I was partying in Caedarva Mire (which is great EXP by the way for 55-57), and the SMN told me that I should be wearing Crow/Raven gear instead of my AF [except for the hands when I get there]. Now, I know Enmity- is important, but is it important enough to toss the AF I've worked so hard on getting? 
First of all, the Crow/Raven set has massive Enmity- that I would never generally need. I'm not Cure IVing every 5 seconds. Every time the Ninja's shadows went down and he got interrupted, I Flashed instead of Cure IVing him, then Cure III'd and Regen II'd. She (the SMN) said that if I had the Crow/Raven set, I could go right for the Cure IV. Do I really need more Enmity- than the Enmity-10 on the AF?

First of all, the Crow/Raven set has massive Enmity- that I would never generally need. I'm not Cure IVing every 5 seconds. Every time the Ninja's shadows went down and he got interrupted, I Flashed instead of Cure IVing him, then Cure III'd and Regen II'd. She (the SMN) said that if I had the Crow/Raven set, I could go right for the Cure IV. Do I really need more Enmity- than the Enmity-10 on the AF?