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MND or MP ?

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  • #16
    Re: MND or MP ?

    Originally posted by Feenicks
    Icemage, can I ask what you're wearing exactly? I push about 1070 MP and 760HP, and I have very little HP->MP gear. Do you wear HP+ gear at all?
    Normal gears:

    Healing Staff
    Hedgehog Bomb
    Trump Crown
    Republic Gold Medal
    Enhancing Earring
    Medicine Earring (really should upgrade to pigeon+1s but too lazy)
    Noble's Tunic
    Cleric's Mitts
    Bomb Queen Ring
    Tamas Ring
    Empowering Mantle
    Heirarch Belt
    Blessed Trousers
    Cleric's Duckbills

    I've got a bunch of other stuff I swap in and out on an as-needed basis, but the above is what I'm wearing when I'm not doing anything specific.

    Aside to kuu: Yes, I blink onscreen a lot, since I gearswap on virtually every spell. Drives RDMs who aren't used to me crazy, though I make an effort to not cast anything that will cause me to blink when Refresh is down.



    • #17
      Re: MND or MP ?

      Originally posted by Icemage
      For curing spells where you haven't hit the soft cap, Healing Magic does more than MND, but the best stats to have are from gear are Refresh and +MP recovered while healing. They're more useful than any other things you can get on gear, as far as XP parties go, since chaining depends on your consistent MP flow, rather than your total MP or WHM's marginal enfeebling skills.

      Max MP is nice only because it gives you a bigger safety buffer for when things get out of control.

      Refresh Effect > +MP recovered while healing > MP > MND in that order.

      Like Icemage said, the very best order would be to start off with some items that restore MP, then work your way down to items that boost your MP ammount (since the larger amount of MP comes in a lot more helpful) Then I would get MND boosting objects, though, I personally have never found a use for MND since it does'nt really make a significant change in magic power (to me) but I rather go for items that will supply me with the most amount of MP.

      The basis is more MP equals, you'll do better, and never sacrifice MP for MND.


      • #18
        Re: MND or MP ?

        As a RDM im always looking for more mp, so mp. But it really depends on the job and what your doing at that time. I also 2 sets of equ. to go along with my subs


        • #19
          Re: MND or MP ?

          Originally posted by Icemage

          Aside to kuu: Yes, I blink onscreen a lot, since I gearswap on virtually every spell. Drives RDMs who aren't used to me crazy, though I make an effort to not cast anything that will cause me to blink when Refresh is down.

          Yes, that is aggravating! I've run into that on my whm with melee/mages and at first it made me want to pull my hair out. Now I just pay closer attention to what they are doing when I consider casting and I don't have problems very often anymore. But the funny thing was, I never considered my swapping and how aggravating it was to others! A few weeks ago a new member to the ls was on a hunt with us when she msg'd me and basically said "ARGH! do you change equips with every macro!!?" LOL And once I thought about, yep I pretty much do! So I was doing exactly what I was complaining about! Oops!
          Originally posted by Feba
          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
          Originally posted by Taskmage
          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
          Originally posted by DakAttack
          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


          • #20
            Re: MND or MP ?

            Depends on the race... Like for TaruTaru whms I would go for MND + items and maybe some hp+.. Elvaans just some mp + items. Galka hmmm I never looked at the mnd for Galkas yet but I know for sure mp+ items since they are lacking the mp pool. Humes and mithras I'd try to go for both. I am a hume whm and I prefer to go as rings MND + and earings mp + and other equipment a mixture of both.... If people really were lacking the mp area they could just sub smn ^_^



            • #21
              Re: MND or MP ?

              This wasn't my highest Cure5, but I found it amusing:

              Also, as hume I tried the Medicine Ring effect too, but it was really hassling to keep swapping gear out, keeping track of your hp, etc -- that I found that it even reduced my capabilities as a whm because I was paying too much attention to my staying in yellow, and not really paying much to more important matters.


              • #22
                Re: MND or MP ?

