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New to game, new to job.....

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  • New to game, new to job.....

    What foods should I be interested in as i level.

    I'm at 9, and have been using melon or apple pies for the MP boost, but now that my "natural" MP is over 100, healing is a tad longer than it takes my wifes thief to heal up her health.

    So, should I flop to a juice or something to raise my MP regen rate?
    If so, which ones should I look at getting?

  • #2
    Re: New to game, new to job.....

    Originally posted by Telal
    What foods should I be interested in as i level.

    I'm at 9, and have been using melon or apple pies for the MP boost, but now that my "natural" MP is over 100, healing is a tad longer than it takes my wifes thief to heal up her health.

    So, should I flop to a juice or something to raise my MP regen rate?
    If so, which ones should I look at getting?
    Well if you have the inventory space, the effects from pies and juices will stack.
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • #3
      Re: New to game, new to job.....

      juice will be prohibitivily expensive and inventory choking, unless you level it high enough to make Pineapple juice yourself (which is still a big dent in your wallet)

      What i'd recommend are Ginger Cookies, they enhance the MP you recover while you're healing, are cheap, and last a long time (a stack will last you 455minutes, iirc).

      If you like +MP but you need a boost, there are foods that will do both of those, but they are rather expensive for your level


      • #4
        Re: New to game, new to job.....

        cookies /'A'/
        There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
        but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
        transform a yellow spot into the sun.

        - Pablo Picasso


        • #5
          Re: New to game, new to job.....

          It's probably best to stick with the pies. You really can never have enough MP. Or cookies if you feel like you have enough MP already. There's mushroom foods too, gives you a little MP and a little +HMP. They're sold from the Cooking guild pretty cheap.

          What you want to do though is not insist on having a full MP bar for every fight. Watch your MP usage over a few fights and see how much on average you use. Then figure out how much over that your comfortable with and tell them to go out and pull at that MP level. By the time the puller comes back you've probably had a tick or two more and are even closer to full health. After a few battles tell them to hold on for a full heal.

          It seems kind of bad, but at low levels you will be the cause of most of a parties downtime. It can't be helped though. Your best way to of set that is to have a second whm or have a rdm who can help you heal the party.

          Oh, and use your bar-a spells when needed as you get them, (barwatera on crabs, barfira on gobs and whatnot) they will save you a lot of healing.
          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



          • #6
            Re: New to game, new to job.....

            At that level, definitely ginger cookies. Inexpensive, effective, and lasts a good long while for a stack (plus if you're Windurstian you can usually buy them from the vendors for a very low price in Windurst Waters).



            • #7
              Re: New to game, new to job.....

              Oh i dont' instist on having Full MP to start a fight, i just say "go hit it, i have 30MP" or something.

              It works out pretty well, the wife and I, complete newbs to FFXI, 9 lvls in 2.5 days(not total play time, but real 2.5 days), and like 4 deaths, 2 of which were "odd" to me, but learning experiences (1 really funny)...

              <Inserting Funny Story Here>
              We were running around fighting stuff, as you do, and i'm looking around my menu's and the like, because i'm a newb, and we are fighitng 2 goblins, i think a digger and a weaver.

              Anyway, I'm looking around my menus while fighting, because that makes sense for a newb to do, you know! So i'm like "Abilities" hmmm Job Abilities.. WOO what's Benediction???

              So i hit enter, and blamo WHM Pancake I had a good chuckle.
              <stop funny story>

              So ginger cookies?

              I'm not rich but i've made 30ish k gil selling my crystals, goblin masks, yagudo necklaces ect.


              • #8
                Re: New to game, new to job.....

                It depends.

                There are people who value MP more than stats, sometimes quantity is well over quality, depends on your play style.

                If you have the coin to spare, get em juices.

                For now i'd say stick with pies, use cookies if you have a PLD or WAR tank, since youll want to get MP faster. So get a stock of pies and cookies, so you'll be ready for any situation.

                I dont know about your server, but on ragnarok a hi-ether tank is about 20k gil. If you manage to get that ammount of gil easily (doesnt sound so hard anymore, since prices for lower stuff are rampant, nowadays 20k is nothing), i'd suggest getting one of those, if you ever have any MP problems, an hi-ether will solve your problems instantly, in this case you can skip juices which will get much expensive in the long run, and it will help alot in a pinch, allowing you to eat any food you like, pies or cookies.

                If you need tips to farm... a stack of rabbit hides sits ridiculously at 5-10k gil, i remember those at 400gil per stack.

                Crystals are crazy too, any type...

                Get out there and whack-a-rabbit with your wooden spoon of doomshite.
                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                • #9
                  Re: New to game, new to job.....

                  If he was on midgard I'd turn his water crystals into juices for him for skillups....

                  Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
                  If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
                  *There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*


                  • #10
                    Re: New to game, new to job.....

                    If it's not prohibitively adventurous, get your ginger cookies from the first-place nation. Whoever is in first gets the traveling circus, and along with it a vendor that sells them cheap. If you're in Windurst, and Windurst isn't in first, you could also go with Acorn Cookies instead. They're available at the Rarab Tail Hostelry in Windurst Waters. They don't give as much +HMP as Ginger Cookies, but they give enough you'll notice it at that level.

                    Personally, I'm all about cheap food at those levels, if any.
                    Ellipses on Fenrir
                    There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                    . . .


                    • #11
                      Re: New to game, new to job.....

                      another thing you may want to consider is Grilled Hare. I know it might seem off for a mage, but if you and your wife are eating it, it will speed up your kills considerably, not to mention that it's cheap, and you can make it yourself even with 0 cooking skill (and it'll get you to 2 or 3 as well)

                      It lasts 3hrs as well, so one hare will last you awhile, unless you die.


                      • #12
                        Re: New to game, new to job.....

                        Some kind of meat dish (Grilled Hare/Meat Jerky) is probably a good suggestion at this point, if you're just duoing with your wife (which is what you are doing). It made my solo levels go a lot faster than cookies or pie ever did.

