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Replacing my Doublet

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  • Replacing my Doublet

    I've just gone out and upgraded all my clothing gear except for my body and waist. I looked at the new gear that is availible for body and the only piece that seemed suitable was a Priest's Robe but costs around 150k and there is no way I can afford it. So do I really need to replace my doublet? And if so what cheaper alternative is there?

    As for my waist there where two items that seemed suitable, a silver obi and some other thing which gives +12MP and -2 enmity or something similar. The silver obi costs 15k which is about the same as I spent on the rest of my gear and only gives me +1 defence on what I already have. The other items sems good and costs around 50k which Is out of my price range but I could save up for it. Actually now I think of it there was some Priest rope or something similar but that was also awfully expensive.


  • #2
    Re: Replacing my Doublet

    The Friar's Rope is easy to quest once you have the fame to get it.

    I saved up and got the Priest's Robe for level 19, as it was only one or two nights of farming beehive chips. If you want to go cheap, there's always the Trader's Saio, which is higher DEF at least, though that might not be that much cheaper on your server.
    Ellipses on Fenrir
    There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
    . . .


    • #3
      Re: Replacing my Doublet

      Wouldn't worry about the body armor there.

      Important pieces to get:

      Baron's Slops: +1 MP recovery while healing, level 20. These are very pricy but worth it, as they're one of the few ways to increase your MP recovery at low levels, and they'll be useful for the rest of your career as a mage.

      Pilgrim's Wand: If you haven't already acquired this item, go camp out in West Sarutabaruta and get it (it's free, and easily acquired).

      Seer's Tunic: The normal quality version of this is fine. +1 version only has +1MP and +1 Defense, which don't merit the exorbitant cost. Level 29.

      As mentioned above, Friar's Rope is more than adequate at your current level - you shouldn't really have to upgrade it much, if at all until at least level 40 when Powerful Rope becomes available.



      • #4
        Re: Replacing my Doublet

        How is the +1 HMP on the Baron's Slops important, worth it, and useful, while the +1 HMP on the Seer's Tunic is exhorbitant and unmerited?
        Ellipses on Fenrir
        There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
        . . .


        • #5
          Re: Replacing my Doublet

          Originally posted by Ellipses
          How is the +1 HMP on the Baron's Slops important, worth it, and useful, while the +1 HMP on the Seer's Tunic is exhorbitant and unmerited?
          The NQ Seer's Tunic already has HMP+1, which the HQ Seer's Tunic+1 does not improve on.

          The NQ Trader's Slops do not have HMP+1 which is why the HQ is important there.



          • #6
            Re: Replacing my Doublet

            Originally posted by Icemage
            The NQ Seer's Tunic already has HMP+1, which the HQ Seer's Tunic+1 does not improve on.

            The NQ Trader's Slops do not have HMP+1 which is why the HQ is important there.

            Oh. My. God. How I managed to not notice that when I was saving up for my HQ Seer's Tunic is beyond me.

            Looks like I've got a body piece to trade in.
            Ellipses on Fenrir
            There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
            . . .


            • #7
              Re: Replacing my Doublet

              The Priest's Robe is the main ingredient for making the Bishop's Robe, hence the expense. Nobody will fault you if you can't afford it. If you do feel the need to upgrade you can save for the Trader's Saio, but even that is expensive since it uses red moko cloth and thread. Another option is to just tough it out to 23 and get the cotton doublet or great doublet which are dirt cheap in comparison.

              As for your waist, like posted above, go for the Friar's Rope. You'll need to start building your Sandy fame anyway since you'll be doing your teleport scrolls around level 35-40. The quest information for the Friar's Rope is here if you choose to accept it.

              When you do get to level 25 I would highly recommend the Mycophile Cuffs. They will carry you pretty much to your AF gloves. They are also free (except the expense of buying the mushrooms) and are dropped by the spawned NM Mycrophile.

              You may also want to try for the Fasting Ring, another spawned NM drop, if you want to boost your mp but can't afford the Astral Ring.
              The last remaining evil white mage on Ramuh.
              Killing tanks since 2004

              Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey
              "I can picture in my mind a world without war,
              a world without hate.
              And I can picture us attacking that world,
              because they'd never expect it."


              • #8
                Re: Replacing my Doublet

                Ok, when I run out of ginger cookies, I'll head off to Windhurst can fight my first NM! It's a pitty I never knew this earlier as I was just in Wundhurst getting my justice badge. I can then go and get that rope although I'm not too sure about how to get fame. I'll see if I can get a friend to help kill the other NM too.

                Thanks for the help.


                • #9
                  Re: Replacing my Doublet

                  Generally, you do quests to get fame. I recommend doing a large variety of San d'Oria quests, just because the stories and rewards can be kind of neat. But if quick fame is the only thing you're interested in, Fear of the Dark, Starting a Flame, and The Merchant's Bidding are all repeatable with items that are either cheap or easily farmed.
                  Ellipses on Fenrir
                  There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
                  . . .


                  • #10
                    Re: Replacing my Doublet

                    Instead of Mycophile, I'd personally reccomend getting Devotee's Mitts. The +5 MND at such a low level is really nice, especially since WHM can actually get Slow and Paralyze to stick a bit in the lower levels. As for the Doublet, I'd just wait until 24 or so when the next Doublet become available (Cotton Doublet I believe). After that, Seer's Tunic is your best bet for a while.
                    RDM 75 - SMN 72 - WHM 37 - BLM 37 - DRK 37 -
                    Bastok Rank 10 Completed
                    Rise of the Zilart 16 "The Celestial Nexus"
                    Chains of Promathia 8 - 1 "Garden of Antiquity"
                    Treasures of Aht Urghan 13 "Lost Kingdom"


                    • #11
                      Re: Replacing my Doublet

                      Originally posted by Gwynn
                      Instead of Mycophile, I'd personally reccomend getting Devotee's Mitts. The +5 MND at such a low level is really nice, especially since WHM can actually get Slow and Paralyze to stick a bit in the lower levels. As for the Doublet, I'd just wait until 24 or so when the next Doublet become available (Cotton Doublet I believe). After that, Seer's Tunic is your best bet for a while.
                      I agree. I used Mycophile Cuffs for two levels on my WHM. They're better for BLM, even though it's only INT+1, the Enmity-1 and MND+2 could help while backup curing. The MND+ and MP+ on the Devotee's lasted me right up to my AF hands... and they could possibly even be better than my AF hands. >.>'

