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Headgear at 72?

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  • Headgear at 72?


    Though lvl 72 is still a ways away, I have been looking for my end game gear for a while now. Ive had my eye on the errant hat but Im unsure if the stats there are worth trade out of my ol trusty beanie- er healer's cap. Stats are as follows:

    healer's cap
    Def: 21 MP: 13 MND: 4 Vs. Dark: 15 Enmity: -1

    errant hat
    Def: 28 STR: -2 DEX: -2 VIT: -2 AGI: -2 INT: 3 MND: 3 CHR: 3 Enmity: -5

    So basicall I'd lose 13 mp and 1 mnd point but that extra -emnity looks appealing. Thoughts?

  • #2
    Re: Headgear at 72?

    the word is mnd helps healing.....i don't know if this is true....
    i play a taru so we have fairly higher mp than most so i think part of you choice would be dependant on what race you are....
    my whm is currently only 66 and temp retired while i get my brd to 75...but i continue to look at gear....
    personally i would stick with the mp...most ptys..(not all) will use lots of your mp for curing and maybe throwing out -nas and yes brds and rdms help with mp and rdms usually do the enfeebling...i go for mp so i spend less time resting and have some just incase mp....but this is the way i play....
    i also look at cost.....there is nothing wrong with keeping the healers cap while getting money...
    while playing brd i get to see lots of whm gear ups...i've seen the cap and the crown....i think it is more how a person chooses to play the job, and what race you are...
    though -enmity is nice there should be no real reason you are pullin hate off the good tanks that are out there... :p

    this is just my 2cents whether others agree or not :p
    you did ask for
    Whitewolfe- 74brd/66whm
    0/1 whm/maat - 0/5 brd/maat
    Kellykat- 42mnk/...many 30+


    • #3
      Re: Headgear at 72?

      Errant hat is dirt cheap, no reason not to pick it up. If you are good with mixing equip swaps into your macros, you can get the best of both worlds. I carry a -enimity set of gear (mostly errant) along with +mp/+mpH set that I switched between as am I casting. For example my cure 4 (still use it on occasion) equips my errant hat and pants. Then when I got to rest, my macros switch in dark staff, +mp headgear, and +mp pants. The 1 less mnd of errant hat isn't too important. If I had to choose one I would go for the hat, because few pieces give so much -enimity with only a 13 mp sacrifice.
      Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


      • #4
        Re: Headgear at 72?

        In my experience, it takes a lot of bonuses to max mp to make a significant difference, but the -4 enmity I get from my mushroom stew gives me a LOT more flexibility in the way I cure. 1 mnd is almost inconsiderable. I doubt it would make a significant difference even on uncapped cure spells. Errant hat all the way, imo.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #5
          Re: Headgear at 72?

          Opo-Opo Crown, Chr+7 +50HP/MP when you've eaten pamamas.

          Trump Crown, Chr+2, +14~ HP/MP (I believe it's +26 at level 72, it's +27 HP/MP for me at level 75), has no food requirement unlike opo crown (and is therefore somewhat more flexible)

          Healer's Cap MP+13 MND+4 Dark+15 Enmity-1. WHM AF1.

          Cleric's Cap MP+25 Enmity-4 VIT+4 Resist Silence. WHM AF2.

          Zenith Crown HP>MP 50, INT+3 MND+3 Resist Silence. Cursed gear, Aquarian Abjuration: Head + Cursed Crown (Lv73).

          Errant Hat MND/INT/CHR+3 STR/VIT/DEX/AGI-3 Enmity-5

          Faerie Hairpin HP-20 MP+55

          Of these, I use a Trump Crown for normal wear, and an Errant Hat when casting Cures to reduce the enmity buildup. I'm not terribly impressed by either of the Artifact caps for WHM, nor the Zenith Crown. Faerie Hairpin only if you're an MP whore.



          • #6
            Re: Headgear at 72?

            wow Ice did not realize there were that many for a whm....guess i don't see half them cause whm is only 66 :p
            guess i'll put some more thought into what to wear as whm when it hits the only problem will be cost, so looks like it will be opo opo (which i got for my brd) or af1 for a bit til i get funds....
            and i have a question...does chr do anything for whm..??? i know that it helps provoke hold better for tanks, and help bst with charm, and brd with landing there anything else??

            on a side note Ice i know your comments tend to be rough on some ppl but i find your infromation so good that i tend to overlook the tone in them half the time...thanks for sharing your vast knowlegde!!! makes me kinda glad i joined to forums, i like to play the best i can...
            Whitewolfe- 74brd/66whm
            0/1 whm/maat - 0/5 brd/maat
            Kellykat- 42mnk/...many 30+


            • #7
              Re: Headgear at 72?

              Thanks for the input. I'll pick up the hat for sure and give it a run.


              • #8
                Re: Headgear at 72?

                Nope, chr does nothing for whm.
                Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


                • #9
                  Re: Headgear at 72?

                  I still use Gold Hairpin.

                  From all my gear on my WHM73/SMN36
                  HP: 666
                  M: 1135
                  Red Mage ~ White Mage ~ Summoner ~ Black Mage ~ Beastmaster ~ Samurai ~ Paladin ~ Blue Mage


                  Windurst: ★Rank 10★ | San d'Oria: ★Rank 10★ | Bastok: ★Rank 10★
                  Zilart: ★The Last Verse★ | Promathia: ★The Last Verse★
                  Aht Urhgan: ★Eternal Mercenary★| Assault: ★Captain★
                  Goddess: Fate In Haze | Campaign: Moonlight Medal
                  Crystalline: ★A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)★ | Moogle: ★A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)★


