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WHM Haste preferences/priority

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  • WHM Haste preferences/priority

    Originally posted by Leon
    3: *ALWAYS* haste the Ninja FIRST. Ninjas are already godly enough to spare you from constantly curing them making for downtime. Because ninjas rarely need curing, you can spend that extra MP giving haste to your other melee party members so they can kill the enemey even faster.

    nah i usually haste them last. I haste according to delay. I guess becuase at higher lvls is all about tp gain. NIN has dual wield so they get TP pretty fast.
    usually I go DRK>SAM>MNK>WAR>THF>NIN. Pretty much all jobs with /NIN sub I tend to haste last. Gotta get DRK their TP! SATA + Spiral Hell pwns !
    Last edited by Arris; 08-01-2005, 01:52 AM. Reason: i'm sleepy and my english is bad lol
    → ☆白75☆黒37☆ ←
    (≡´。`≡) ニャンニャン♪

    ♂ ラブストーリー♀

  • #2
    Re: WHM Hints and Tips

    nah i usually haste them last. I haste according to delay. I guess becuase at higher lvls is all about tp gain. NIN has dual wield so they get TP pretty fast.
    You don't haste a nin for the tp gain. Any 75 rdm or whm should know that. You haste the nin to reduce their blink recast. Keeping blink up is required for a nin, not hasting them makes their job and your job much harder. Thus nin aren't first or last in the haste order for the simple fact that they should have it always.
    Make liberal use of the <stpc> pronoun in macros.
    Personally I prefer the standard <t>. <stpc> is good for engaged melees like pld and rdm, but since whm shouldn't be fighting, that isn't an issue. With a <t> you only have 2 button pushes to cure, f1-6 and then the macro. Usually it is only 1 though since you can target the tank before cures are needed. Whereas <stpc> requies you to fire the macro, target, and hit enter. The big problem with <stpc> though is if the spell cool down isn't ready. With <t>, you can sit and spam the spell if it is needed asap, however <stpc> requires you to retarget each time you push the macro and hit enter after, much slower and tiring.
    Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


    • #3
      Re: WHM Hints and Tips

      Originally posted by Rones
      You don't haste a nin for the tp gain. Any 75 rdm or whm should know that. You haste the nin to reduce their blink recast. Keeping blink up is required for a nin, not hasting them makes their job and your job much harder. Thus nin aren't first or last in the haste order for the simple fact that they should have it always.

      Personally I prefer the standard <t>. <stpc> is good for engaged melees like pld and rdm, but since whm shouldn't be fighting, that isn't an issue. With a <t> you only have 2 button pushes to cure, f1-6 and then the macro. Usually it is only 1 though since you can target the tank before cures are needed. Whereas <stpc> requies you to fire the macro, target, and hit enter. The big problem with <stpc> though is if the spell cool down isn't ready. With <t>, you can sit and spam the spell if it is needed asap, however <stpc> requires you to retarget each time you push the macro and hit enter after, much slower and tiring.
      I seldomly engage unless I'm messing around as White Mage/Warrior or White Mage/Ninja for some specific reason. There is no delayed reaction by using <stpc> for me because by default it places the target above the last party member you've targeted. As long as the tank keeps hate and the mob doesn't use too many Area attacks, all I have to do is press the macro and then press confirm, the cursor will be kept over the tank all the time. And I have yet to have a tank die on me for the past 20 levels. The only real limitation I have with using <stpc> is that if you want to cure-nuke undead I have to either use a separate macro with <stnpc> or open up my spell-list (I keep my spell list sorted with Cures at the top, so I use the 2nd method more often.)
      Last edited by Muu Yi; 08-11-2005, 09:58 PM. Reason: Removed Double Quote

      Avatar picture obtained from NamcoXCapcom Subarashiki Shin Sekai Community


      • #4
        Re: WHM Hints and Tips

        Everyone's advice is just their preference. Do what works best for the pt your in. Sometimes a job that didn't get tp quickly in one party does in another. So you must adjust yourself to each party. You can have a general outline but always watch and be willing to change it. Also realize that things change as you change lvls. So you might haste a Sam over another job at one lvl and then as you advance you'll haste the other job over the Sam. Lots of variables to consider and a good player does take them into consideration.

