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Very Impressed With WHM

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  • Very Impressed With WHM

    I must say, I took WHM from 24 to 31 yesterday, and I was impressed with the abilities that WHM wield.

    For one, I never remember enfeebling being that easy in the jungle. As a RDM back then, even against mandies, my Paralyzes and Slows were being resisted very often; And yesterday, it was rare to see a resist.

    (maybe its my gear and the food i never had when i was RDM 25, but still)

    Anyway, I'll never take WHMs for granted again now that I've actually been one.
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    Originally posted by Kaeko
    As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.

  • #2
    It's probably the fact that your enfeebling magic wasn't capped the first time around, but now it is.
    Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
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    • #3
      I got opposite experience where my Whm can hardly land any enfeebles at all
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #4
        Enfeebling at the lower lvls was easy for my whm but at the higher lvls it failed quite often. Once I bought a few elemental staves it helped quite nicely. My enfeebling isn't capped yet but I was able to para, slow, and gravity EV in the AA fights quite easily.
        Originally posted by Feba
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        Originally posted by DakAttack
        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jei
          I got opposite experience where my Whm can hardly land any enfeebles at all
          WHM enfeebling is pretty mediocre. I work pretty hard at maximizing my chance to land spells with equipment swaps, and while I get a noticeably better rate of success, it's still not what I'd call "great".

          WHM enfeebling with Slow/Paralyze/Silence runs about on par with RDM until around level 40. After that, you really start noticing the differences, and by level 60, even with AF body and an elemental staff, it becomes intensely difficult to consistently land enfeebles no matter how much MND or Enfeebling Magic you stack (I run +28 enfeebling with appropriate staff, and get around 50-90% stick rate on Very Tough enemies, depending on elemental resistances involved).



          • #6
            It depends on level range.

            You have to remember that at key points in your xp career, IT is more levels above you.

            And there are some that have more resistance to certain elements then other.

            Slowing a cocktrice is way hard, but frosting a crab or crawler is amazingly easy even with a subjob level elemental magic.

            In a 6 man team, you are limited to your choices, but a whm is decently equiped to take up the slack for a missing redmage.

            Usually unless it's a mage type with shell, a whm should be able to land dia and slow or para + an elemental type of that weakness.

            It's still pretty good as a whm going out of his field.


            • #7
              When I was in the jungles leveling from 25-31, it was surprisingly easy to enfeeble IT mandragoras. I started every battle with dia, then paralyze. Both were set on a temporary macro because they landed so much. Then after curing whoever needed it, I cast slow, which usually hit.

              What surprised me the most was my enfeebling skill was in the 40s. I brought it up to 70 something during all those battles though. ^^
              I crush up my pills and snort them like dust. They are my sugar. They are the sweetness in the days that have none. They drip through me like tupelo honey. Then they are gone. Then I need more. I always need more.

              Sig thanks to Aksannyi of Dreams In Vana'diel


              • #8
                Re: Very Impressed With WHM

                An I the only one with enfeebling magic capped as a WHM ??

                Maybe because I seldom had a RDM in my parties before lvl40... or because I'm used to Dia and Paralyze... (on a side note, I play way too much FFXI... i did "para<tab-key>" for the auto complete )

                Funny, I almost never played RDM, only lvl8, and my time being BLM were, Blind + Bio + Nuke so I don't think it comes from there... I ALWAYS cap my enfeebling while my healing seldom is ;_; (/cry)
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                • #9
                  Re: Very Impressed With WHM

                  Enfeebling magic starts to slack off a whole ton once you reach 50 i feel and exp off of robber crabs. I cant enfeeble to shit and giggles even...and if it does land things like Paralyze doesnt seem to proc as often or maybe its just me. Its around 50s that my enfeebling skill started to slack and after a while i would like to do DiaII whenever possible >< Too bad not all RDMs like that...


                  • #10
                    Re: Very Impressed With WHM

                    Guess it's time to search for the posts Apple Pie had done. If I recall correctly there is a certain thread were he mentions some enfeebling spells that WHM actually had better use of then his RDM character did.

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                    • #11
                      Re: Very Impressed With WHM

                      That would likely be paralyze and slow. Once resists aren't a problem, you want all the +mnd you can get for increased potency according to Applepie's test results. Since whm has a higher base mnd than rdm, they can boost it higher. However, except at 75 or with enfeeble merits, whm will usually need +enfeebling gear just to attempt to keep pace with a rdm's resist rate.
                      Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm

