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Pulling the Strings - Solo ENM - WHM

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  • Pulling the Strings - Solo ENM - WHM

    Am not particularly fond of this ENM anymore, as goblin made me waste 52k today. >_< But I did want to beat it on my "main" job, too, just to say I have.

    Must say I found it really easy to fight as WHM.. I used two yag drinks and an orange kuchen. No extra-ordinary dice rolls on either side - although I think I did get the better end of the trade. He certainly went down faster than the RDM Fantoccini. Never dropped below 200MP. I did use Benediction simply out of laziness, and because I figured why not use the tools I have. I waited till he beat me down to 140HP, then used it (this was right after a dice roll, mind you - I wasn't going to take that risk).

    Tactic.. well, I basically whacked it with a high-damage weapon, used my TP with Seraph Strike whenever I could, cured myself and re-applied stoneskin when he was casting. Like a Maat Battle, except this time you actually have to kill the Fantoccini.


    Weapon: Arcana Breaker
    Shield: Holy Shield
    Ranged: Morion Tathlum
    Head: Nothing (Verm Cloak)
    Neck: Star Necklce
    Ear1: Phantom Earring
    Ear2: Enhancing Earring
    Body: Vermillion Cloak
    Hands: Magna Gloves
    Ring1: Astral Ring
    Ring2: Astral Ring
    Back: Aurora Mantle
    Waist: Forest Stone
    Legs: AF Pants
    Feet: Magna F ledelsens

    After manually analyzing the battle log (again ; , I can say the Fantoccini WHM type has about 2000HP. 1904 that I did to him + DOT from Dia II. That means he has about 1500HP less than the RDM Fantoccini.

    Eep. Just noticed that I forgot to start up my screenshot program, so all you get is battle log.

    Got unlucky on the drops as you can see. >_@
    Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
    Zilart, CoP completed
    Vrtra downed.

    San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
    FFXI journal

  • #2
    The ENM is mostly based on luck, from what I can tell... I tried, spent 35k getting into the BC, and every roll was for him, except when I got "Attack Up" twice in a row. At one point he had just a sliver of life left, and got a roll for full HP -_-


    • #3
      I got lucky and beat him first try and got the feather. Nice novelty item....really only useful for bcnms. Congrats on the win.


      • #4
        I hated that ENM, he got 3 JA timer resets and Benedicted 4 times and I ended up just running myself to the end cause I couldn't bloody kill him..
        It was so much easier on RNG its not funny.
        San D'orian Taru ~ All the courage of Sandy, all the cute, fluffy qualities of a taru.


        • #5
          I've only tried on WHM, RDM and SMN. Haven't beaten SMN. I think BLM will be my next attempt.
          Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
          Zilart, CoP completed
          Vrtra downed.

          San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
          FFXI journal


          • #6
            I beat him as MNK and RNG. I never had luck with NIN, he always blew up on me and i died ><
            I wonder if i ever get a reward for this, because i never got a Worm Mulch or anything (beside exp). I thought i was 100%


            • #7
              http://my first Solo ENM attempt

              need XviD codec to use.

              i can beat this BC with just 2 yag drinks now, it's really easy.

              i'm 1/9 on the feather =/


              • #8
                Re: Pulling the Strings - Solo ENM - WHM

                I wonder if anyone has tried this lately & could tell me what would be useful?

                Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

                Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

                80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


                • #9
                  Re: Pulling the Strings - Solo ENM - WHM

                  Thanks SA, Looks hepful. Anyone else have any other stuffs? And is True Strike basically needed to win? =o

                  Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

                  Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

                  80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


                  • #10
                    Re: Pulling the Strings - Solo ENM - WHM

                    The first time I did this ENM, all my magic skills were under the cap, and my Club skill was rather pitiful. While I did manage to beat it a few times like this, things became infinitely easier once all my skills were capped.

                    As a Tarutaru, I use a Meat Mithkabob for the enhanced damage and use the following gear:

                    Weapon: Arcana Breaker
                    Sub: Holy Shield
                    Ammo: Bibiki Seashell
                    Head: Healer's Cap
                    Neck: Grandiose Chain
                    Ear: Antivenom Earring
                    Ear: Geist Earring
                    Body: Holy Breastplate
                    Hands: Healer's Mitts
                    Ring: Tamas Ring
                    Ring: Fasting Ring
                    Back: Federation Mantle
                    Waist: Powerful Rope
                    Legs: Healer's Pantaloons
                    Feet: Healer's Duckbills

                    At the start of the battle, I buff up completely: eat my food, Protect III, Shell III, Blink, Stoneskin, Aquaveil, Haste. Of all the buffs, I'd say Aquaveil is the most important. The puppet will chew through everything else rather quickly, and he hits hard, so he interrupts you quite often. Aquaveil curbs this, especially with magic skills capped.

                    From there, it's a pretty full-on Assault. I keep Dia II up at all times, and occasionally try to stick Paralyze and Slow, which I have a hard time doing. Paralyze doesn't last long even if it does stick, but Slow seems to last a while. Flash also seems to have its duration cut in half, which makes throwing Stoneskin back up a bit more difficult, but I try to do that whenever possible.

                    I use Divine Seal + Cure III and Benediction at the start of the battle because there's a chance the Goblin will recharge your abilities at some point.

                    My biggest issue is running out of MP. I do not bring drinks or eat MP food, so this is a bit of an issue. I use Stoneskin whenever possible, and stick to Cure IV when it isn't. If I do manage to get Stoneskin off, I'll make up for the HP loss with Regen II. I use True Strike when I get TP, but it does miss quite often, so I may switch back to Seraph Strike.

                    Other than that, I would suggest using Holy when he's about to die to kill him quickly. You never know when the Goblin would roll a Benediction or HP regeneration to completely screw over all your work.

