considering the prices that some WHMs pay to get the spells. WHMs are REALLY neglected. I mean these people spend their gil to buy spells that will rarely ever help them personaly. coughR3!cough i mean common i know the price has dropd but its still 1mil-1.5mil and how often does a WHM cast R3 on themself -,- you gotta make a way for them to get gil to help others in the future. I know there are other jobs that have high prices like MNK and SAM but at the same time they have the strength to bring down high Lv mobs solo and get great drops WHM get PWND by EP mobs. plus the armors that they buy can be sold back you cant sell back a spell.
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The Grim Fact Of Life. . .
The Grim Fact Of Life Is That We Were All Born To Die.
No One Was Made To Live Forever,
Cherish The Time That You Have Now,
Don’t Let Greed Consume You Share What You Have Now, Weather It Be Your Love Or Your Money,
You Can’t Take It To The Grave When You Go,
And People Won’t Remember You By What You Took With You To The Grave,
What Matters Is What You Leave Behind For Others To Hold On To,
Weather It Be Your Heart, Your Soul, Or Your Wisdom That You Leave,
That Is How You Will Be Remembered,
No One Was Made To Live Forever,
We Were All Born To Die.
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I wonder if that zone change during teleport still works for WHMs? I know that's the reason why the WHMs I knew never charged over 500 gil, because they could do the process that took the WHMs that didn't know twice as fast.
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Ya people did not like if you stood by the mog house to do tele's. So many people go afk there. I tried doing that for a while but gave up in frustration in the end. Had to explain to just about every person why I was wanting them to come there. LOL
Ya Raise ironic...whm can't use it on themselves...OH BUT we get Reraise lvl 75. >.< R3 1.6-2.0 mil on my server, reraise III 6k.... ~.~Originally posted by FebaBut I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.Originally posted by TaskmageGod I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.Originally posted by DakAttack...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.
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I've been waiting on this thread, wondering when someone would take notice.
I took several months off from this game, and a lot of the major price hikes all happened while I was gone, making them far more noticable when I came back. I have also noticed the huge lack of whms offering the taxi service as well. I figure I'll stand in lower jueno for a cpl mnutes shouting for a tele (as well as the money I'm offering for the service) before I give up and grab a choco. I do feel if a whm intends to charge more than the standard 500 for crags and what have you that has been charged in the past then you should let the person know before you invite them and definately before they trade and accept while you stand there demanding more. If you want to charge more, then thats your call, just like its my call to take a choco or airship or just hoof it myself.
I also seem to be getting the impression that whm's now are only doing most tele's when they hear shouts and just do it to kill time or when they're gonna teleport themselves anyway. if SE jacks the price of airships up...I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2
PSN: Caspian
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Irinicus, you want to put a price tag on time? Fine.
I'm a level 93 fisherman. I can make 30,000-75,000 gil in fish per hour (depending on market conditions and where I am fishing) without breaking too much of a sweat. I don't have to deal with people, I don't have to deal with assholes, and I can be anywhere I damn well please when I do so.
Compare against what I "could" be making being a Teletaxi. At MOST, assuming people were ready to actually go when they said they needed a tele, you could do perhaps 15 teleports an hour, when you figure time to invite, negotiate, and gather people.
30,000-75,000 gil divided by 15 teleports = 2000-5000 gil per teleport that I would have to charge to make it even vaguely worth my time to do so.
Understand now why no one offers teleports unless they are bored?
P.S. I agree with Neelan in all ways in this thread. White mages are players, first and foremost. You don't pay our monthly playing fees, so what gives you the right to dictate what we can or cannot do? Don't like the prices that are being demanded? Tough. Find some other mode of transportation.
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Agreed, Borbes. Icemage I DID NOT dictate what WHM players can and cannot do. I merely stated that the price of tele's should not go up is all. Thank you all for a fun time debating this issue, I consider my part in this discussion officially over.
Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
Maat finally went down.
All BLM AF1 - Acquired
All WHM AF1 - Acquired
Windurst Rank 7
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The fact is, a level 42 White Mage very few other ways to make good money, save for BCNMs which, of course, are limited. The latest addition of ENMs has made it a little easier on those who can't farm and can't get tons of Beastmen Seals.
Try farming with White's not effective.
The sad thing is that I've gotten to the point where I can make more money off of Clothcrafting, and I'm only level 69.
