I am curently using Errant gear until i get beter gear out there like AF2 or Nobles(one day...). However i am curious to what other players have of this when resting. Would the Refresh on V.Cloak/AF2/Nobles be better for resting? Or should i macro in Errant body for that extra Healing MP +5 instead?
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Refresh vs Healing MP+
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Re: Refresh vs Healing MP+
I would wear errant only when there is a long long downtime to sit and rest. else i'll just keep refresh gear on.There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: Refresh vs Healing MP+
I read somewhere (might have been here) that Errant is just a smidge better for healing mp. I guess if you look at the big picture over a long exp session it would be more impressive but it never did impress me too much. I just use my Nobles on whm, Verm on rdm, or Black Cloak on blm. Buggers to carrying so much gear that I can't get any of the good loot drops!Originally posted by FebaBut I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.Originally posted by TaskmageGod I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.Originally posted by DakAttack...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.
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Re: Refresh vs Healing MP+
I dont know, with Dark Staff and a H.Belt, Errant gives me a grand total of Healing MP+17, and add in Ginger Cookies(+4?) too.
So i am wondering..is the Refresh worth it? Or should i focus on the the +5?
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Re: Refresh vs Healing MP+
It takes 6 mini-ticks for your first healing tick to kick in, so an auto-refresh item like Noble's Tunic gives you 6MP before you ever see your first +5 bonus from Errant Houppelande, and you still gain 3 MP each healing tick cycle from auto-refresh, so you really don't pull ahead with Errant gear until around the 40 second mark.
After 10 seconds: Refresh +3, Errant +0
After 20 seconds: Refresh +6, Errant +5
After 30 seconds: Refresh +9, Errant +10
After 33 seconds: Refresh +10, Errant +10 (break even point)
After 40 seconds: Refresh +12, Errant +15
Errant gains +2 advantage every 10 seconds after that.
Also note that if you're really insane you can swap in an auto-refresh armor for the non-healing mini-ticks, and errant for the healing ticks (using macros), and net yourself +7 MP per healing tick cycle.
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Re: Refresh vs Healing MP+
Dun dun dun DUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!! It's SuperIcemage! LOL I knew you would swoop in to the rescue!Originally posted by FebaBut I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.Originally posted by TaskmageGod I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.Originally posted by DakAttack...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.
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Re: Refresh vs Healing MP+
It kinda evens out in day to day operations, but at the same time heavly depends on pt/alliance and personal strat.
Hmp obviously favored for prolong sitting, and you can use that to your favor. A team set up with say a pld/rdm like combo, you can very easily sit half the fight without curing, and then hit it up with multiple C5s or like, then rest (ala blm finisher style)
If you got to be up more, noble is a great thing.
I favor noble often for what I do. Even having both...it's very pain in the rear to switch.
There is also the fact you can get a noble before you get an errant =p
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Re: Refresh vs Healing MP+
I use Errant, Baron's slops, and a Dark staff. I find it works great. Never really had the NEED for a Noble's yet, although I'd never turn one down.lol I know the slops don't make a HUGE difference, but I think it looks nice with the other two together :D
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Re: Refresh vs Healing MP+
I heard healer's roll can give up to +9 hmp .... ._. sounds really crazyThere are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: Refresh vs Healing MP+
I don't even think I'm going to get a nobles or vermillion when I get to that level. I'm leveling summoner on the side, not to mention I eat snoll rolanberry things and I craft yag drinks. Then most of the time in parties we either get a rdm, a bard or a corsair. So for me, getting the nobles or vermillion isn't worth it cause I already have auto-refresh, then stacked with juices and corsairs or bards songs my mp refresh rate is fast, not to mention resting with the dark staff. So I think I'm a pretty efficient mage, level your cooking skill up to 60 and dump the idea of getting nobles or vermillion, level your summoner to go with whm and you're set IMO.
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Re: Refresh vs Healing MP+
Auto-Refresh from Noble's Tunic and Vermillion Cloak stacks with the trait - you get 2MP/tick from the combination if using WHM/SMN.
Crafting drinks becomes a hindrance rather than a help at level 51+. With Dark Staff and other +hMP items available, you lose more MP due to time spent crafting than rather than resting than you can justify with the drinks you produce.
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Re: Refresh vs Healing MP+
Levelling whm, I had the fortune to have a Vermy available to me. The only time I would use it (aside from putting on after teleporting somewhere and enroute to camp to try to get some of that mp back) was when my MP was exceptionally low and I needed to get it back slightly faster (this is levels 59-69, before I received my Noble's. I was wearing AF and popping cookies, for the most part). Other than that, if a chain was close to completion and I was low on mp, I'd toss it on to try and get some extra mp so as not to lose the chain on my account.
Since I dinged 72, I have my Dark Staff, Hierarch Belt, and Errant body macro'd in to my resting macro. As long as I can sit for at least 30 seconds, I'll leave the Errant body on util that mp is full, otherwise I just toss the Noble's on after sitting to try to get whatever I can back.
note: I do play primarily as whm/blm, so I do not have /smn's auto-refresh effect.
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