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WHM - Farming? Shaa?

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  • WHM - Farming? Shaa?

    Alright, my main is WHM41 atm.. and I'm sorry, but the tele-taxi business isn't exactly booming. Reasons:

    1) Jeuno, way too much competition, you may get one out of every 5-10 tele-requests.
    2) Al Zabi, good cash, but the frequency of tele-requests is not great.
    3) Any other area, few and far between...

    Now, I know what you're probably going to say: Level a DD. Which I am, my BLU is 16 currently, but in the meantime, how does a White Mage farm anything worthwhile? And don't say "Camp an NM" ... if you've ever been to Asura, 85% of the good NMs are constantly camped by gilsellers.

    Berlin - Asura
    Linksack: LostAngels
    Current addiction: BLU30/NIN15

  • #2
    Re: WHM - Farming? Shaa?

    It's basically the same as farming on any other job. You find an item worth money and you fight the monsters that drop them over and over. Decent low-mid level farming stuff for any job: Bees/Crawlers/Gobbue/Sheep/Dhamel. The last two work better if you have leather leveled (and bone helps with dhamel too).

    As you get higher level, the difference in killing speed between yourself and a melee job (or SMN) gets higher and higher. I don't know any high level WHM that farm as their main income. If you get tired of farming or tired of your kill speed, you could consider fishing. A 5k-10k hume rod and some insect paste and you can catch up some moat carp to sell for 10k+ a stack while leveling fishing.
    Last edited by Tirrock; 07-11-2006, 09:20 PM.
    Generic Info!


    • #3
      Re: WHM - Farming? Shaa?

      Try Pashhow Marshlands, North west corner. Leeches and Crawlers might bring in some good money.

      Good luck!


      • #4
        Re: WHM - Farming? Shaa?

        Speaking of teles, WHY is it even difficult to telewhore like you used to be able to do? Something just...happened. Now I can't make as much money as I used to. ; ;
        Almost four years experience playing FFXI. I am a Raccoon, not a Hyena--despite my name states I am one.

        Get creative and pretend these happened.
        Flaremoogles! Maester Hare HNM Fight! Charmander HNM!



        • #5
          Re: WHM - Farming? Shaa?

          Maybe RMT decided it would be a good investment?


          • #6
            Re: WHM - Farming? Shaa?

            Spend $1 for another content ID. Create a character in Windurst. Take your main to Bastok. Buy tons of cornettes (46 is enough). Mail them to the new character. Turn them in for rep. Do the 2-leaf mandragora bud + bird feather quest. Buy the Test Answers on the Windurst AH. Complete the Aspir quest. Sell Aspir on the Jeuno AH. Result: +170k for 1.25 hours work. Delete Windurst character. Repeat process.

            I tried farming leeches/crawlers with thf sub. In an hour I got 3 blood and 3 silk with no competition. Even if I double that it's only 50k or so an hour.


            • #7
              Re: WHM - Farming? Shaa?

              Originally posted by Moaku Hyena
              Speaking of teles, WHY is it even difficult to telewhore like you used to be able to do? Something just...happened. Now I can't make as much money as I used to. ; ;
              Who wants to wait to get places when they can Airship>OP warp or choco to anywhere and get a hell of a lot closer to where they want to be then a teleport will usually get them

              There are lots of areas to farm and not all of them are going to be heavily camped. There's the Maze of Shakhrami or Buburimu Peninsula in addition to Sarutabaruta for Silk Thread, with the drop rate appearing to be higher in Shakhrami. There's Bees in Giddeus and funguars in Jugner. Silk Thread, Beehive Chips and sleepshrooms all sell pretty fast.

              After that, when you get a little bit of gil you might want to consider leveling a craft. Fishing as has been mentioned already is profitable right off, and can be at just about every stage of leveling if you choose your fish right. Alchemy also is usually profitable right from the start, though not as much as Fishing is, but will pay off as you get higher.
              I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

              HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



              • #8
                Re: WHM - Farming? Shaa?

                Originally posted by Mhurron
                Who wants to wait to get places when they can Airship>OP warp or choco to anywhere and get a hell of a lot closer to where they want to be then a teleport will usually get them

                There are lots of areas to farm and not all of them are going to be heavily camped. There's the Maze of Shakhrami or Buburimu Peninsula in addition to Sarutabaruta for Silk Thread, with the drop rate appearing to be higher in Shakhrami. There's Bees in Giddeus and funguars in Jugner. Silk Thread, Beehive Chips and sleepshrooms all sell pretty fast.

                After that, when you get a little bit of gil you might want to consider leveling a craft. Fishing as has been mentioned already is profitable right off, and can be at just about every stage of leveling if you choose your fish right. Alchemy also is usually profitable right from the start, though not as much as Fishing is, but will pay off as you get higher.

                Drop rates in both places suck. I only go to either one when one of my high-level thf friends is okay with leaving his character logged in overnight so I can use his TH2. I leave quartermaster off and let his inventory fill up with silk for his trouble, which is probably why he's okay with it so often.

                I used to make a large amount of gil harvesting in East Sarutabaruta, and more recently I've gone mining in Gusgen (And possibly soon will go mining in Ifrit's Cauldron, when I get my level a bit more secure)

                I'm also currently gardening tree cuttings, growing them up into saplings. I stagger my pots out so I get a harvest every few days, and that gives me plenty of time to rustle up cuttings to refill my pots with. You'll never get a stack of tree cuttings out of Pashow, but you can get two or three with relatively little trouble.

