What do u prefer in your eq? yesterday i did some try with MND bonus and with +4 MND i cure 1 hp more than without it... which other bonus can give more MND?
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MND or MP ?
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Re: MND or MP ?
For me, unless i am enfeebling due to a lack of RDM or a NIN, i would go MP over MND. MND gives minimal boosts in healing after you reached cap and i generally find it useless to have MND outside of Enfeebling.
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Re: MND or MP ?
For curing spells where you haven't hit the soft cap, Healing Magic does more than MND, but the best stats to have are from gear are Refresh and +MP recovered while healing. They're more useful than any other things you can get on gear, as far as XP parties go, since chaining depends on your consistent MP flow, rather than your total MP or WHM's marginal enfeebling skills.
Max MP is nice only because it gives you a bigger safety buffer for when things get out of control.
Refresh Effect > +MP recovered while healing > MP > MND in that order.
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Re: MND or MP ?
That sounds about right, though special situations calls for special curcumstances at times.
Like BC or like CoP I found if not enfeebling, then, mag acc, then mnd or anything > MP, HMP, or even refresh.
And many mp give -hp...which is a double edge sword. To this day I keep my medicine ring on me, because it's so much more useful when you're being slapped around by AoE.
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Re: MND or MP ?
Originally posted by Battle AngelYou must have yellow Hitpoint status
(1) it was too dangerous to have HPs that low
(2) other mages always want to cure you
(3) it takes a lot of silly rare gear to pull it off consistently, even as a taru WHM
About the only time medicine ring makes sense is for WHM G5 against Maat, when you expect to take lots of damage, and need to heal as much as possible in response.
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Re: MND or MP ?
Without latents? Somewhere in the 875ish range I think, with a Lightsday boost. Could probably push that up to around 900 with an Aristocrat's Coat and a healing torque, but that's rather overkill.
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Re: MND or MP ?
Im already at 22% healing with an aristo and a light staff, I can use medicine ring, but thats latent, I dont want to rely on lights day boost either.
I guess I could try get my hands on a light obi, but that is only if the effect is present?For the cause
O|¯|_ Super Orz
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Re: MND or MP ?
Originally posted by IcemageNot entirely accurate. Medicine Ring triggers when HP is yellow AND TP is less than 100. For reference, I tried very very hard to make this ring work using HP/MP juggling gear, but
(1) it was too dangerous to have HPs that low
(2) other mages always want to cure you
(3) it takes a lot of silly rare gear to pull it off consistently, even as a taru WHM
About the only time medicine ring makes sense is for WHM G5 against Maat, when you expect to take lots of damage, and need to heal as much as possible in response.
My HP as a whm floats at 1k give or take, and medicine ring activates at 750 or so, perfectly fine for me.
I use it medicine more then not, since random slaps don't one shot me or even three shot me. And you must have a lot a mages to back you up @.@ Whms rarely heal whms, heck I put them next to last to be healed. They are expected to heal themselves or get out of the way. It's a toss up between tank and blms as first piority.
Worse case senerio, for opimium pt/allaince power the strike leader will put the minium support and maxium DD/tanks in main, and you're there to fend for yourself.
At high levels if a whm gets hit/dies, it's either "taking it for the team" or just being stupid. Rarely do mages heal whms that I know of. Everyone has enough on their hands more times then not.
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Re: MND or MP ?
Under "normal" gear I have something like 935HP and 1170MP as Taru WHM75/BLM37. Sure, I don't have 1400MP the way a Zenith-ed out Taru WHM/SMN would have, but I also don't die if an HNM looks at me the wrong way either.
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Re: MND or MP ?
I realize this is a bit of a digression, but... minimum support and maximum DD and tanks in main party? Weird... Conventional wisdom on Carbuncle seems to be to load up the tank party with supporters. [PLDx2 WHMx2 RDM BRD] x2 is the start of the tank alliance in my Dynamis LS (given BRD availability, we don't normally have problems with the others). The third party slot is usually filled with a DD party, I think. DDs are lucky to get one healer per party. (Never been in the BLM/puller alliance so I don't know exactly how it is set up, but I bet [BLMx5 RDM]x2 and something for the RNGs.)
HNM setups are similar, it's rare to see tanks and DD in the same party and the tanks hog the RDMs and BRDs.Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae
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Re: MND or MP ?
Weird to see a taru whm top 800, but not impossible, but a lot of switching around and inv slots needed, icemage must blink more then 2 ninjas combine. Stuff probably like cassie, RSE stash, and crown.
Originally posted by KarinyaI realize this is a bit of a digression, but... minimum support and maximum DD and tanks in main party? Weird... Conventional wisdom on Carbuncle seems to be to load up the tank party with supporters. [PLDx2 WHMx2 RDM BRD] x2 is the start of the tank alliance in my Dynamis LS (given BRD availability, we don't normally have problems with the others). The third party slot is usually filled with a DD party, I think. DDs are lucky to get one healer per party. (Never been in the BLM/puller alliance so I don't know exactly how it is set up, but I bet [BLMx5 RDM]x2 and something for the RNGs.)
A "for speed" combo would be something like 3x PLD or if kite 2nin/war +1PLD, rdm(or more tanks), whm ----- blmx4, rdm----- and DDs + brd, and if lucky support/heal. Give or take what you have of course.
Then you switch the blm pt in and out for mp, or you switch the DDs for the mnks and other TP gainers.
Not much support for your whm.
In dyanmis you can pull it off with more support, but support weighs down damage and in dyanams unless you got large turn out of people, and good pulling, you're bound to have every rdm/brd fending for themselves on refresh/grav/sleep/debuff, and whms all contending themselves. Not a lot of self support in the long run. This is not to mention you're all over the place, and 1 mage could be on one end of the screen and you on the other.
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