        My preferences are:

        Tank of any sort > long delay melee (Dark Knight & Dragoon) > Warrior, Monk, & Beastmaster > Thief & Samurai

        Never rngs. Haste only helps with their Utsusemi and a good rng doesn't need the help.
        Originally posted by Feba
        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
        Originally posted by Taskmage
        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
        Originally posted by DakAttack
        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


        • #5
          Re: WHM Hints and Tips

          Originally posted by Rones
          You don't haste a nin for the tp gain. Any 75 rdm or whm should know that. You haste the nin to reduce their blink recast. Keeping blink up is required for a nin, not hasting them makes their job and your job much harder. Thus nin aren't first or last in the haste order for the simple fact that they should have it always.
          1:I didn't say don't haste them at all.
          2: I know about how hasting them helps with Utsusemi.And obviously me and the NIN don't think they will die w/o the first haste. None of them seem to really care what order they get hasted as long at they get hasted.
          3: Haste recast time doesn't take 3 days to reset so I don't see the problem with hasting them after DRK. I go Regen 3 Tank, haste DRK, regen 2 DRK and then haste Tank. Works just fine and I have't recieved a complaint yet.

          Originally posted by TheGrandMom
          Everyone's advice is just their preference. Do what works best for the pt your in. Sometimes a job that didn't get tp quickly in one party does in another. So you must adjust yourself to each party. You can have a general outline but always watch and be willing to change it. Also realize that things change as you change lvls. So you might haste a Sam over another job at one lvl and then as you advance you'll haste the other job over the Sam. Lots of variables to consider and a good player does take them into consideration.
          /clap I agree ^-^.ありがとう!Wow someone understands. So refreshing for once not to hear well at lvl 75 you should know this and that. It is really all about adjusting to the situation. /add whitelist TheGrandMom.フレンドになってくれませんか?lol.Very well said and put.
          → ☆白75☆黒37☆ ←
          (≡´。`≡) ニャンニャン♪

          ♂ ラブストーリー♀


          • #6
            Re: WHM Hints and Tips

            Then why claim to have an order at all if your nin has haste on all the time? It is no longer an order but a cycle which means the order doesn't matter as long as the cycle is not broken. Every nin I have ever partied with wanted haste on 24/7. Had I been going by your order when the drk and nin both lack haste, you would haste the drk which is the exact opposite of what should be done. Your justificaiton was weapon delay which isn't the reason they get haste at all.

            An order signifies multiple people need a spell and that is how you choose who gets it first. Nin should always be at the front of that priority order. Where you put them in a cycle though doesn't matter in the least as long as it stays on (much like refresh).
            Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


            • #7
              Re: WHM Hints and Tips

              Originally posted by Rones
              Then why claim to have an order at all if your nin has haste on all the time? It is no longer an order but a cycle which means the order doesn't matter as long as the cycle is not broken. Every nin I have ever partied with wanted haste on 24/7. Had I been going by your order when the drk and nin both lack haste, you would haste the drk which is the exact opposite of what should be done. Your justificaiton was weapon delay which isn't the reason they get haste at all.

              An order signifies multiple people need a spell and that is how you choose who gets it first. Nin should always be at the front of that priority order. Where you put them in a cycle though doesn't matter in the least as long as it stays on (much like refresh).
              When you start a cycle you set out a order to do let's say refresh ppl (then wash, rinse and repeat ). If there's no order involved in that so your telling me they are refreshing random ppl even if one's refresh is gone over the other? Yes order becomes cycle, but you turnt around and said then order doesn't matter if you have a cycle.You need a order to have a cycle no order then it's not called a cycle. So I don't understand how they are sooo extremely different, and I don't understand why you think the pt will crumble if NIN doesn't get first haste. It really doesn't matter because they will get haste what?..20 secs later.Believe me only time they don't have haste on is the first 20 secs of the very first fight after we first get to camp.

