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WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

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  • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

    If your actually waiting for ppl to accept services and waiting for them to prepare for teleports it doesn't make that much money.

    My lvl 60 Drg can rampage around Maze of Shakrami for silks and get a dozen per hr, thats 40 k on Cerberus, aside from the occasional spike. Now if I'm waiting around for ppl to teleport and waiting on them to gather once they request one, that is time spent, I can get over 3 k per silk I aquire wile farming, if I'm teleporting for money then it is because I don't want to chase down crawlers and because I expect to get paid. Teleport spells alone arn't cheap, and raising Whm to that lvl isn't either, for a group I don't mind giving a discount, but whether it's one person or 5, I'm still waiting around Jeuno and offering a service, it cost 100-1k for a chocobo often times and they don't move half as fast as a teleport, with inflation comes higher prices.
    Learning > Intelligence > Experience. Weak minds are subject to experience before realization. Inteligent minds understand quickly with minimal experience. Learned minds excersise knowledge gained from study, and do not require experience to reach realization. Which is your claim?


    • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

      .....I must be the only really nice whm bc when ever im in jueno i take about 2 - 5 partys of people that need a tele and i dont make htem pay and when they want to give me a tip i dont take it and i also cast protectga 3 and shell 2 on them and they like prasie me.y would people want money for somehting you can quest get for free and dosnt take more than 10 sec to do i think thats soo awful making them pay i must be alone in this game
      i still get on here....even though it might not happen often i do!


      • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

        And i am sure thats going to pay your bills. Its nice and all to help someone, but we are talking about money here, when its about money its always time vs money. And we lose out on time AND money here.


        • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

          On a related note, I just saw someone with a 6-line teleport shout. Argh.


          • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

            Mayhaps I cant contribute too much to this conversation because I just hit WHM36 but I have noticed that I seem to be the only person on my Server that is actually giving teleports when I am in Jeuno. As such I have been able to make a veritable Fortune giving teleports out. With so few people giving out teles i usually get about 5k for each person.
            Windurst Rank 5
            <[75 White Mage retired]> ((May she rest in piece))
            Originally posted by
            spoon·y also spoon·ey ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spn)
            adj. spoon·i·er, spoon·i·est
            1. Enamored in a silly or sentimental way.
            2. Feebly sentimental; gushy.


            • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

              What you guys have to remember is that prices on everything seems to be going up.
              So what a WHM could buy for 500 gil 2-3 months ago probably cost 1-2k today.

              And also remember there are other ways to make gil than teleporting people.
              Why should I teleport people for 1 hour = 60 tele's (getting 500 gil pr. tele) =
              A total of 30k - if I can catch say 2 stacks of Black Sole in port jeuno within 40 min = 80k, then why the hell should I teleport people for gil (unless Im in my friendly mood?)

              This is the main reason for prices being raised, as I see it, I (and I'm sure most other whm's on the hades server) could simply make more gil doing other stuff if we wasn't taking 1k or 2k for a tele. And also, as I said earlier, because 500 gil just doesnt buy what it used to any more. Prices on everything is rising - remember that.

              I'm not a greedy person and/or want more gil - but I could simply earn alot more gil doing other stuff if I wasn't setting a minimum price on teles. E.g. 1k pr. trip
              Signature outdated.


              • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                It does need to be pointed out, though, that in many cases it is cheaper to outpost teleport. I don't get the impression that most WHMs on Midgardsormr take 500 for crag teleports, the usual prices I've seen offered are 1k-3k for crags. While time saved from a direct teleport may be worth some money, in my experience it often involves enough waiting to get a teleport that other means are called for. Usually your home region will control an area around Jeuno. 250 gil plus possibly a little for chocobo. Teleporting from home to Zulkheim or Kolshushu (200 or 800 depending on region control) may get you close enough to Dem, Holla, or Mea for most purposes. Being from Bastok, I tend to make good use of the Kolshushu teleport for travelling to Windy, as it's faster to walk from Buburimu than to Chocobo from Jeuno, and Kolshushu teleport gets you as close as Teleport-Mea, pretty much.

                I guess the question is, can transportation costs really inflate when there are NPC-based alternatives? Without said inflation, if the rest of the economy continues to inflate, then Teleporting simply becomes unprofitable, and falls more into being a favor done for friends than a service to be requested and paid for.

