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  • #61
    My point with teletaxi's. Is it alright in moderation I feel the WHM should find something that's better then just sitting there and teletaxi the whole time. However if they have their HP set there and teleporting some people along a way they are going anyways then why not for the little extra on the way?

    However to do it consistently and then try to demand more money out of it to make it like a profession I don't see a reason for it to make equal amount with no risk comparible to other methods.

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #62
      Originally posted by Macht
      My point with teletaxi's. Is it alright in moderation I feel the WHM should find something that's better then just sitting there and teletaxi the whole time. However if they have their HP set there and teleporting some people along a way they are going anyways then why not for the little extra on the way?

      However to do it consistently and then try to demand more money out of it to make it like a profession I don't see a reason for it to make equal amount with no risk comparible to other methods.
      Well my response to that is that people didn't seem to have a problem with them doing that before. This was when tele-whoring was on more or less equal footing with everything else in terms of making money. (That's debateable itself) So why raise a fuss about them trying to place it back on an equal level with everything else now? Everything else has already changed. Why are people so focused resisting change? Is it really hurting you that badly? If you're gonna pay almost 800K more for Leaping Boots than you used to, why in the hell won't people give a whm another 500g-1K to teleport them somewhere. For crying out loud.

      I can see your point about the teletaxing in moderation. In all honesty that seems like a good way to do things. Other than that, however, when they need to spend time making money, then they have a choice. Charge more for Teletaxi. Or do something else. One choice is very much inferior to the other.


      • #63
        It really just comes down to who you're dealing with.

        I've found some really nice WHMs. I was in the middle of doing RSE quests one day. I had my 1st key already, just waited for the day and the right place. WHM Tele-Holla's me, I paid the price listed in my original shout. (Teleport-Holla - Can I Have It? - You can have - 500g)

        Found the chest, Warp'd back to Jeuno and got the 1st piece. Changed subjob, sent out another shout, the same WHM picks me up, and for 500g I'm hunting for another key. Altana was favorable that day, so I got the key on the 1st kill, and the chest was right around the corner. I bird back to Jeuno, get another piece, and shout for another tele. Same WHM picks me up again.

        45 Minutes later I'm in Jeuno, shouting again, WHM invites and refuses to take my gil. I was confused and asked why. He tells me that I've given him enough business today, this trip's free. Shocked, and pleasantly surprised, I tip'd him 5k. I realized how much gil, and most importantly time he had saved me, and it was more then worth 5k. If I could have spared more I would have given more.

        That was a one time ordeal, but still made my Vana'diel day. :') But every time I shout for a teleport, I make sure to include where I wanna go, and how much I'm willing to pay. If the WHM invites me, they've agreed to those terms. If nobody invites me, I'll hit the bird stables I guess.
        PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
        RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

        Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
        SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


        • #64
          Originally posted by yuukei
          Well my response to that is that people didn't seem to have a problem with them doing that before. This was when tele-whoring was on more or less equal footing with everything else in terms of making money. (That's debateable itself) So why raise a fuss about them trying to place it back on an equal level with everything else now? Everything else has already changed. Why are people so focused resisting change? Is it really hurting you that badly? If you're gonna pay almost 800K more for Leaping Boots than you used to, why in the hell won't people give a whm another 500g-1K to teleport them somewhere. For crying out loud.

          I can see your point about the teletaxing in moderation. In all honesty that seems like a good way to do things. Other than that, however, when they need to spend time making money, then they have a choice. Charge more for Teletaxi. Or do something else. One choice is very much inferior to the other.
          It was a something that bothered me then too. Which like I already said I didn't support, I just about only used teleport when I couldn't avoid it.

          This whole teletaxi thing didn't really start till a few months after the US release.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #65
            I think Icemage's post makes sense. There are 3 issues going on here.

            1. Everyone has this idea that teleports don't require time nor effort so they shouldn't charge expensive fee. But

            2. Whm can makes more money doing something else. So why teleport? which comes to the next one

            3. Teleporters getting rarer and rarer. But everyone shouts for teleport all the time. Repeat #1.

            So it makes sense that if we want more teleporters to be around, we have to increase the payment standard so more Whms will want to do it.

            But considered this too Making money require efforts and works. Even in Icemage's case: 93 fishing doesn't come effortlessly. Teleporting is obviously less work than fishing. So should you be making the same amount of income as when you fish? I don't think it's fair but If you can really make 75k/hour teleporting I'm sure we'll have TONs of teleporters available. And they will start cutting each other's price again, this happenned before in the past where price of teleports went down as low as 150gil

            So it's all down to the Whm i guess. If they are teleporting as their main source of income I can see why they request more fees. Because the price of their items too, has gone up drasticly as of late. But
            Whms that's just free and happen to be in the city teleporting, getting some gil back or not shouldn't matter to them.
            There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
            but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
            transform a yellow spot into the sun.

