Since Raise III was obtainable through ENM the price went down from 2 mil to 200k. But this past week, it dropped down to 100k (lol @ undercutters). This is Ragnarok btw.
I hope it keeps goin down, of course, but I'd definately be willing to pay 100k for Raise III. (I paid 120k for Raise II...).
I've been 66WHM forever, but once I get 1 more lvl on NIN (making it 40) and getting 5->40 on BRD, I plan to finish of WHM.
I hope it keeps goin down, of course, but I'd definately be willing to pay 100k for Raise III. (I paid 120k for Raise II...).
I've been 66WHM forever, but once I get 1 more lvl on NIN (making it 40) and getting 5->40 on BRD, I plan to finish of WHM.
