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Maat - how do you guys do it?

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  • #16
    Re: Maat - how do you guys do it?

    Originally posted by little ninja
    how can you guys stand those kinds of fights for 10 mins? my first fight was with nin. 1:58 an maat gave up. i cant see doing it for another 8 mins.
    It's good practice for those marathon HNM sessions.

    What? You don't believe me?


    • #17
      Re: Maat - how do you guys do it?

      I simply got lucky on my WHM Maat. I had the testimony and I decided I may as well do it. I took 3 or 4 hi-potions, and a yagudo drink. I had echo drops from HNM stuff already. Good thing I had them too, since I got silenced after benediction was down.

      I believe the fight ended with about 4.5k HP healed for me. He gave up after I was out of items/MP with about 200HP left, and the only WS I ate was combo.

      I just did the tried and true method of WHM Maat... - physical damage taken items. Earth staff and JSE earring, then keeping myself alive.
      Generic Info!


      • #18
        Re: Maat - how do you guys do it?

        Originally posted by Aeni
        It's good practice for those marathon HNM sessions.

        What? You don't believe me?
        lol when your bst nothing seems like a marathon. then again it only seems like it when i seem to die when its under 20% hp. ahhh good ol mischarms...

        Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


        • #19
          Re: Maat - how do you guys do it?

          I did it at 66 myself, and won on my first try. Took 9 minutes and 3 seconds, but only cuz I wasted a bunch of time at the beginning. I buffed up, rested, then went to pull him with Paralyze... only to hit the wrong macro and cast Cure V on him instead. >< Luckily that doesn't draw aggro, so I sat back down and rested my MP back, then pulled with Paralyze for real. It didn't stick, but oh well. Basically, I just kited him around, curing when necessary. Didn't bother Erasing Dia II, as he seemed to recast it immediately whenever I Erased it. Drank Blinding Potions to get the Evasion+30 from dual Bat Earrings, and used one Hi-Ether and 2 Yagudo Drinks during the fight. I also used a Tavnazian Taco at the start. Here's what my equipment looked like:

          Earth Staff
          Holy Ampulla
          Empress Hairpin
          Spirit Torque
          Bat Earring x2
          Crow Jupon
          Crow Bracers
          Ether Ring
          Astral Ring
          Dodge Cape
          Druid's Rope
          Crow Hose
          Healer's Duckbills

          As far as useful stats from that set up (including the taco), I got VIT+10, Physical damage taken -20%, MP+100, Evasion+68, AGI+10, Spell interruption rate -30%, and Defense +25%.

          Rank 10 All Nations
          Zilart/CoP/ToAU Complete
          Assault Rank: Captain
          Campaign Rank: Wings of Honor ∮∮∮∮
          Unique Quests complete: 465
          Maps Obtained: 79/79


          • #20
            Re: Maat - how do you guys do it?

            ya, from what I've heard, its 5 min from the time that maat starts attacking you, so the sooner you have him attacking you, the sooner you can win. =P

            Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

            Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

            80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


            • #21
              Re: Maat - how do you guys do it?

              Originally posted by little ninja
              how can you guys stand those kinds of fights for 10 mins? my first fight was with nin. 1:58 an maat gave up. i cant see doing it for another 8 mins.
              Pfft, I barely got my win on the first round. My Maat WHM battle lasted 9:30min. I did this @ lvl 69. All that mattered to me was that I won.


              • #22
                Re: Maat - how do you guys do it?

                2 Bat earrings (Evasion +15 each when blinded, total evasion +30)
                Electrum ring (MP +20 HP -20)
                Medicine Ring (Latent effect Cure potency +10% this kicks in when my HP is in yellow or lower this really helped) (See strategy why)
                Emperor hairpin (+15 extra evasion really helped, he missed me a lot)(Borrowed)
                Earth Staff
                AF Body Hands Legs Feet
                Ajari Necklace
                Druid's Rope (Spell interuption rate down is sweet)

                Tavnazian Taco
                Yagudo drinks/Melon Juice.

                Hi Ether
                Blinding potions. (Combo with the bat earrings)
                Echo drops (Negate Silence, never ever leave your mog without these!)

                I went in naked, (I don't know if the rumors are true but they say he get's the same stats as you the way you enter the BC)
                I geared up, buffed up (Protect + Shell), Rested full, stoneskin + Blink + Aquaveil and pop my Yagudo drink.
                Ate the Tavnazian taco. (eating PLD food on whm feels weird but it really helps)
                I wait a bit for the drink to refresh me to almost full, run to him pop a Blinding potion and pull him with Slow. (Didn't stick tho)
                I just stood there and let him hit me and cast on me, I waited till my HP was about half way and only used Cure IV to cure myself. (every 3/5 hits)
                When your HP goes yellow or lower the medicine ring acts as a light staff. (In exp it adds up to your light staff, very sweet)
                When the yagudo drink wore I popped a Melon Juice.
                I kept standing and timing cures.
                He silenced me once near the end but that's where the echo drops kick in. (Again never leave home without them casters)

                I never used my Hi Ether, Never had to use Benediction and he gave up while I had 133 MP left.
                He never hit me for more then 90 points or 130 at a crit.
                He missed about 30% of the hits.
                He never WSed and I think I have cured myself for about 2/2.5k HP.
                Actual gil spent on the fight 12k

                I agree with most people to try at 68/70 ish.
                My first try was at 67 and I lost horribly, he got off a lot of critical hits and finally Howling Fisted me to death.
                This was my second try, now at 70, I skilled up a bit on evasion and enhancing magic in the mean time and that made this fight a lot easier.
                Quetzalcoatl Server | WHM 80 | SMN 76 | NIN 75


                • #23
                  Re: Maat - how do you guys do it?

                  I went in naked too, but I used Vile Elixer +1 as one of my meds and I won after about like 6 mins I think


                  • #24
                    Re: Maat - how do you guys do it?

                    This is how I did it...


                    • #25
                      Re: Maat - how do you guys do it?

                      Maybe I am just a scrooge but I took the cheap approach.

                      1) Ignored DEF / Evasion / anything Allakazham mentioned, just used normal AF and no HP->MP equipment.
                      2) Went in on light day with the latent effect earing (I think its earing) that gives Cures +10% when in yellow HP and Light Staff. +30% on cures was very nice.
                      3) Stoneskin + Blink, eat max MP food. Rest.
                      4) Ran up to Maat. Cast Silence, which of course didn't stick.
                      5) Cure III'd alot, odd Cure V and a Benidiction.
                      6) Ate three quarters of a stack of Mulsums and drank a few Yag drinks, two Hi-Ethers at most.
                      7) 7-8 minutes later he gave up.

                      Not very difficult even for a Taru.
                      - Never Underestimate The Power Of A Duck!
                      Dux Dux, Lallafel, Odin
                      My Profile On Lodestone


                      • #26
                        Re: Maat - how do you guys do it?

                        Camp LoO for a week, and club him to death.
                        Character: Jememy 75WHM/75BLM/37SMN/37DRK/37RDM/37NIN
                        Rank 10 Bastok
                        ZM: Complete
                        COP: Complete Tamas Ring
                        Sever: Gilgamesh
                        Linkshell: IZergGenbu
                        Aristocrat's Coat: O
                        Cleric's Briault: O


                        • #27
                          Re: Maat - how do you guys do it?

                          Originally posted by Jememytehpwnor
                          Camp LoO for a week, and club him to death.
                          Camp LoO for a week, and be Asuran Fisted to death before you do 10% damage.

                          At least you'll die rich!

                          "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

                          My job levels and goals.

