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WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

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  • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

    someone on cait sith was trying to charge 5000 a tele the other day in jeuno. a lot of other white mages started handing out free teles in protest.

    ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
    Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
    I live to entertain!


    • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

      Originally posted by Sharpedo
      wel you got the crag teleports witch are with the big white building where you get teleported to
      this is Holla, Dem and Mea

      then you also got the non crag teleports sutch as Altep, Yhoat and Vazhl
      these teleports where added in later in the game and also don't have the big white building in it

      it is alays nice to have SMN as sub job for teleports, though BLM is way better since you can warp yourself back to Jeuno after you teleported
      or would you reather use a Warp Cudgel over and over to get back? lol
      well, if you're using a warp cudgel to get back, you better be getting in excess of 12k per tele. they cost 5k + (12k * # of charges) and getting considerably worse. iirc on the price, they've always been expensive and now even more so.

      the common tactict is teleport > warp > enter mog house > exit mog house rendering the only thing /smn gives at 50+ (Auto-Refresh) completely obsolete.

      as a 36 whm and elvaan, i had enough mps for at least 2 teleports and a warp, or i could do 3 and just rest long enough for a warp (with a cookie). excluding self, and a few tele-taxi's for friends/ls members, i've only done 1 official one and that was with someone i've partied with before.
      Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
      G1 (X) 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(Test aquired)
      San Doria Rank 6
      ZM5, PM2-5, ToAU 1-1

      Which FF Character Are You?

      a male version anyways >.> ... ~.^

      #2 Vivi #3 Kuja


      • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

        Originally posted by samskeyti
        500 gil is a Fire Crystal.
        Fire Crystals are going for 1k a piece in Bastok today on Unicorn.

        I just recently hit 36 and I just based my prices on what everyone else on Unicorn was charging.

        Although I rarely ASK for my money for teleports, when I do ask I ask 2k from Bastok to Dem or Holla (don't have mea yet).

        In Jeuno I normally am tipped 1k to 3k for Dem or Holla, and Mea is normally offered around 4k because so few low level WHM's have it (due to Windurst fame and Bastok never selling Coronets on our server).

        So 1k minimum seems to be the trend on our server, but on average I get AT LEAST 2k per person.

        And it is more than just pushing a button. And it's more than just giving up our time. The most important thing is you're saving A LOT of time you'd have to spend running all the way there. Just like I spent a lot of time getting the scrolls for the spells. WHM's are doing you the favor with the teleport, and it's a good (and consistent) way for us to make money...

        Double Post Edited:
        Originally posted by Darkages
        .....I must be the only really nice whm bc when ever im in jueno i take about 2 - 5 partys of people that need a tele and i dont make htem pay and when they want to give me a tip i dont take it and i also cast protectga 3 and shell 2 on them and they like prasie me.y would people want money for somehting you can quest get for free and dosnt take more than 10 sec to do i think thats soo awful making them pay i must be alone in this game
        Did you actually DO the quests for the scrolls?

        The hours of questing to get your fame up in all three cities and the all the running of errands from city to city to dungeon to city to get the items you need and the NPC's you need to complete the quest?

        That took you 10 seconds? I must be on the wrong server...
        Last edited by framerate; 01-10-2006, 07:34 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


        • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

          unlike most servers Remora price is going sky high
          stack of Fire Crystals for 10k minimum and if your lucky to get it at that price
          VC gone up to 25m
          Pluto's Staff up to 7m
          SH is up to 21m
          not to mention that even the starting gear costs about 10k pro piece

          Remora economy is totaly going down with the gil sellers and the gil buyers
          to see like VC go up for 8mil in only a few days is just insane

          not to mention that price of everything is still going up

          in Remora a WHM can't live with pocket money like 1k or even 2k pro teleport
          its very rarely that some people shout like teleport-.... reward 5k or so
          if you see closely in our AH and all then you do see that gil is being bought massively in our server by the players
          counted it up for a person with the rare items that cost a huge amount of gil
          some people spend over 200 000k on items in a matter of a few days

          people just stop buying gil and ruining the game for the rest of us
          if you can't do farming yourself for the little extra gil you need, or even not get that kickass item with buying gil just cuz your short on gil

          what would be the point of the game then?
          that we all live on gil sellers, that we actualy need there gil to survive in the game?
          wel not me, i wil always fight against them in ruining the economy's of all the servers
          1 person can NOT make a diffrence in FFXI about the gil sellers, though a whole lot of people can and wil make a huge diffrence