              And yes MY...let me say it again MY justification was weapon delay. Faster TP= Faster Skillchain, Faster SKillchain= Faster EXP. Would be lovely to stay in pts for hours, fighting these long drawn out battles, following everythig by the book in every bland detail just so everyone would approve but I could care less. As long as no one dies, and we all get exp I 'm fine w/that. Plus my NIN's always recast Utsusemi when someone's pulling, reason: not enough shadows went down during the fight to recast then and the fight didn't even last long enough.
              → ☆白75☆黒37☆ ←
              (≡´。`≡) ニャンニャン♪

              ♂ ラブストーリー♀


              • #8
                Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                I understand that you think that hasting the Dark Knight / Thief is important, but it actually doesn't speed up the skillchain itself. I will agree that having the Dark Knight attack faster will make their damage over time better and will help to make up for their lack of Double Attack without Warrior subjob. No matter how quickly they get TP though, Drk/Thf will still be limited to the once per minute Sneak Attack + Trick Attack timers. After all Weaponskill without Trick Attack to transfer their hate to someone else could mean Death for Dark Knight. Thief main however is a different story, you may think I'm biased seeing as how I'm Thief main job but let me have my say. After level 60, Thief has Assassin job trait which lets them split up Trick Attack and Sneak Attack. Doing this will allow them to do sneak attack or trick attack with weaponskill around every 30 seconds which is much more efficient for speeding through exp chains if skillchain and magic burst are your biggest forms of damage. And it is entirely possible for Thief to have over 100% TP within 30 seconds if they're given Haste. The only real downside to having a Thf in a party compared to Drk/Thf is that unless Thf is lucky and gets a bunch of criticals + lots of Triple Attack activation they will not outdamage Dark Knight in Damage over Time if both are well equipped in accuracy and attack equipment.

                Yes I agree that it can be important to Haste damage dealer jobs with long delays, but I've found the biggest improvements in party damage are attainable if you haste the ones that already attack fast... that have Double Attack or have Dual Wield, or are Monks with Martial Arts. Those are already forms of Haste in their own way and by adding the spell buff to them, you allow those jobs which already perform excellently in damage over time and TP gain to become even better. And those with Dual Wield get the added advantage of being able to blink-tank better... Ninja main may not have problems making their images last but that's certainly not the case for Warrior/Ninja with their lower ranking Evasion and Parry. That would be my reasoning for putting Dual Wielders and Double Attackers higher in Haste rotation than a Drk/Thf who doesn't have either job trait. I think one of the main reasons to start with tanks is that it helps them to generate more Hate early on. Spamming the Wheel and doing more damage with katanas helps stick the mob you're tanking onto you as a Ninja and is particularly important now that Images can lose hate. But you have your own method and if it works for you and no one complains then stick with it.
                Last edited by Muu Yi; 08-13-2005, 01:16 PM. Reason: Added Reason for tank being first in haste rotation

                Avatar picture obtained from NamcoXCapcom Subarashiki Shin Sekai Community


                • #9
                  Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                  And it is entirely possible for Thief to have over 100% TP within 30 seconds if they're given Haste.
                  I have to call BS on that. Ruic has done lots of calculations on the math behind haste. Here is an excerpt:
                  Originally posted by Ruic
                  THF/NIN using 200 delay daggers = 400 delay "pseudo-weapon"

                  Pre 50/25 (Ninja DW2 at 25 you will receive a 10% haste

                  Haste Calculation: 400 * (1/1.1) = 363.6 delay "pseudo-weapon"

                  Post 50/25 THF/NIN

                  Haste calculation: 400 * (1/1.15) = 347.8 delay "pseudo-weapon"

                  Even if you were to change the dagger speeds to 150, you'd still be receiving only a 15% haste from ninja post 50, and 10% before then. Just paste whatever combined delay you want into the place where I have 400.

                  This means you will be able to get TP on -average- 10% or 15% faster. But if double attack kicks in once every 8-10 swings or so, it is equalling the number of attacks given from the boost of ninja haste. Now, this argument can be taken further by considering accuracy.

                  Let's set dagger speed at 200. There are 60 frames (60 delay points) in a second. This equals 3600 frames a minute.

