Well I have to say when I went after this for my Whm we had 10 people..Well a friend of mine Rainsong needed his Healers Briault and we couldnt get no Help for it..So me Rdm 75 and my Roomate a 75 BST and 75 SMN decided to try it anyway ..Well the Whm hid while I keeped enfeebles on it, Bst called Carrie out and Smn called Carby..Bst and Smn Kited it back and Forth, I keeped enfeebles and refreshed the SMN..And after 10 mins we beat that with just 3 people and the Whm stayed out of site till it was over ..I thought that was a good accomplishment, Seeing is when I did it it took 10 and 2 People died...So if you cant get a Party Gathered for it..Try this Setup you wont be dissapointed...
