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V-Cloak, Worth It?

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  • #46
    Re: V-Cloak, Worth It?

    Not 100% sure what the accuracy boost from Sword Madrigal is, but it's noticeable - seems to be somewhere around +7.
    From the testing I did I could only narrow it down to more than 5 and less than 10, so 6 to 9. 7 or 8 would be logical because it is half of the normal full base of +15.
    Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


    • #47
      Re: V-Cloak, Worth It?

      VCs are 9m-10m on our server, Icemage. >_>a I've considered getting rid of mine so I could buy a noble's tunic, but I still use VC on SMN sometimes. I lack yinyang robe, thanks to being unable to get help to fight it most of the time. Plus maintenances after maintenances keeping it during times when the people I can get to help are either asleep or at work...

      I think VCs are useful...but overpriced for what they do, unless you have multiple jobs that uses a VC or you do level 60 cap stuff a lot (or have a lot of excess money)...there's not much reason in buying one. I certainly don't expect a WHM or SMN to have a VC when I invite them into a group.
      Generic Info!


      • #48
        Re: V-Cloak, Worth It?

        VC is too expensive and rare to expect anyone to have, but any WHM who says it doesn't make a difference should try playing another job up to level 59+ and watch the difference in performance for themselves between mages that have it and those that don't.

        P.S. I should have sold my VC back in January when it ticked up to about 19M I would have, too, if I'd just spent some more time levelling RDM to 75, but eh... there's always next year. I expect the same gil flood will happen around Christmas again...



        • #49
          Re: V-Cloak, Worth It?

          Personally, I decided no, it's not worth it.

          My reasoning? Evasion Down in exchange for a 1mp/tick refresh? I sub SMN, so I already get a refresh like that. Granted, 2 would make a good bit more of a difference, but the Eva down and no headpiece doesn't outweigh it.

          Here's how I look at it:

          Def: 46 MP: 10 Adds "Refresh" Effect Evasion: -10 MP: 1%

          from vermy versus

          Def: 61 MP: 28 MND: 4 Vs. Dark: 15 Enmity: -5 Vs. Wind: 10 Enfeebling Magic Skill: 10

          from AF hat and body.

          MP not withstanding, Vs wind mean resists on silence. Vs dark means resistance vs sleep and aspir/drain. Plus a much needed MND boost, more DEF, and Emnity down. So, with a vermy cloak, I have more chance of drawing hate (no Emnity down), and if I DO get hate, I'll have less chance to evade it. Not worth a +1mp/tick to me.

          Then again, that's just my opinion.
          Kindadarii (Bahamut)
          90PUP / 90SMN / 90BRD / 90WHM / 59DNC
          70.3 + 2 Woodworking
          52.2 Synergy

          Breeding Chocobos? Visit to find chocobos in your area!


          • #50
            Re: V-Cloak, Worth It?

            Originally posted by KingOfZeal
            Personally, I decided no, it's not worth it.

            My reasoning? Evasion Down in exchange for a 1mp/tick refresh? I sub SMN, so I already get a refresh like that. Granted, 2 would make a good bit more of a difference, but the Eva down and no headpiece doesn't outweigh it.

            Here's how I look at it:

            Def: 46 MP: 10 Adds "Refresh" Effect Evasion: -10 MP: 1%

            from vermy versus

            Def: 61 MP: 28 MND: 4 Vs. Dark: 15 Enmity: -5 Vs. Wind: 10 Enfeebling Magic Skill: 10

            from AF hat and body.

            MP not withstanding, Vs wind mean resists on silence. Vs dark means resistance vs sleep and aspir/drain. Plus a much needed MND boost, more DEF, and Emnity down. So, with a vermy cloak, I have more chance of drawing hate (no Emnity down), and if I DO get hate, I'll have less chance to evade it. Not worth a +1mp/tick to me.

            Then again, that's just my opinion.
            - Wind resistance doesn't save you against Silence except when subbing Bard, not even with Baraera up. Especially when you consider that at level 75, my Baraera gives something like +108 resistance and I *still* don't manage to resist Silence 95% of the time. Besidesm if you're THAT worried about silence, just bring a stack of echo drops. Problem solved.

            - Enmity -5 used to be a valid excuse to use AF body and armor, except now there's Crow/Raven gear. You could just temporarily macro in a Raven Beret for -8 Enmity on Cures and achieve a better effect.

            - MND and Enfeebling Magic are only important when actually casting offensive white magic or Stoneskin (MND). The impact on cures from MND is minimal - I normally just macro in my AF1 body when I need to cast enfeebling magic.

            - Sleep/Aspir/Drain: If you're targetted by any of these in an XP party I'd be extremely surprised. Sleepga or similar attacks might be an issue, but Sleep is not one of those effects you're just going to shrug off in a few seconds, even with tons of Dark Resistance - you basically need someone to Cure you to wake you up if you want to get back into the action in anything resembling a reasonable amount of time.

            - Evasion -10 means a whole lot of nothing for white mages. WHM have the worst evasion in the game - XP enemies already have a 95% chance to hit us anyway, so -10 more isn't making things any worse on you than they already are. If you really want to avoid taking a hit or two, cast Blink.