                  A THF/WAR attacks 18 times in a minute. (3600/200)
                  A THF/RNG attacks 18 times in a minute. (3600/200)
                  A THF/NIN attacks 20.5 times in a minute post 50. ((3600/347.8)*2 for two weapons.)
                  As you can see, in 30 seconds you are only going to get 9-10 attacks and thf's usually get 5-7 tp per hit at best. So it is impossible for you to reach 100 tp in 30 seconds.

                  In addition to this, it is better to haste dual wielders and those who already have haste effects last (from a tp gain respect) as haste has diminishing returns. Again I will reference Ruic's research:
                  Originally posted by Ruic
                  And finally, haste has diminishing returns.
                  500 Delay with 10% haste = 454 delay (46 delay faster)
                  500 Delay with 20% haste = 416 delay (38 delay faster)
                  500 Delay with 30% haste = 384 delay (32 delay faster)
                  500 Delay with 40% haste = 357 delay (27 delay faster)
                  500 Delay with 50% haste = 333 delay (24 delay faster)
                  Similarly, 60% = 22 faster, 70% = 19 faster, 80% = 17 faster, 90% = 14 faster, 100% = 13 faster.

                  This means 10% haste when you have none can be a big deal (3/4ths a second), but 10% haste when you have 90% haste is pretty small. We're talking 1 sixtieth of a second.
                  You can read the full thread here. As a thf, you will find lots of useful information there.

                  Faster TP= Faster Skillchain, Faster SKillchain= Faster EXP.
                  If you really do perform a haste cycle like you claim, then it wouldn't be any faster. At best it would be the same. However, if the nin gets caught with blink down and recast isn't ready because he lacked haste (since you were hasting the drk), the nin will get hit and lose hate. Your haste on the drk is now going to worsen the situation as he is pulling even more hate. My brd's static party doesn't even haste the mnks anymore because they are already limited by the nin's hate. Thus, the nin gets haste first and always for extra hate and faster blink recast while the mnk's try to limit their dmg output (which haste would make the problem worse and waste mp). Nin's need haste always, whether you do it first or second doesn't matter as long as they always have it for the rest of the party. A cycle has no beginning or end, it is circular. Thus claiming nin is at the end and drk is at the beginning is meaningless.
                  Last edited by Rones; 08-13-2005, 02:26 PM.
                  Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


                  • #10
                    Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                    Originally posted by Rones
                    I have to call BS on that. Ruic has done lots of calculations on the math behind haste. Here is an excerpt:

                    As you can see, in 30 seconds you are only going to get 9-10 attacks and thf's usually get 5-7 tp per hit at best. So it is impossible for you to reach 100 tp in 30 seconds.

                    In addition to this, it is better to haste dual wielders and those who already have haste effects last (from a tp gain respect) as haste has diminishing returns. Again I will reference Ruic's research:

                    You can read the full thread here. As a thf, you will find lots of useful information there.
                    Firstly, I didn't say it was easy. I just said it was entirely possible. Secondly, I didn't say it was exactly 30 seconds, it's around that general time.

                    Ruic's calculations make some sense but in that original post they assume katana delays and you are assuming that Thief is still using 200 delay daggers and that they aren't wearing additional Haste equipment. Dagger is undoubtedly the lowest delay weapon that can be weilded. There are daggers with as low as 150 delay, most are familiar with the Beestinger available at level 7. Then there is its stronger "Relative" at level 48 that is the Hornet's Needle that also has 150 delay. Much fun can be had with that the HN after level 55 with Haste. In fact I have a video of a Thief/Warrior messing around with that dagger after level 55, he kills one of the level 30-ish Goblins in Rolanberry in under 20 seconds getting nearly 100 extra TP at the same time. If I can find a host for the video I'll post it up, it's not a particularly large file, called thief_speed the Author is Stanislav. They started at around 140 or 145 TP and evaded or parried all hits by the goblin and ended up with 220 TP which is a total of 75-80 TP gained within that time period. If the goblin had survived all the attacks they definately could've gotten 100 TP within 30 seconds. With Ninja Dual Wield and some lucky Triple Attacks Thief/Ninja can get 100 TP within 30 seconds too. Not to mention that Thief can possibly get some additional 2-4 % TP in regular party from being hit with Area Attacks as well.

