Like how often should i cast this? What version of the spell? I heard it lowers the defense among other things on undead..i dont know how powerful this is or how often i should cast this spell while fighting undead however. Any tips?
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Banish use vs Undead?
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Re: Banish use vs Undead?
As I know, it lower defense on ghost type mobs. Monk party in KRT especially will like Whm to cast banish on ghost as soon as battle starts. On other things like skeletons and dogs I don't think it lowers anything. I'm not sure.There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Pablo Picasso
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Re: Banish use vs Undead?
On bones and ghost it helps a lot for sure. On bones it allows weapons such as piercing to do more damage than they normally would otherwise. And for ghosts I'm not sure how it effects defense exactly but it does lower it. Try to stick that before your melee do WS for the most benefit.
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Re: Banish use vs Undead?
Really? Thats wierd i thought for every undead it did that...*confused* ><
Do i cast it at the beginning of each fight and if i often do i do it? I mean i think i read so far that the weakness doesnt last very how often should i do this? What tier Banish should i use? Is BanishIII have some benefit over Banish II and I besides damage? Because otherwise i might use the lower tier ones outside of MB(if we doing Light or Fusion) to conserve some MP.
Its just a reletively new thing for me, i never noticed this before, and i wonder if its worth pursuing.
EDIT: Ok Nodachi i might just do seems quite logical to do so before a huge SC i would think, guess i better start paying more attention to TP. But does the Tier matter in terms of weakness..? I am curious.
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Re: Banish use vs Undead?
Originally posted by lionxDo i cast it at the beginning of each fight and if i often do i do it? I mean i think i read so far that the weakness doesnt last very how often should i do this?
Originally posted by lionxWhat tier Banish should i use? Is BanishIII have some benefit over Banish II and I besides damage? Because otherwise i might use the lower tier ones outside of MB(if we doing Light or Fusion) to conserve some MP.
NOTE: Only thing this has been proven on is Ghost mobs. (as far as I know)
"ave Promathia morituri te salutant"
- Krynn (2/26/996)
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Re: Banish use vs Undead?
Banish lowers the defense of any mob that is considered undead (I've seen damage numbers go up on Fomor mobs). Cast whatever the highest you've got on the enemy. If it's a long fight, recast about every 30 seconds. Otherwise, just one cast at start should be enoughAll spells obtained!
Homam Gear: 2/5
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Re: Banish use vs Undead?
Banish will kill the mobs resistance to piercing for like 2-3 seconds, so if you want to use it when the DRG is about to WS, it's really important to get the timing right.
Also I've never heard of it lowering defence. Are you sure you're not getting it mixed up with Dia?
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Re: Banish use vs Undead?
Better to just save it and mb off a light chain than try to time a slow casting spell like banish 3 right before the sc. Cast B3 whenever you have the mp to spare and when it won't cause downtime. I was getting a better dmg per mp ratio with my b3's than a blm friend the last time I exped on bones. However, your first duty is still to keep everyone healed without downtime. Any extra mp though feel free to throw at the undead as long as you won't cause downtime. The def down effect works on any undead.
Your lower tier nukes will likely have a better dmg per mp ratio, but you must take into consideration time spent casting because that is less time spent resting. It is sometimes better to cast the higher less efficient nuke and resume resting than try to get the same damage with the lower tier nukes. B3 is likely be your main spell. You will be hard pressed to get more than one cast of that per fight without causing downtime.
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Re: Banish use vs Undead?
Oh no i dont mean damage for lower tier Banish, i meant that if lower tier Banish have similar lowering DEF power as BanishIII, then i would rather use BanishI for the lower defense for melee more often as that is WAY more better than spending 90some MP for Banish3
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Re: Banish use vs Undead?
This is the situation as far as I have known it:
Undead have a natural higher defense to pierced weapons, why is why monks are so good against undead. Banish negates this effect, allowing pierced weapons to do their normal damage. But, I haven't experimented much with this. I would assume that a monk would actually do the same damage regardless of banish, if this were true.
Dia is a damage-over-time spell which also lowers the defense of any mob. Think of it like the opposite of Bio, which also is a damage-over-time spell that lowers attack.
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Re: Banish use vs Undead?
Originally posted by ReaveThis is the situation as far as I have known it:
Undead have a natural higher defense to pierced weapons, why is why monks are so good against undead.
Banish negates this effect, allowing pierced weapons to do their normal damage. But, I haven't experimented much with this. I would assume that a monk would actually do the same damage regardless of banish, if this were true.
Generally speaking, if you're good with timing, Banish I should be fine if you toss it in right before the WS that closes a skillchain (hard to do though... but still easier than trying the same with Banish III).
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Re: Banish use vs Undead?
Lowers defense 50% Banish 1 on skeltons and ghost type monsters. 75% Banish 2. Duration ?
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Re: Banish use vs Undead?
Originally posted by kmanLowers defense 50% Banish 1 on skeltons and ghost type monsters. 75% Banish 2. Duration ?
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