren't going to have time for it.
                          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                          • #43
                            Re: Beginner levels for a weary WHM?

                            Originally posted by Tivul
                            Another other newbie advice you guys can offer to me?
                            Socialize, Socialize, Socialize.
                            Make friends. Lots of friends. Find people you can trust, and lean on them if you need help that would otherwise take you forever to do (and in turn, offer them help when you can). In the early part of the game, when you don't have the ability to travel safely from city to city, having a network of friends can help you acquire items that you couldn't otherwise get, or would have to pay a steep premium for.

                            WHMs have a lot of spells available to them. If finances are an issue (and they usually the first time around), prioritize your spending based on effectiveness. Some spells aren't useful until much later, others you can't live without. For the first 21 levels, the following spells will be of most interest to you:

                            Cure I (Lv1) - you should have started with this spell
                            Dia (Lv3) - vendor
                            Paralyze (Lv4) - AH, or dropped by low level red mage enemies
                            Barstonra (Lv5) - Jeuno vendor (get a friend to help with this)
                            Barwatera (Lv9) - Jeuno vendor (same as above)
                            Cure II (Lv11) - vendor from cities in 1st or 2nd place
                            Slow (Lv13) - AH, or dropped by low level white mage enemies
                            Silence (Lv15) - AH, or dropped by low level white mage enemies
                            Curaga (Lv16) - vendor
                            Barfira (Lv17) - Jeuno vendor (same as above barspells)
                            Blink (Lv19) - vendor
                            Regen (Lv21) - AH, can be purchased from vendor in Mhaura, but AH is usually less

                            Feel free to post here or PM me if you have other questions.



                            • #44
                              Re: Beginner levels for a weary WHM?

                              Originally posted by Mhurron
                              Ya, just give up on the rest of you're life. You aren't going to have time for it.
                              Haha that's true xD
                              World: Remora
                              Race: Mithra
                              Name: Ichiba
                              Rank: San D'oria 4
                              Job Levels Attained: Whm38, Blm22, Smn20, Thf18, War12, Mnk9
                              MainLS: Pinkachu


                              • #45
                                Re: Beginner levels for a weary WHM?

                                Originally posted by Tivul
                                Ah, gotcha, Thanks Tirrock

                                How exactly do I raise money for these spells? Are they real expensive?
                                My tips:
                                For gil, it depends where you are. You will need to spend some time farming items.

                                If your in gustaberg (area outside bastok): Go and fight Maneating Hornets on Vomp Hill, South Gustaberg, Its right outside the entrance to Bastok Markets. They'll drop Honey, 12 of these sells for 10k usually. They'll also drop Beehive chips, which on my server go for about 15k per 12 (per stack).

                                If your in ronafaur(spelling?, area outside sandoria): Kill a lot of rabbits and they'll drop Rabbit hides. You can get these very fast, and can sell up to 6k per stack on the auction houses. I farmed these for a long time because of the very high drop rate (sometimes getting 3 on some rabbits)

                                If your in sarabtirua (sorry, I cant spell this either, the area outside Windurst): Kill crawlers for Silk threads. These are very saught after by clothcrafters, and can go from 20k-50k on different servers. Currently about 30k on mine. Note, the droprate on these isnt very good, at all, but you can make some money from individual ones too. You can also kill phedro bees for their chips which sell for a bit more than Beehive chips. 30k on Ramuh, per stack.

                                Keep all crystals you find, untill you get 12 of them, then 'sort' them in the items menu if you have more than 1, to stack them. Crystals are the easiest way to make money at the very low levels because they drop a lot.

                                For leveling. When you hit 10 go to the Valkurm Dunes. Be careful on your way, Goblins will aggro you, chase you, rape you, etc. The dunes are a bit akward to find if you are very new to the game, ask a high level to bring you, and if you get a linkshell from someone along the way (anywhere), ask them to bring you to the dunes if needed. I found the dunes by being escourted. Being from Bastok, I also had to track up to San D'oria to get a map for the place, and asked someone to escourt me there (from the dunes, to la theine, to ronafaure, took some time!). Socialise as much as possible, make friends and dont be afraid to ask people in parties can you join their linkshell (preferably a popular one that has plenty of people).

                                Most people will say to go to the Dunes at 12, thats the general advice. But when your an RDM or WHM, you could go to the dunes at 9 if needed, but you might still have a bit of trouble getting a party. I always go to the dunes at 10, and I went at 8 when I lvled RDM for the first time (3rd job through the dunes, so I knew what I was doing in regards to partying). Dont be afraid to ask questions in parties, or you wont learn. People will sell their two front teeth for a white mage at those early levels, to be in their party. healers are hard to come by and everyone just wants to get the dunes over with (but your first time in the dunes will always give you fun memories )

                                Thats about it, more questions? ask
                                Server: Ramuh
                                Jobs: Dark Knight, Red Mage
                                Level: Not stated, because I can't be bothered updating 5 signatures when I level. Lets say mid levels.