          and don't think that gil sellers are all japanese people, hell no
          they come from all over the world

          so next time you thinking you got it bad then take a second gues on how messed up other servers are compared to your own

          i already seen servers even wurs then the Remora one
          and for those servers that still got a decent price on items i can only warn you
          cuz also the economy in your own server wil go down, same for farming your own gil

          and for the WHM's out there that still do teleports for like 500 gil, wel good luck to you
          and thank you for messing up the ONLY thing that WHM can do to gain some nice gil in

          this is Remora

          Last edited by Sharpedo; 01-10-2006, 12:44 PM.
          WAR 13, MNK 7, WHM 64, BLM 31, RDM 13, THF 26, PLD 14, DRK 15,
          BST 24, BRD 16, RNG 25, SAM 6, NIN 19, DRG 37, SMN 43
          Avatars: -={FENRIR}=-
          Prime fights? please let me join


          • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

            LOL @ Remora

            But seriously, the reason why teleport tips are insane is that there's a lot of gil buyers out there. My friend once got tipped for 50K just because she responded quickly to a shout and teleported them and sneak/invis ... this is to Vahzl point. Yeesh ...


            • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

              Originally posted by Pai Pai Master
              White Mage teleporting is indeed on the decline. Expect it to die out from here on unless prices are raised.

              Even I thought I'd be able to keep teleporting for a decent income, but inflation has just changed the price of "needs" so much, and White Mage teleports are among the few things that have remained constant in price since they first came about years ago.

              Ever since I took off from leveling WHM, I've realized how hard it is to be living on the other side; needing a teleport and not finding any WHMs offering them, even in Jeuno. However, it is even harder for a WHM, probably the worst job at farming, to make a living off Teleports these days. I know one person can't make a difference, but I've made it a point to start paying 1500-2000 gil for basic teleports and 2500-3000 for advanced teleports. Personally, I see that as a pricing structure which can save financially-lacking White Mages.

              EDIT: Moved to White Mage forums, by the way, :p
              Not happening on Ramuh, but you are correct about the WHM being horrible at farming. In fact, I have experienced being the "Poor White Mage" for a good while before getting the Teleport Scrolls.

              Originally posted by Rashin
              Uh there are much better ways to make money then farming...i still dont fall for that BS...
              DO please enlighten us on the better ways to make Gil.

              Originally posted by The GrantMom
              But just as whm's may be annoying asking for more, I can't tell you how many rude people I've run into. A well known RICH botter on my server didn't want to pay for his tele. His pt, that I was tele'ing, gave him hell for it. So he trades me 200 gil. I canceled and chastized him so he finally paid the 500 gil. My goodness...500 freakin gil...give me a break! You don't know how many people try to get free tele's or want to pay discounted prices. I'm lucky if I make 10k an hour doing tele's, please don't try and cheat the whm's.
              Don't even get me started on the rude people. As an experienced tele-er, I have had people who piggybacked free teles while I teleport. "Hurry, I have to run!" And then there are people who yell at you if you have to raise the prices. Protect IV is over 200k (I think it is still that) and rising, Raise III was a crazy 10-15mil once. It shot down and it is now rising again.

              Originally posted by Irinicus
              Someone quoted this earlier:

              Whm is losing time to save you time. Time is money in this game.

              BULLSHIT! Whm's are not losing time if all they do is sit in Freakin' Jueno, which they do constantly, and advertise their services. Thata to me is telling me 'Hey I have nothing better to do right now soooo I will be a tele-whore'. Show me where thats losing their time. WHM's want more gil, then go farm it, dont ruin the tele prices, if you do, you may find others willing to do it for FREE. I am at the lvl now where I have whm subbed and have the crag tele's too. God forbid I ever see someone over charging for Tele's when I am in jueno, if this happens, I will shout doing Crag Tele's for FREE and therefore you will be shit out of luck and gil. Get with the program WHM's, you want more gil, find another profession.
              During the time I could be tele-ing, I could be doing some quest or getting EXP. If you really want the WHMs to change professions for more Gil--yeah, what if we all did that? Then you'd be SOL when a WHM is needed. Sure a RDM is great, but not so great when a Raise II or III is needed. I'm sorry, but I am proud of my White Mage.
              Almost four years experience playing FFXI. I am a Raccoon, not a Hyena--despite my name states I am one.