                Originally posted by Icemage

                Aside to kuu: Yes, I blink onscreen a lot, since I gearswap on virtually every spell. Drives RDMs who aren't used to me crazy, though I make an effort to not cast anything that will cause me to blink when Refresh is down.

                thank goodness somone watches out for refresh about to go down & rdm targeting you for refresh... i'm on the wrong bloody server!

                except for the occasional regen II or cure from another mage after I convert, I'm pretty much on my own so I do macro equip changes a bit depending on spell i'm casting. I blink some but i'm rarely targetted for a spell.

                upon the curing the whm line of thought: the whm has raise II, so if they have to emergency cure and get smacked, I'll cure them out of the red and then it's business as usual. if they have to cure themselves in these situation, it's harder to get hate from them. once out of the red and with no undead nearby, like healing rdms beyond that point after converts, there really is no point.

                yeah once your Cure maxes at 30 and Cure II at 90 tec, plugging away into MND is pointless and you have to add a lot to get that 31 wich would be better off served w/ MP+ plus as stated adding healing skill will get there faster than +mnd.

                +mnd helps if you're going to use some white magic enfebelments and it helps them stick better. too bad there isn't any good MP+ rings low level besides astrals. would be nice for my whm
                Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
                G1 (X) 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(Test aquired)
                San Doria Rank 6
                ZM5, PM2-5, ToAU 1-1

                Which FF Character Are You?

                a male version anyways >.> ... ~.^

                #2 Vivi #3 Kuja


                • #23
                  Re: MND or MP ?

                  Allow me to insert my opinion?
                  -Enmity > MP > MND.

                  +hmp is something that's easily enough swapped into and out of when resting only since you're going to have to use your "dark staff" macro. -enmity, however, will save you a lot of aggravation, works when you're not at full mp, and lets you use the spell "Flash" with impunity. +MP is nice but I tend to swap out of that once I've used up the additional mp it grants, then swap back into it for full resting.

                  If you hit level 50, get yourself a set of crow equipment - it will probably help you more than your WHM AF, unless you're an Elvaan or Galka. Being able to curaga 2 at level 50 and not die is a very nice luxury.

                  I'd list my equipment as a reference but most of it is convenience due to the fact that I have to juggle three level 75 mage jobs and BST, and have no mule. Icemage has a better set of equipment for "pure whm", although I'd really recommend getting a Cleric's Cap instead of Trump Crown. -4 Enmity is very very nice.

                  edit: Most I've ever cured for was about 1217 without divine seal. This was on lightsday in Temenos, so I'm cheating.
                  I believe most sigs are like the people they represent - useless, loud and obnoxious.


                  • #24
                    Re: MND or MP ?

                    Originally posted by locus
                    Icemage has a better set of equipment for "pure whm", although I'd really recommend getting a Cleric's Cap instead of Trump Crown. -4 Enmity is very very nice.
                    I agree, but wearing a condom cap = extreme fashion faux pas. I don't care if it gives me -100 enmity, I'm not wearing that hideous thing.



                    • #25
                      Re: MND or MP ?

                      NOTE: This is the opinion of someone who plays White Mage for mainly HNM purposesly and is a Mithra, most of this gear would work for anyone and any race. However I will admit that if you are Tarutaru or Galka you will probably have many changes to the following gear.

                      End Game. Basically I usually abide by the following as far as gear setup.
                      HNM: Cure Potency > -Enmity > Haste > MP > MND
                      Exp: Cure Potency > MP > -Enmity > Haste > MND
                      But since I happen to be what you would call an -Enmity whore, thats basically what I use all the time. Some key things that you really can't miss however are the following. It is my recommendation (aside from swapping in/out other gear, ex. af2 legs for bar*ra) that you do NOT under any curcimstances leave out any of the following pieces of gear. (Para

                      Light(Apollo's/Healing)/Dark(Pluto's) Staff
                      Noble's(Aristocrat's) Tunic
                      Blessed Mitts (+1)
                      Blessed Trousers (+1)
                      Blessed Pumps (+1)
                      Hierarch Belt

                      After that I would say that you have a lot of options as far as different gear goes, but I for one would definetly not use anything but those pieces of gear unless you are swapping other gear in/out for other reasons. Basically the Cure Potency and the -Enmity with Haste and MND additions.... there should be no contest here, nothing is better. Now if you are going to be focus'ing on an HNM perspective then I would further recommend the following pieces of gear.

                      Hedgehog Bomb
                      Errant(Mahatma) Hat
                      Fenrir's Torque
                      Errant Houppelande (for resting only)
                      Tamas Ring
                      Serene/Serket/Ether Ring
                      Sapient/Errant Cape
                      Penitent's Rope (use Hierarch for resting)

                      If you are not so much into the HNM scene (or fights that last over 30 minutes) then I would recommend mixing it up with a little MP gear. Possibly any of the following.