            - Pablo Picasso


            • #66
              Originally posted by yuukei
              1. Tele-whoring is not a viable way of making money. So most WHMs don't do it.

              2. People complain that there are no WHMs teleporting and demand to know why WHMs won't do it, saying that WHMs are being unhelpful by not offering teles.

              3. WHMs try to make it a viable way of making money by raising the prices. They do this so they can offer the services in such a way that they can fund themselves at the same time.

              4. People call WHMs greedy and demand they lower the price.

              5. WHMs decide it's not worth their time after all and go off to do something else that's more worth the effort.

              6. People call WHMs greedy and unhelpful for that and demand to know why they won't tele since it's "easy money"

              7. Go back to step 1.

              I totally agree with this. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

              Originally posted by Jei

              Whms that's just free and happen to be in the city teleporting, getting some gil back or not shouldn't matter to them.
              Now you mean "free and happen to be in the city teleporting" in the manner of they need to go to Mea and should shout to say they are going and if anyone wants a free tele to let them know, right? You don't mean if they are just standing around in Jeuno talking that they should tele people for free? The only way I give free tele's is if someone gets one and dies 5 mins later and they hp to Jeuno and need to go back. Or if I am headed somewhere and going to tele anyways. There is no way I would just stand around in Jeuno and hand out free teles. That would be a disaster. Every dang time you log in you would be besieged by people you tele'd for free asking for another one! I was once more generous with free teles and thats what happened to me. Totally turned me off from tele'ing.
              Originally posted by Feba
              But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
              Originally posted by Taskmage
              God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
              Originally posted by DakAttack
              ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Macht
                It was a something that bothered me then too. Which like I already said I didn't support, I just about only used teleport when I couldn't avoid it.
                Well I can't really say anything to that. Of course you did say that in an earlier post and I respect your choice about that and I'm sorry if I didn't get the point earlier. This next part isn't being directed at you or anything.

                I just wish people wouldn't come down so hard on WHMs for what they try to do. Not everyone is being greedy and out to make a quick buck. Sure there are some bad apples among whms just like every other class, but some people are just trying to get by like everyone else and WHMs shouldn't be demonized for it.

                (Edited for clarity)


                • #68
                  Originally posted by yuukei
                  Well I can't really say anything to that. Of course you did say that in an earlier post and I respect your choice about that and I'm sorry if I didn't get the point earlier. This next part isn't being directed at you or anything.

                  I just wish people wouldn't come down so hard on WHMs for what they try to do. Not everyone is being greedy and out to make a quick buck. Sure there are some bad apples among whms just like every other class, but some people are just trying to get by like everyone else and WHMs shouldn't be demonized for it.

                  (Edited for clarity)

                  Really though WHMs shouldn't make this a prime source for making money. However when I have came across the 1 WHM I've ever seen that could care less on profit from it and did it as a kind gesture then I as well did feel a need give a kind gesture in return. If I remember I gave that WHM something like 30k I forget, I had just hit left a random amount and up a random amount so it could of been 300k for all I know >.>

                  Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                  • #69
                    Heres the bottom line WHM Tele Prices Need to be jacked up. Im no whm i just leveld it I dont plan to ever play it again =P but the WHMs for the past year plus have been kind with prices and i think the kindness needs to end and the WhiteMages need to show their Dark Side.
                    Even in the Poll being done in the other section of the forum

                    Should Teleporting Fees be increased?
                    Fees should remain where they are. 14 30.43%
                    A modest increase would be fair. 27 58.70%
                    Teleports should be given away freely. 5 10.87%

                    Aparenyly there are more people saying they should increase the price and there are a few (5) nublets :p

                    I for one am going to pay any WHM double the price if i see them. When the Prices Go up everything goes up. If everything goes up at once then there really isnt any price shift since every price can go up equaly.
                    The Grim Fact Of Life. . .
                    The Grim Fact Of Life Is That We Were All Born To Die.
                    No One Was Made To Live Forever,
                    Cherish The Time That You Have Now,
                    Don’t Let Greed Consume You Share What You Have Now, Weather It Be Your Love Or Your Money,
                    You Can’t Take It To The Grave When You Go,
                    And People Won’t Remember You By What You Took With You To The Grave,
                    What Matters Is What You Leave Behind For Others To Hold On To,
                    Weather It Be Your Heart, Your Soul, Or Your Wisdom That You Leave,
                    That Is How You Will Be Remembered,
                    No One Was Made To Live Forever,
                    We Were All Born To Die.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Macht
                      My point with teletaxi's. Is it alright in moderation I feel the WHM should find something that's better then just sitting there and teletaxi the whole time. However if they have their HP set there and teleporting some people along a way they are going anyways then why not for the little extra on the way?

