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WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

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  • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

    god this thred is old let it die alrdy
    i still get on here....even though it might not happen often i do!


    • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

      woo! the return of darkages!!!111
      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


      • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

        oh shit, do my eyes deceive me?!
        Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
        ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


        • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

          /welcome Darkages

          The boredom threads have been lost in turmoil since your absence... please return to it and fill our lives with laughter.


          • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

            Originally posted by bikkebakke
            /welcome Darkages


            • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

              Originally posted by Battle Angel
              Obviously didn't read the rest >.>

              or didn't get it.


              • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                Say goobye to this thread. It used to have meaniingful posts, but now everyone's just rambling on about Darkages.
                ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                  What i hate is when im in a place other then Jeuno and someones shouting for a tele and there are no WHM in that area. I /sea all WHM 38-75, then tell them, "there are no WHM in our area" and a second later they are still shouting.
                  My Split Personality
                  Which FF Character Are You?

                  Which FF Character Are You?


                  • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                    Crode, I don't know about your server, but at least 50% of the WHM's I know run around /anon. Won't come up in a search then.


                    Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


                    • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                      Im not reading the rants over the past near dozen pages, this has been covered before.

                      Personally I will offer to pay as much according to however much of a rush I am in. There's definately a rise in what seems to be expected, but if I shout /shout {teleport-dem} {can I have it} {You can have this} {Reward} 500 - then the teleporter is going to get 500 regardless. If they invite me to a party they have already accepted what they are going to get.

                      At the same time, I've shouted for a tele or a d2 and gotton them free, even when I've shouted and offered money in its thousands, there are usually people who just want to help others out, perhaps people on Fenrir are just more friendly than any other server.

                      Which FF Character Are You?


                      • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                        I wholeheartedly agree with the above. When someone needs a tele, my friend does it for free, no set cost. If he gets tipped, great. If not, fine. People complain about the teles on both sides of the transaction, but it's the WHM setting around for hours that are the ones complaining. If it's so bad, if prices are dropping like the tele-taxi Black Thursday, if time is money, go do something else. You are only wasting time because you chose to waste time. It's not like Bahamut guided you to lower Jueno and said "Promathia forbid you stop tele-ing random bitches because if you do I will go so incredibly sickhouse on your WHM ass...YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" YOU chose to go there and waste time/money. SO give it a rest, please and thank you.

                        My 2 cents...
                        Last edited by Chocobo Knight; 03-17-2006, 12:57 PM.
                        The endgame virus. Stop the virus. It is spreading.

                        HAVE SOME FUN, VANA-DIEL!

                        Also, listen to the smart people. They know what they are saying, and you know what? They even say it with this thing called PROPER GRAMMAR, which is more than I can say for most of you.


                        • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                          On Caitsith, it's generally 1k-2k for crag teleports, 2k-5k for Altep and Yhoat, and 5k-10k for Vazhl, and 15k for entire parties (well, 5 members). I only expect people to pay what they advertise... if they mention no price, I don't expect anything. Asking for more money is definitely a no-no when it comes to teleporting. If you don't want to teleport them for only 500 gil, don't invite them in the first place.

                          Irinicus is dead wrong. WHMs simply *cannot* go out and farm as easily as melees can... Personally, I don't stand in Lower Jeuno randomly giving free teleports. I expect something in return for your convenience. Teleporting isn't that profitable now... At 500 gil per teleport in the post-inflation-now-deflating-slowly economy, it would take forever for white mages to buy Erase/Raise II that you melees price so exorbantly. It's all connected.

                          And seriously, what's 2k?


                          • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                            If im not doing anything i tele for free ^^


                            • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                              I usually ignore tele requests unless it's like 10k or something... and I never sit around waiting for teles I only see them when I'm running around doing other stuff(usually not even on WHM job)


                              • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                                I don't really teleport unless the price is worth my time, or if I'm feeling generous (usually the latter if I'm in a good mood).

                                I like to help people, just hate teleporting them sometimes. Though, if they're a relatively low level job, I'd throw in a protect/shell upon arrival at the crag.
                                37 WHM/20 BLM/18 SMN/11 MNK/10 WAR/ 10 THF
                                Bastok Rank 5
                                Fantasy Insanity, Curse the Yagudo, Vindicated