              Get creative and pretend these happened.
              Flaremoogles! Maester Hare HNM Fight! Charmander HNM!



              • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                totaly agree, WHM arn't just teleport taxi all day long
                shure when i'm in Jeuno for leveling a job and a person gives a good price then i do change to WHM/BLM for a moment to teleport, though wel if i'm busy and people in Remora heard me say that a few times then i just say why not walk there if you don't like it

                then they stay in Jeuno for several hours spamming the chat for a little teleport just cuz they are to lame to walk to a Crag or get the airship to Kazham then Chocobo just to get to Norg

                and please tell us what good way a WHM has in farming

                in soloing our damage is low, though we have allt he magic to heal ourself
                shure i beaten EP Beetles in CN cuz i needed just a little more EXP to level up
                fights take extremely long and even a TW monster can kill you if your not carefull

                WHM might have it easy as being main healer (its the job of a WHM so why even question this)
                and wel almost every party does need a good healer

                in Jeuno i don't do shouts, i invite on what they offer to pay
                if a person just shouts reward and then asks me how mutch then i wil give them a price
                and if they don't like it then its eather waiting for a other WHM that isn't in a hurry or walking

                whats 1k these days?
                why not ask what is 10k these days?
                10k is a chocobo ride in Mea lol (wel about 7k in Mea)

                there was once a person who knew what a WHM actualy has to go true in order to level up also, buy the spells needed, ecetera
                he asked me for a teleport
                oferd me 4k cuz he was in a hurry something about a event he had to get to ASAP
                i also had some other people for teleport ready though one of them payed 3k to me saying in party chat that he payed for both teleports and the other dit not wanted to pay me anything at all lol
                strange thing is that both where lvl 75 jobs
                i call it being cheap

                i don't mind helping out a lower level and rank person cuz i know that they also still need to get the hang of the game

                even made a fellow WHM happy in Jeuno
                gave 10k for a teleport Holla (skill up so wel kinda normal that you get killed if you solo tough stuff alone)
                wel i died, warped to homepoint, talked to the same person again for a other teleport to Holla again
                wanted to give another 10k cuz wel it is a teleport and that WHM was busy
                took me 5 min. til that person accepted it
                in Theine i got a invite but got knocked out cuz of poison shortly after it
                once again send a /tell to the same WHM for a raise (payed 10k for that person to teleport to me and cast raise on me)

                i know i'm a WHM and most of the time i am low on gil, though i can manage to gain gil with mining IF AH price don't always go up
                like this in Smithing
                i managed to make a few Steel Ingots before the last update, though now i can't make them at all any more for my skill up
                meaning i'l have to buy them from AH thats around 160k a stack
                already very expensive though its for skill up, you should think its ok to have a little loss in the craft
                though not if the only crafts you can make go for 40k a stack

                some of you should realy try living in Remora

                if you come then get some Prozak ready, cuz you wil need it
                WAR 13, MNK 7, WHM 64, BLM 31, RDM 13, THF 26, PLD 14, DRK 15,
                BST 24, BRD 16, RNG 25, SAM 6, NIN 19, DRG 37, SMN 43
                Avatars: -={FENRIR}=-
                Prime fights? please let me join


                • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                  All players should be forced to level WHM to 42. Then the teleport shouts will finally stop.


                  Yes, this IS a joke... but wouldn't it be nice? ;-)

                  Tele-Taxi services are pretty much dead and buried - the real way to get around is outpost teleportation now (and good riddance, as far as I'm concerned). There's a zillion ways to move around without requiring other players, people should learn how to use those methods instead of bugging every WHM in the zone.



                  • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                    Now while I don't mind tele'ing my lsmates, sometimes I do get a bit irritated. Two examples:

                    I'm seeking on another job and someone in the ls asks for a tele. So of course I change and tele. When I get back I change and seek again. Guess what? Yep someone needs a tele. LOL So repeat. This happened 5 times within 20 minutes one day. I was so disgusted I just logged off and did something else. LOL

                    The other time is when we are going to camp or kill something. We tell everone at X:XX be on and we are going to do this. So of course I have to tele groups so we can be on our way. But it never fails, I wait a good 15 mins after the appointed time and then I tele and go to camp but someone logs on and I have to warp back. This happened once FIVE times and each time I had to pay yet another outrageous Mea chocobo fee!