                      However to do it consistently and then try to demand more money out of it to make it like a profession I don't see a reason for it to make equal amount with no risk comparible to other methods.
                      I have a bone to pick about the above comment. As anyone who has done a teletaxi service can tell you, there IS inherent risk in teletaxi services; farming, you might get competition or just bad drops. With teletaxis, you get people who either:

                      - Don't pay
                      - Pay less than what they stated they would
                      - Aren't ready to teleport, wasting your time

                      This happens a lot more often than you might think.

                      For those of you who have never tried negotiating a teleport from the perspective of a WHM, step into our shoes for a few minutes and see just how annoying it is to deal with the average player before you judge.

                      I categorically refuse to teletaxi, even if I see a shout asking to go in the direction I am already planning to teleport to. Why? It's far too annoying to waste my time potentially haggling with some cheapskate or waiting on someone else who will "be ready in just a minute! plz wait!!!!" when I could be merrily on my way and at my destination 10 minutes ago... and for what? 500 gil? No. My time is worth more than that, and so is my sanity.



                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Icemage
                        With teletaxis, you get people who either:

                        - Don't pay
                        - Pay less than what they stated they would
                        - Aren't ready to teleport, wasting your time

                        This happens a lot more often than you might think.

                        This is SO true. People think it only happens once in a blue moon. But if I tele 5 people every time I tele, there will be at least one person that does one of the above. If it happened once an hour, then it wouldn't be anything but a minor irritation but it happens way more often than that.
                        Originally posted by Feba
                        But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                        Originally posted by Taskmage
                        God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                        Originally posted by DakAttack
                        ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                        • #72
                          I once forgot to pay a Whm for a tele. Happens, was doing like 10 things at once. The guy never mentioned it. A few hours later I realized I didn't pay the Whm, so I sent him 10k for his trouble. I was lucky his name was memorable.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Icemage

                            - Aren't ready to teleport, wasting your time
                            Probably about 50% of my teleports are of that nature. It really sucks.
                            PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                            Rockman - Fairy

                            WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                            Currently Playing:
                            FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


                            • #74
                              I don't see the issue here. If a WHM decides to charge 1 million gil per ride, so be it. They are not obligated to teleport, and I'm not obligated to pay.

                              Everyone else charges whatever they can get away with for items, and I don't see ports differently. Charge what you want. If it is tolerable, people will pay. If it isn't, they will choose another route of transportation.


                              • #75
                                I have Icemage's policy on tele-taxis, I absolutely refuse to do them. Whether I am going that direction, whether Im just sitting around Jeuno waiting for something interesting to happen or you send me a tell and ask me.

                                For a long time, my reason was I used SMN SJ and did not have Warp so to teletaxi was a major PITA (BTW, you would be suprised by the number of people that argue with you about why you should teleport them if you do not have warp. I swear to god the next person that told me to CP a Warp Scroll, buy a Cudgel or run back to town was going to get MPKed every time they stepped out of town ) But now that I have BLM SJ I still dont teleport people unless I would feel comfortable asking them for help on something I needed done in game.

                                As far as charging for tele's go, people that don't want to pay or think prices should stay 500-1k irk me greatly. Chocoboes from most areas in Jeuno and some Grags are now consistantly over 2k, hitting 3k during peak times on Hades. Silent oils are 14k a stack, Shihei is 12k a stack. Are you saying I should spend 10-15 minutes of my time teleporting people who are immensely inconsiderate in order to take 1 choco from Mea? Fuck that. Someone mentioned earlier that unless prices increase the service will likely die out all together, which is quite true. Saying that tele's should stay the same price is like saying "Well, the baker should continue to sell his bread for the same $0.50 a loaf it was when I was a kid, just cause he can't make a living that way now, well, he should find something else." That is "rediculous." Teletaxis are a very important service in the game, losing them will have many negative impacts on the society of the game, but to demand a group of people sacrifice their own time and effort without sufficient payment is misguided and delusional.

                                Oh, one more thing, just because someone is in WHM AF or a Noble's does not mean they want to teleport you. If someone is anon and you don't know them personally, don't bloody send them a tell and ask them to port you cause you saw them run by.
                                San D'orian Taru ~ All the courage of Sandy, all the cute, fluffy qualities of a taru.