                      Zenith Crown
                      Zenith Slacks/Mitts/Pumps (For MP swap in only, i.e. swap them for blessed once you have used the MP that they gave)
                      Serket/Ether/Astral Ring (No matter what config Tamas Ring > *, if you have one)

                      If you notice I never once mentioned earrings.. well I did so because I wanted to leave them until the end. I think earrings are the most versitile thing for WHM because almost anything is good yet some thigns are obviously better. It basically boils down to how much gil can you spend. I will list basically all the earrings I think should be used and in order of importance.

                      Novia Earring
                      Loquacious Earring
                      Heavens Earring (+1)
                      Magician's Earring (with SMN sub)
                      Relaxing Earring (while resting)
                      Boroka Earring (while resting)
                      Death Earring

                      "ave Promathia morituri te salutant"
                      - Krynn (2/26/996)


                      • #26
                        Re: MND or MP ?

                        What gear are you using?
                        Mine is only an aristocrats and light staff, getting 801 for healing.
                        No DS, no Med Ring, no day/weather bonus
                        For the cause
                        O|¯|_ Super Orz


                        • #27
                          Re: MND or MP ?

                          Your MND stat also affects Hexa Strike, or so I've heard.
                          All Nations: Rank 10
                          Rise of the Zilart: Complete
                          Chains of Promathia: Complete
                          75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37

                          What to level next? (DRK!)


                          • #28
                            Re: MND or MP ?

                            Originally posted by UnnamedGalka
                            Your MND stat also affects Hexa Strike, or so I've heard.
                            interesting, but it wouldn't be the first WS to depend on a different stat than STR. however, in XP and HNM/BCNM situations, whms don't use this WS, or any WS.

                            for the most part, whms will be using this WS in the same situations they got it in, Skill Up party's or Soloing/PLing
                            Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
                            G1 (X) 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(Test aquired)
                            San Doria Rank 6
                            ZM5, PM2-5, ToAU 1-1

                            Which FF Character Are You?

                            a male version anyways >.> ... ~.^

                            #2 Vivi #3 Kuja


                            • #29
                              Re: MND or MP ?

                              Well, from the Tarutaru WHM perspective, i've played around around with a couple different priorities. Being Taru, I've the advantage of the massive MP pool, so pre-AF I went entirely with +MND, and just fit in +MP where there was no +MND to be had.

                              It was an ugly mix of Seers, Garrison, RSE, and other gear. But again, with the massive MP pool + MP food, I usually had enough MP to not only cure, but ocasionally nuke as well - and nuking with divine spells = MND FTW. In the rare ocassions where we were doing a Fusion skillchain, I usually didn't have a problem with keeping up with the BLMs on MBs in terms of resists and the like.

                              Post 50 I started swaping out to AF for the -Enmity. Again, being Taru, I have the large MP to pool to play around with already, and there is something nice about being able to Cure III and Cure IV a NIN right after the initial provoke and not stealing hate. And this was before Crow/Raven, which I havn't gotten to play around with yet (still) for lack of funds since it was introduced and added to the storable armor list.

                              I would assume that Galka need lots of HP->MP gear, but the only gear like that I have are two electrum rings that I'm using 'cause my roomie is borrowing my saintly +1. As it is now, I almost always have room to play (882mp @ lvl 61 w/ food) so nuking between cures is an option for me. Unresisted Banishga II... well, its still MND happy as it ever has been.

                              There's also the issue of Soloing/Duoing/Skillups/Etc. In small groups, or helping friends, or farming, etc., +MND is hands down the way to go, and more so for Taru. When one Cure III is enough to practyiculy take you to full HP, and the only way to hurt the mob is with divine and elemental magics, +MND is great if only for having fewer spells interupted.

                              I --really-- enjoy being able to cast stoneskin uninterupted w/o having to waist an additional 25mp on Flash (yay more hate). It also comes in handy when you have to 2hr on a bad pull. Benidiction + Stoneskin can save your hide; but only if it isn't interupted.

                              SO yeah. 2cents. All that jazz.


                              • #30
                                Re: MND or MP ?

                                Ok my reply got nothing much of a whm but is rdm.
                                But the important thing is as a rdm or even a pld i always have few set of eq or mix set of eq. I have mp set eq, -enmity eq mostly for hnm run, mnd eq + enfeeble eq for enfeeble spells. So a really good whm will have a few set of eq too like mp set eq, -enmity eq, etc