                    And yes there are times where I'm the only whm on and it all falls on my shoulders. LOL But Icemage IS right, everyone should have to lvl whm and get all the teles. You would definately have friends /t'ing you with "Hey isn't your whm lvl 42?"
                    Originally posted by Feba
                    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                    Originally posted by Taskmage
                    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                    Originally posted by DakAttack
                    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                    • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                      Protect IV is over 200k
                      Try the npc...100K max i believe..


                      • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                        Unfortunately, everyone leveling WHM won't solve the problem - sometimes you need to go somewhere *and* be a job other than WHM when you get there. Switching to my 42 WHM so I can teleport myself to join a Dynamis-Xarcabard run, help with ZM4, etc. seems... unproductive.
                        Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                        RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                        All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                        • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                          Originally posted by Karinya
                          Unfortunately, everyone leveling WHM won't solve the problem - sometimes you need to go somewhere *and* be a job other than WHM when you get there. Switching to my 42 WHM so I can teleport myself to join a Dynamis-Xarcabard run, help with ZM4, etc. seems... unproductive.
                          Exactly. Tele-taxi is still alive and kicking!


                          • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                            Originally posted by Sharpedo
                            1: stack of Fire Crystals is 8-9k on Remora
                            2: chocobo price is way up Mea one goes for 6k for a single ride
                            3: spells in AH are going loco for WHM
                            4: if you don't need a teleport then don't shout for one
                            5: as long as the players wil go on boosting up AH price then so wil the WHM for teletaxi

                            i don't shout for what price i teleport
                            i see a /tell then i take it
                            WHM are not farmers that got like TH1 or TH2 or what ever to get the items they need
                            even the THF got problems
                            if you seen the price on WHM equipment that has gone up then you should be able to understand why we normaly don't take teleports for less then 1k
                            Two awesome points, Sharpedo. WHMs can't solo as much as THFs or NINs, and from my experiences I made far less Gil. Also, if people expect us to keep our prices at 500 Gil/ 1000 Gil for a teleport when people in the AH raise the scroll of Cure II or Protectra II to 600k, then what is the point of giving teleports? Those who make a variable 10k/hour (From earlier claims) would not dare want to try to teleport for 60 hours just to get a scroll that everyone REQUIRES him to get.

                            Originally posted by Sharpedo
                            n soloing our damage is low, though we have allt he magic to heal ourself
                            shure i beaten EP Beetles in CN cuz i needed just a little more EXP to level up
                            fights take extremely long and even a TW monster can kill you if your not carefull

                            WHM might have it easy as being main healer (its the job of a WHM so why even question this)
                            and wel almost every party does need a good healer
                            Yeah, Too Weak monsters are a pain in the ass at higher levels. And being the main healer isn't as easy as it seems (unless you have some damn good NIN tanks).
                            Almost four years experience playing FFXI. I am a Raccoon, not a Hyena--despite my name states I am one.

                            Get creative and pretend these happened.
                            Flaremoogles! Maester Hare HNM Fight! Charmander HNM!



                            • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                              Originally posted by Karinya
                              Unfortunately, everyone leveling WHM won't solve the problem - sometimes you need to go somewhere *and* be a job other than WHM when you get there. Switching to my 42 WHM so I can teleport myself to join a Dynamis-Xarcabard run, help with ZM4, etc. seems... unproductive.
                              Thats not the point I was making. The point I was making is that everyone should lvl it to that lvl so they can get bothered endlessly about tele's and therefore empathize with the whms. Once you can tele, especially in todays climate, everyone is your friend! LOL
                              Originally posted by Feba
                              But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                              Originally posted by Taskmage
                              God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                              Originally posted by DakAttack
                              ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                              • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                                Originally posted by Karinya
                                Unfortunately, everyone leveling WHM won't solve the problem - sometimes you need to go somewhere *and* be a job other than WHM when you get there. Switching to my 42 WHM so I can teleport myself to join a Dynamis-Xarcabard run, help with ZM4, etc. seems... unproductive.
                                Switch to WHM, Teleport-Zvahl, cast Sneak and Invisible, run to the Xarcabard outpost, outpost back to hometown, run to mog house to change jobs to whatever you need, and then outpost to where you need to be.

                                10 minutes, tops, gets you into nearly any zone in the game as long as you've got all your outpost quests completed.