Neelan is perfectly correct in her example of the price of Vermillion Cloaks. On average, most everything in the Auction House has inflated 4-5 percent over the years. However, White Mage teleport prices are still stuck at the measly 500/700/1000 prices. Teleport-Vahzl is around 300k on Midgardsormr last I checked, and it's not easy to get help on that quest. When it's barely worth it to even get one of the teleport spells, there should be a red flag going up saying that something should be changed.PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
Rockman - Fairy
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Currently Playing: FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta
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BLM's also have a hard time farming too, but we find ways. -ga spells are a godsend when farming, whms get banishga. WHM's can farm silks and bee chips to name a couple of things, then theres wild onions that sell for good amounts, at least on my server they do. Lvl another job, preferably one that can melee and farm with that. There are more effecient ways to make money for whms than tele-whoring. Even if the price goes up, some ppl will not pay that price but rather go to a more expensive choco instead just to spite the whm's.
Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
Maat finally went down.
All BLM AF1 - Acquired
All WHM AF1 - Acquired
Windurst Rank 7
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Originally posted by Irinicus
Agreed, Borbes. Icemage I DID NOT dictate what WHM players can and cannot do. I merely stated that the price of tele's should not go up is all. Thank you all for a fun time debating this issue, I consider my part in this discussion officially over.
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My only problem with a WHM wanting to choose teletaxi as a source for bigger money income is that all they are doing is sitting in town and just shouting till they get someone to teleport. Why should I spend money that I took at least a little more effort in getting (crafts) or took a lot more work (BCNMs) so that they can just stand there and make similar profit?
This is probably the reason why I never really choose to get a teleport if I can avoid it.
Also how are you even possibly making 15 teleports an hr? That would mean you spent only 4 min. each teleport. That means you are getting a group to teleport, teleporting them, returning, recovering mp (Even with mog house trick), and repeating the process in 4 min?
Ok after my stupidity spell I noticed how you did your math for the 15 teleports you were considering 1 teleport as 1 person so that seems to make more sense now. Still though why pay so a person standing there can make equal profit to someone spending a little more effort with fishing?
I mean geez if that's a problem then I'd want my low risk stocks to provide back money equal to my high risk stocks. I mean why not they both are stocks are a way of making me money?
Really a WHM doing teletaxi has no risk of money loss, but craft or anything else has higher risk so why should a WHM get same pay for a teletaxi. Something about the logic and sense for this is just off, you guys better not be the people that keep undercutting my Hi-Ethers so that they are the same price as Ethers when I spent more to make them.
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Icemage, I am merely trying to find the answer to a simple question, why increase the rate for tele's? This has now been established as a not very viable way to make money for WHM's, so why increase it?
Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
Maat finally went down.
All BLM AF1 - Acquired
All WHM AF1 - Acquired
Windurst Rank 7
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Originally posted by Irinicus
Icemage, I am merely trying to find the answer to a simple question, why increase the rate for tele's? This has now been established as a not very viable way to make money for WHM's, so why increase it?
1. Tele-whoring is not a viable way of making money. So most WHMs don't do it.
2. People complain that there are no WHMs teleporting and demand to know why WHMs won't do it, saying that WHMs are being unhelpful by not offering teles.
3. WHMs try to make it a viable way of making money by raising the prices. They do this so they can offer the services in such a way that they can fund themselves at the same time.
4. People call WHMs greedy and demand they lower the price.
5. WHMs decide it's not worth their time after all and go off to do something else that's more worth the effort.
6. People call WHMs greedy and unhelpful for that and demand to know why they won't tele since it's "easy money"
7. Go back to step 1.
Do you see the point here? WHMs have done everything you suggested they do to alleviate their money problems. There are already WHMs who have decided to go find something else to do. But people are still demanding teleports. Yes the economy has inflated. Yes it affects every single action you do in this game from the way you party to how you spend your time not partying. If a WHM decides to offer the service full time so they can fullfil their needs and still offer the damned service, they're just shooting themselves in the foot if they give up something more lucrative for the piddly amounts of gil you get from 500/750 tele-whoring. When they try to make it worthwhile they get bitched out and called greedy. When they go do something else they get accused of being selfish and unhelpful.
It's a no-win situation and it's fing stupid. Leave the WHM's alone that aren't teleing. Leave the ones alone that do no matter what price they charge. Things will balance themselves out. Other WHMs will charge lower prices. People will find other means of transportation. Everyone will get what they want out of whatever they're doing. But to call WHMs greedy and selfish for trying to make a decaying and stagnant service profitable so they can actually fund their time on the game is the dumbest. thing. I've. ever. heard.
Telewhoring is already almost dead. You want to rub it out of existence completely? Be my guest. But don't blame whms for that. Blame people who are just plain being cheap and greedy with their own funds. Not that I totally blame them but that's just how it is.
(Edited for clarification)
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