                I'll also snag the occasional teleport if the opportunity presents itself, although if the price offered is insanely high I'm more likely to have pity on the person needing a port than on my own flat wallet.

                Another good thing to farm is the gob archaeologist, or he was back when gold coins were worth something on my server. He drops without Treasure Hunter, occasionally gives you EXP (And occasionally takes it away) and can be popped with the junk you were going to throw away anyway. With Barfira and Stoneskin, and the infamous goblin weakness to divine magic, he's some pretty ideal fodder (although I suggest being in your 60's or he'll pop too high-leveled for you to handle him alot of the time)

                Basicalyl, I accumulate many small amounts of gil to pool larger amounts together.

                Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
                If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
                *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


                • #9
                  Re: WHM - Farming? Shaa?

                  I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I still make good money teleporting. Treat it like NM camping. Soon as I've warped to Jeuno and /healed, I have "/sea " typed in and am staring at the chat log. Type the first few letters of a prospective customer's name, enter, down to them in the list, enter, up, enter. I'd say I miss out on 1/20 clients. I've been (indirectly) accused of botting and slapped by a few other WHMs. 'Course I have a nice, fast connection, too, so that might be a factor.

                  Anyway... Outside of teleports, I used to farm sheepskins and turn them into sheep leather on the fly, plus beehive chips, in Konschtat. This also landed me about a dozen Stray Maries, one of which actually dropped a horn. There are several low-level crafting recipes that turn a pretty good profit (besides sheep leather), too. If you can invest in Cooking to 11 and Alchemy to 28, Sairui-Ran is pretty gewd.

                  If you're going to farm at all, and you don't already have it, get THF to 15.
                  Ellipses on Fenrir
                  There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                  . . .


                  • #10
                    Re: WHM - Farming? Shaa?

                    Originally posted by Ellipses
                    I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I still make good money teleporting. Treat it like NM camping. Soon as I've warped to Jeuno and /healed, I have "/sea " typed in and am staring at the chat log. Type the first few letters of a prospective customer's name, enter, down to them in the list, enter, up, enter. I'd say I miss out on 1/20 clients. I've been (indirectly) accused of botting and slapped by a few other WHMs. 'Course I have a nice, fast connection, too, so that might be a factor.
                    That's pretty much exactly what I was going to say. ^-^ With some practice, it's easy to claim most of the teleports that pop ;D

                    As for farming, get out there and cap that club skill. You're 41, so you have your Blessed Hammer, right? Find a melee or two to skill up with and get your club as close to 120ish as you possibly can. You'll surprise yourself with how well you'll be able to farm stuff. Bees and crawlers in tahrongi, crawlers in the maze, and even the stuff in Passhow will go down quickly.


                    • #11
                      Re: WHM - Farming? Shaa?

                      My advice is think first about what you enjoy in this game. Then think about how you can make gil by doing it. I'm a big fan of "killing two birds with one stone".

                      When I solo for XPs, I pick mobs that drop things that I can synth for skill and/or use. Other drops, I just AH. More Beastman Seals are an added bonus.

                      When I want to just relax and chat with people on the linkshell, I fish in Port Jeuno for Black Sole.

                      If I'm looking for a particular drop from Too Weak mobs, since I know the drop rate will be low (even with TH1), I try to choose a weapon that I can still skill up on. Or I combine the farming with a quest.

                      All of these earn me money while not making me bored out of my skull. Tele-taxiing has never been "my thing" but others I know really love it because they like interacting with new players even if it's only for a short time. Theoretically, Tele-taxiing could be paired with crafting, but that would be tough if your server is very competitive for customers.

                      Of course, if your enjoyment is making the most gil possible, then I'm sorry I can't help more because gil has never been that important to me. ><; I play this game on "relaxed" (but not "gimp") mode.
                      They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


                      • #12
                        Re: WHM - Farming? Shaa?

                        Originally posted by Berlin
                        1) Jeuno, way too much competition, you may get one out of every 5-10 tele-requests.
                        2) Al Zabi, good cash, but the frequency of tele-requests is not great.
                        3) Any other area, few and far between...
                        Lol What!?!? In ragnarok, it is incredibly difficult to find a teleport sometimes. I've shouted for 10k tele vhaz and came back with no response. You can literally charge 5k for a tele to the 3 main crags and still get tons of business.


                        • #13
                          Re: WHM - Farming? Shaa?

                          Oh, also, don't rule out fishing or HELM. Back in the day I'd switch among mining, fishing, crafting, and farming to keep myself from getting bored with any one thing. Even Zeruhn Mines can be nicely profitable, especially with field gear. I don't know why, but I always find any money-making activity that isn't farming more relaxing than farming.
                          Ellipses on Fenrir
                          There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                          . . .


                          • #14
                            Re: WHM - Farming? Shaa?

                            I enjoy tele-farming and I make a lot doing it. It's good practice to increase your words/min too

                            I integrate /pcmd into my warp macro as well as /wait so I'll be comfortably healing in Jeuno as I search for more teleport requests. 100k/hr is my current average.

                            Elffy the untamed beast... ...master!
                            Paragon of Beastmaster Excellence
                            Paragon of White Mage Excellence
                            Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
                            My quest for a very full wardrobe continues...


                            • #15
                              Re: WHM - Farming? Shaa?

                              farming is not the only way to make money. gardening, HELM, crafting, fishing -- they all make steady income if you know what you are doing

                              Thanks Yyg!