                For the record, I think I've only actually gotten WHM teleports 3-4 times, all of them before I could ride chocobos. Usually, the time required to find someone willing to teleport isn't worth it.
                Kumei, pickpocket of Midgardsormr(Bastok Rank 10)
                Alchemy 72, Smithing 51, Goldsmithing 48, Leathercraft 23, Fishing 20
                Koren, San d'Orian Adv.(Rank 10)
                Woodworking 29,Cooking 20
                All celestials(Trial-Size), Fenrir, Diabolos, Alexander, Odin
                Myrna, Windurstian Merchant
                Clothcraft 24
                Nyamohrreh, Windurstian Adv.(Rank 6)


                • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                  lol i rather just take the air ship and like y cant we like take friends on the airship lol that would b so cool
                  i still get on here....even though it might not happen often i do!


                  • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                    i pay 2k all the time no matter what. but i have been relying less on whm and just using the warp. dont have to wait for someone to invite to party, and as long as you did the supply run when your city has control (bastok almost never on titan) you can warp to where you are going.


                    • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                      Humm interesting thread..

                      I used to play as a Thief/war and Dragoon/war for a bit, and I think I've asked for a teleport once! And that's because I found myself stuck in Jeuno at level 18 without the chocobo quest done >.< I found it save me money getting around on my own, and I really hate bugging people for something I can easily do myself. Yeah it takes much, much longer to get around, but I don't play this game to rush through everything, I want to take my time enjoying it and everything in this game takes time, that's why it's worth spending money on it every month.

                      That said, I am beggining to play all over again as a white mage and I don't intend on charging people for teleports, I also don't intend on waiting around in Jeuno to taxi as I can spend that time crafting/farming/questing and whatever else is going on.. I've had many wonderful kind whm's help me along before, whithout ever being asked or expecting anything in return and I hope to able to do the same for others.

                      Then again I am new, so I may change my view on this with embittered experience I sure hope not!
                      Don't play with fire,
                      Play with Sayah.

                      by the Sloganizer


                      • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                        a couple days ago i had a white mage go way out of her way to give me a tele-altepa. i was willing to pay her 10k for it, because i knew she was busy and i really needed the tele.

                        she refused the money

                        ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
                        Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
                        I live to entertain!


                        • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                          Originally posted by aegina
                          a couple days ago i had a white mage go way out of her way to give me a tele-altepa. i was willing to pay her 10k for it, because i knew she was busy and i really needed the tele.

                          she refused the money
                          Yes this is exactly what happened to me, I was quite impressed and inspired to follow the example.
                          Don't play with fire,
                          Play with Sayah.

                          by the Sloganizer


                          • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                            Well I do have to say there is one flaw with giving out free teles. Every so often I'll be bored so I'll plant myself in lower jeuno and watch for shouts for teles. This usually happens during JP primetime so I end up tele'ing a lot of JP's. I've found that at least 50% of the JP's I tele get upset if I don't take their money! I feel like I'm insulting them and kind of feel bad! But I stick to my guns and won't accept gil. One party of JP's I tele'd insisted I take payment. I said {Ginger Cookies} {Can I have it?} and they were very happy and gave me a stack. Worked for me because I needed to buy some anyways! LOL
                            Originally posted by Feba
                            But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                            Originally posted by Taskmage
                            God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                            Originally posted by DakAttack
                            ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                            • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                              jp's can get offended if you don't take their money? o.O

                              i didn't know that!

                              >.> no ofence, but i think jp's get offended waay too often. they get offended if you check them, they get offended if you abreviate their name wrong, they get offended if you do them a favor and help them out for free...

                              i love jap's, jp's, but i don't understand them at all...

                              ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
                              Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
                              I live to entertain!


                              • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                                Rude whm to ask for 750 gil for a tele? Youre such an ethic. Then take chocobo or walk if you dont like it. ffs

                                Double Post Edited:
                                Ow and Aegina.. I agree with you.. I understand if they have some politeness rules, as irl, but this is a freaking virtual game with multi-national people, and if you dont like that then dont play the game. SE decided to set up a /check possibility, JPs have no reason to go crazy about that. Ow well. the biggest load of people ruin the gameplay anyway
                                Last edited by Kittyneko; 12-10-2005, 04:57 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

                                War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75