                    Also in regards to Armor, one of the things that S-E did with the CoP expansions was add in level 47 and 50 Thief equippable only Armor with + Haste. The Bravo's Subligar and Raparee Harness which have to be dropped from CoP mob or quested. As well there are some decent +Haste belts available to all melee jobs at level 50+. The Swift Belt, and then at 55 there's the Speed Belt. At level 55 a Thief who can spend the time required to afford Speed Belt and do CoP for the subligar and harness can have +12% Haste from that alone.

                    Using Ruic's calculation Hornet's Needle off-hand with a 200 delay dagger (Combined Base Delay of 350) and the armors above, plus a Haste spell Thief/Ninja with Dual Wield II will have a new weapon delay of 250 when floored, 251 if you round up. Then again there's some talk about a 300 minimum delay. I'd crunch the math, except they're still kind of debating those numbers. So I will just say that from my own experience I have seen that Thief/Ninja can get 100% TP or close enough to 100 in exp party within 30 seconds to let off a Skillchain roughly every 30 seconds. Numbers sometimes don't really match up with what actually happens in actual battle in the game, heck nobody has 100% Accuracy against IT mobs. Besides, unless you are cheating and can see your teammate's TP percentages you have at all times you'll have to do TP announce to let your party members know when you have 100% and if they're slower in TP gain you have to wait on them. So it's more like skillchain every 40 seconds anyways as skillchain is not performed on the dot at 30 seconds.

                    Apologies for veering rather off-topic but since this is a Haste information is required for the knowledgeable White Mage, it can be pertinent information.
                    Last edited by Muu Yi; 08-13-2005, 11:29 PM. Reason: Sentence Structuring and Spelling... it's late.

                    Avatar picture obtained from NamcoXCapcom Subarashiki Shin Sekai Community


                    • #11
                      Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                      I read the first paragraph and the last. Seriously, I play the game for enjoyment. If I have to start taking into consideration the armor of players and then start factoring who I should haste accordingly, for me, that is going a bit too far. I base my decisions on the mob we are killing, the jobs (i.e. weapon delay, recast, etc), and player skill. I think thats enough.
                      Originally posted by Feba
                      But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                      Originally posted by Taskmage
                      God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                      Originally posted by DakAttack
                      ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                      • #12
                        Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                        There's no need to over-analyze TP generation if you're a WHM. Just start everyone off with no Haste and see which of the two DD melees is consistently behind on TP for a skillchain, and Haste that person. You generally won't have the spare MP to Haste everyone (if you do, that usually means there's a bard and a red mage in your party, and at that point the RDM can split Haste duties with you).



                        • #13
                          Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                          Much fun can be had with that the HN after level 55 with Haste.
                          Single weapon has a minimum delay of 150 regardless of how much haste you throw on it. Ruic explains that here:
                          There is also a hard cap on the minimum delay allowed. The fastest weapon in the game, the beestinger and/or hornet needle daggers are given a negligible, if not nil bonus from Haste, because 150 delay seems to be the lowest delay that you are allowed to attack at. This is why TP can not be less than 5%, not because game mechanics have a hard cap on TP, but because game mechanics have a hard cap on delay's minimum, so that animations do not overlap. So let's assume that this is the maximum delay achievable to reach the 5 TP floor
                          With Ninja Dual Wield and some lucky Triple Attacks Thief/Ninja can get 100 TP within 30 seconds too.
                          I left out triple attack because I was already assuming 100% accu against exp mobs. If you want to claim triple attack going off 4-5 times in 30 seconds, I'll claim 25% accu and call it even.

                          As for your claim that you can still get 100% tp in 30 seconds, let me elaborate further. Assume you have the Beestinger or 150 delay weapon. 60 delay = 1 second, that's an attack every 2.5 seconds. In 30 seconds you will get 12 attacks, with 100% accu you will get 60tp. If you assume the 300 delay min does not exist for dual weilding then your best base delay is 300 and 100% haste gains you 150 delay again x2 attacks which would give you 24 attacks in 30 sec and 120% tp. However, reaching anywhere near 100% haste in an exp party, using two 150 delay weapons, and breaking the 300 minimum delay for dual wielding prevents any of that from happening.

