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WHM Levelling Advice

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  • WHM Levelling Advice

    Hello All,

    Am just getting ready to enter Vana'diel for the first time and after much research would like to become a WHM/BLM (cookie cutter I know but it appeals to me). My question is would levelling a WHM as my first char be do-able or would I be wiser to choose a simpler class to learn the ropes? Maybe level the BLM first?

    Thanks In Advance

  • #2
    Re: WHM Levelling Advice

    Lots of info here.

    You should be ok doing whm as your first job. Only way you'll learn is to try it.
    Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


    • #3
      Re: WHM Levelling Advice

      It's not that hard, you basically end up learning as you go >.>


      • #4
        Re: WHM Levelling Advice

        If your just starting and you want to take WHM to 75 then do:

        WHM to 18
        BLM to 37
        WHM to 75

        It would be the quickest way but it might get a little old so it's your preference really.
        You kill one man, your a murderer
        Kill many and your a conquerer
        Kill them all... your a God.


        • #5
          Re: WHM Levelling Advice

          I would say level Black Mage first. Cause it inflicts in more damage, it will be easier leveling it to 18 first.. Then, you can do the subjob quest.. Which allows you go to Whm/blm. Then, you level whm to around 36-38.. Cause, the solo time you spend to get to level 10 will be easier because you have more MP and HP, and can use black magic spells as whm/blm . And by the time you reach 35+ you wont need to read this anymore.. Then you just level blm to like 30-37, whichever you prefer and youre set to get Whm, blm, smn or rdm up to level 75 ^^.

          War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


          • #6
            Re: WHM Levelling Advice

            my 2 cents
            play some level rdm, you will get the game basics

            then get either blm or whm 18-20 (20 would be better) then doing chocobo and subjob quest

            you will have one job 18-20, level the other till you hit 19-20.

            then you can level both till 40 (what you prefere) and can take a look on what you like playing more



            • #7
              Re: WHM Levelling Advice

              For lower lvling do this: fight until lvl 3, learn dia, attack from a distance so that your WHM draws out his weapon yet doesn't hit the monster. Cast Dia then run to the target and beat him until it falls. Do this until lvl 7 then learn protect. Set up these macros for easy access: 1. /ma "Dia" <t> 2. /ma "protect" <me> 3. /ma "cure" <me>. By putting me inside the "<>" you target yourself with the spell. At lvl 7 fight the crabs outside of Wadi.
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              • #8
                Re: WHM Levelling Advice

                I started off with war, to about lvl 10, then rdm to about 15, then blm to about 10,
                then whm. used RDM for the sub job quest. and continued to use RDM untill LVL 20, then set BLK as main with red as sub, leveled black to 18, and set WHM, as main with black sub.
                All are at or near lvl 30 now. (I back War with red untill lvl 25 then switch)
                "Money can't buy you happiness... Just a more pleasant form of misery"



                • #9
                  Re: WHM Levelling Advice

                  Originally posted by Last_Viper
                  my 2 cents
                  play some level rdm, you will get the game basics

                  then get either blm or whm 18-20 (20 would be better) then doing chocobo and subjob quest

                  you will have one job 18-20, level the other till you hit 19-20.

                  then you can level both till 40 (what you prefere) and can take a look on what you like playing more
                  With Akemie, I pleveled her with my main account. First job was RDM, because they get the job done with capping enfeebling and also have combat skills as well. I took this job to 18 and got the subjob quest done.

                  Then I leveled WHM to 10, subbing RDM. When soloing as WHM, steer away from using MP and instead focus on melee. WHM can melee and if this level 75 Taru WHM (JP LS GenesisofLife?) meleeing on Behemoth and spamming Hexastrike isn't the proof you want, I cannot provide you with any better.

                  Then I leveled BLM, but used WHM sub instead, since cure can save you in a pinch and dia works wonders when those rare moments come along where you have to bring out your wooden spoon to do the dirty work. I leveled BLM to 10 and stopped. Basically, most jobs, except THF w/o a subjob, can be solo'd to 10 relatively painless and even moreso with the added exp rings (I could do it in a full night of leveling w/ an exp ring)

                  While leveling WHM in the Dunes, I was delighted to see that, because of capped enfeebling, elemental and various other nifty stats from leveling RDM, I wasn't having issues. Enfeebling stuck most of the time, far better than having them being resisted all the time. You have no idea how much MP paralyze, slow and blind saved. Lowering the monster's effectiveness and limiting the damage from critical hits really helps, especially if the tanks are players on their first job (no subjob)

                  My WHM is now 18 and I had fun for the past 3 nights (Level 12-14, 14-16 and 16-18 in about 2 hours each night) About 70% of the time, I was the only mage in the party. You do not know just how much you can learn from playing your job in such a restrictive circumstance. I'm happy to say that I never lost anyone in that time (I did have someone die on my watch, but that's because some idiot had pulled an IT when the SMN and I both had zero mp and my Bene wasn't up yet ... >.>)


                  • #10
                    Re: WHM Levelling Advice

                    The fear I see of lvling WHM as your first job is that the transition from soloing (1-10/12) to partying is drastic. Soloing gear towards just whacking at the mob and healing urself when ur hp goes low. Pting requires u to constantly check other pt members hp, ur own mp, enfeebling the mob to hate management.

                    So lvling a RDM that can let u have a versatile role in earlier pts will get u rdy for ur main mage job.