                          So unless your a leprechaun who gets triple attacks constantly with extremely high accu, you are not getting 100%tp in 30 seconds.

                          Don't worry about following this discussion to closely Grandmom, this is just for the number crunchers.
                          Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


                          • #14
                            Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                            Originally posted by Icemage
                            There's no need to over-analyze TP generation if you're a WHM. Just start everyone off with no Haste and see which of the two DD melees is consistently behind on TP for a skillchain, and Haste that person. You generally won't have the spare MP to Haste everyone (if you do, that usually means there's a bard and a red mage in your party, and at that point the RDM can split Haste duties with you).

                            I agree with Icemage's assesment. Try it out for yourself and you will see how it actually parses out in real battle. Rone keeps believing I said it's exactly 30 seconds... when I already said it's around that number... as in an estimate. Not an accurate amount. Unless you are cheating and can see your party member's TP, you will not be able to skillchain on the dot at 30 seconds anyways. You think I don't know that Triple Attack is often a rare occurence? By the way it is impossible to get 100% accuracy, 95% is the best that anyone can acheive.

                            The bottom line is that the conclusion Thief after level 60 cannot get 100% TP in around 30 seconds is based only on assumptions not actual experimentation... a hypothesis, an educated guess. Whereas my statement is based in reality... in numbers obtained from actual experience... actual experimentation and implementation. You can argue about whatever game mechanics that you want to but the actual results are factual.

                            I found a link to a second Video of Thf/War, specifically states 100%TP in 30 seconds. Thf/Nin can't do it when Thf/War can? Then why are most of us all happily dual-wielding away? :confused:


                            I can give you numbers if you want them though. For those not interested, don't read the following paragraph.

                            Don't assume that 60 delay = 1 second. I believe this is completely false if that were true, Dark Knight weapons with 600 delay would take 10 seconds to swing or Ranger with 500 delay bows would take more than 8 seconds to fire and that is not the case. I'm fairly certain that 100 delay = 1 second. Why else does Beestinger or Hornet's Needle appear to strike nearly once every second? That is because its delay is closer to 1.5 seconds rather than 2.5. So in 30 seconds you will actually get 20 attacks. Get 5 TP per dagger hit and what is 20 * 5? Answer: 100. Let us assume that 300 delay is the lowest that can be acheieved with Dual Wield, although I don't believe that to be true. You wouldn't need 2 150 delay daggers to acheive 300 delay with the right equipment and/or Haste. 300 = 3 seconds and every 3 seconds Thief hits /twice/ (Remember Dual Wield allows 2 swings). So in 30 seconds Thief still swings 20 times for 5 TP each hit... the result is still 100 TP even discounting Triple Attack occurences if they manage to strike all 20 times. I agree that luck can play a part in it actually happening but bonuses from equipment, job traits, and Haste makes it easier to achieve this feat regardless of luck.
                            Last edited by Muu Yi; 08-14-2005, 08:45 PM. Reason: Added video link

                            Avatar picture obtained from NamcoXCapcom Subarashiki Shin Sekai Community


                            • #15
                              Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                              I found a link to a second Video of Thf/War, specifically states 100%TP in 30 seconds. Thf/Nin can't do it when Thf/War can? Then why are most of us all happily dual-wielding away?
                              The video opened with a triple attack going off, and I believe I saw 3-4 other triple/double attacks go off. As well she had 100% accu against a tw. So that video doesn't really prove anything. It likely took her several tries to get those to kick in so often within 30 seconds.
                              Don't assume that 60 delay = 1 second. I believe this is completely false if that were true, Dark Knight weapons with 600 delay would take 10 seconds to swing or Ranger with 500 delay bows would take more than 8 seconds to fire and that is not the case.
                              100delay =1 sec for ranged weapons. However, 60delay=1 sec is quite true for melee weapons and I challenge you to prove it wrong. I have done many tests for this in another thread. Take a staff or slow delay weapon, time how many attacks you get in a minute (without double or triple attacking job). You will find you can predict exactly how many attacks you will get with that formulea. I say high delay because that is easier to count, but it also works my 200 delay wands.
                              300 = 3 seconds and every 3 seconds Thief hits /twice/ (Remember Dual Wield allows 2 swings).
                              300 delay = 5 seconds. Big difference there that ruins your calculations. I said two 150 delay weapons because you need 300 base if you want to reach 150 delay from dual wielding (assuming you could break the 300 base). Even then you only get 120% tp in 30 seconds with 100% haste and 100% accu.
                              The bottom line is that the conclusion Thief after level 60 cannot get 100% TP in around 30 seconds is based only on assumptions not actual experimentation... a hypothesis, an educated guess.
                              2 + 3 = X
                              I hypothesize X = 5, do I need to go test it with a set of 2 and 3 apples? We know the delay is true and the haste forumlea is true as Ruic and others have proven that true (self included). Thus, unless you can site some outside influence, the outcome will not change despite your anecdotal evidence.

                              However, don't listen to me. Go test it yourself. Switch to job without triple or double attack. Go test how many attacks you do in a min (use a stop watch or digital wrist watch). If you have friends handy, test it with extra haste effects. See if you can break the 150 delay base. Let me know what kind of numbers you get.

                              Edit- Dug up some of my old testing:
                              I got bored yesterday and found a nice too weak elemental to experiment on. I pulled out my 400 delay staff and began auto attacking. I cast no spells during the fight. After the 2nd attack I started my timer for 2 min and counted the number of attacks.
                              If 100delay = 1 sec, I should be able to get an attack every 4 seconds. So 120 sec/4 = 30 swings with my staff.
                              If 60 delay = 1 sec, it would be 400/60 = 6.67, meaning one attack every 6.67 seconds. So 120/6.67= 18 attacks. That's a difference of 12 swings between the 2 formulas.

                              Well, when my timer beeped after 2 min I had performed 17 attacks (18th was about to go). There was no detectable lag during that and no cures cast on me to slow down my attacks. There is no way I could be short 13 attacks unless the 100delay = 1 sec formula is wrong.
                              I've done the same tests with wands, clubs, and swds. Always got data that supports 60delay= 1 sec.

                              Found a large chart with testing results with a good number of weapons:
                              [code]Delay Tp/Hit(%) 100%TP
                              999 18.4 92.0%+1hit=110.4% ( 6hits=99.90sec)
                              888 17.1 85.5%+1hit=102.6% ( 6hits=74.00sec)
                              666 14.3 85.8%+1hit=100.1% ( 7hits=77.70sec)
                              528 12.6 88.2%+1hit=100.8% ( 8hits=70.40sec)
                              513 12.4 99.2%+1hit=111.6% ( 9hits=76.95sec)
                              502 12.2 97.6%+1hit=109.8% ( 9hits=74.70sec)
                              498 12.2 97.6%+1hit=109.8% ( 9hits=74.70sec)
                              495 12.1 96.8%+1hit=108.9% ( 9hits=73.35sec)
                              489 12.1 96.8%+1hit=108.9% ( 9hits=73.35sec)
                              480 12.0 96.0%+1hit=108.0% ( 9hits=72.00sec)
                              475 11.9 95.2%+1hit=107.1% ( 9hits=71.25sec)
                              470 11.7 93.6%+1hit=105.3% ( 9hits=69.90sec)
                              466 11.7 93.6%+1hit=105.3% ( 9hits=69.90sec)
                              465 11.6 92.8%+1hit=104.4% ( 9hits=69.75sec)
                              458 11.5 92.0%+1hit=103.5% ( 9hits=68.70sec)
                              456 11.4 91.2%+1hit=102.7% ( 9hits=68.40sec)
                              444 11.1 99.9%+1hit=112.0% (10hits=74.00sec)
                              443 11.1 99.9%+1hit=112.0% (10hits=74.00sec)
                              431 10.8 97.2%+1hit=108.0% (10hits=71.83sec)
                              418 10.5 94.5%+1hit=105.0% (10hits=69.66sec)
                              405 10.2 91.8%+1hit=102.0% (10htis=67.50sec)
                              * 1%TP for every around 40 weapon delay
                              * delay 60 = 1 sec[/code]
                              Table courtesy of Alontier. You can read more on it here.
                              Last edited by Rones; 08-15-2005, 02:05 AM.
                              Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm

