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WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

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  • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

    on a side note Erase just went up ~200k from 500k making now ~700k within the last few days. with poeple's elietism, if somone makes it to 32 and doesn't have the erase scroll, they'll most likely be kicked.

    as an aspiring rdm, when i got to 32 it was difficult to gather the 70k for Dispel, in fact I went a few levels without and with a whole bunch of complaints, i ended up having borrowing the gil from a friend who gave me some pointers making gil.(so i could pay them back in a timely manner lol) trying to get anyone else to tell you any gil makers besides Emporer Harpin, Leapiing Boots (now obsolete info) and rabbit charm it's extremely difficult.

    how somone comming into the game just making it to 32 before unlocking any advanced jobs and not trying much out, I don't see how they can possibly afford this spell much less make it to 36 to offer teles.

    if a WHM needs Erase they're too close so it isn't for them... like Raise III going for 1.5M, you want it, and whms can't use it themselves...

    fyi: i'm almost 32whm orz
    Last edited by Enialas; 12-10-2005, 07:43 AM.
    Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
    G1 (X) 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(Test aquired)
    San Doria Rank 6
    ZM5, PM2-5, ToAU 1-1

    Which FF Character Are You?

    a male version anyways >.> ... ~.^

    #2 Vivi #3 Kuja


    • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

      Originally posted by Enialas
      ...trying to get anyone else to tell you any gil makers besides Emporer Harpin, Leapiing Boots (now obsolete info)...
      Oh not on my server!! Emp pin is up to 2.2 million now! Even though you can get a rare/ex version, most people want the status of the real thing so prices have skyrocketed! Not sure about leaping boots on my server but I'm sure they have also. Funny thing is I remember when you could buy an Emp pin for 200k! LOL
      Originally posted by Feba
      But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
      Originally posted by Taskmage
      God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
      Originally posted by DakAttack
      ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


      • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

        Originally posted by TheGrandMom
        Oh not on my server!! Emp pin is up to 2.2 million now! Even though you can get a rare/ex version, most people want the status of the real thing so prices have skyrocketed! Not sure about leaping boots on my server but I'm sure they have also. Funny thing is I remember when you could buy an Emp pin for 200k! LOL
        what i meant is you have to BCNM for it and can't run by and check to see if it's spawned to get it, which means higher level and beastmens seals. you can no longer get it for "free" or something a 30whm will be doing anytime soon.
        Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
        G1 (X) 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(Test aquired)
        San Doria Rank 6
        ZM5, PM2-5, ToAU 1-1

        Which FF Character Are You?

        a male version anyways >.> ... ~.^

        #2 Vivi #3 Kuja


        • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

          White Mages pay for the teleport-spell scrolls, or do the quests for themselves. It is reasonable they charge whatever reasonable price they want. It is also understanding we complain about the prices. Vana'diel is a captalist-based economy. (If you don't know what Capitalism is, I'll explain in a later thread.)

          Prices go up, prices go down. It's a stock market in reality. When there's a demand, price goes up-including the items required to get it. Simple economics actually. What is also true, is that you can normally get more for less.

          Irinicus and Neelon. I may not of read this entire thread-I don't exactly care to, but in the first few pages I do recognize good points you both have. To start with Irinicus, no doubt a white mage shouldn't be charging 10k for a single teleportal spell, that's just ridiculous. Neelon, I pretty much stated already why I agree with you. Again, back to Irinicus, what you don't understand is Neelong has NOT stated that she's a tele-whore, and she stated she won't help out just anyone.


          • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

            Well, er. I didnt pay for any tele scrolls, I did the quests myself, back in the day. Perhaps it is the fact that I have put no money into my teles that I dont try to make any money from them. If I go into Lower Jeuno and see a bunch of people shouting for tele's I'll take them for free, especially if they've been shouting for a while. I've also found that not charging for a tele is more rewarding in the end. For example, I once gave somone a tele and when I told him I didnt charge he synthed me a 60k belt, and although I explained I didnt expect payment, he insisted and thus I made myself a good profit by being Nice

            Especially now that there has been severe inflation on Slyph (for example Vermillions cloak jumped from 7mil to 13 the other day) most people cant find a crag tele for less then 1k. It pretty much disgusts me that WHM are treating other players like dirt, asking for tips or extra payment. Isnt WHM supposed to be a craing job? With the healing..and the healing...and the healing, and that sort of thing. Where are the rest of the A-typical, stereotype White Mages anymore!? I swear I cant find them...I fear I'm the only one left.

            I'll explain right now what the problem is, and why there are no good, honest mages anymore. Its because they never have to work to do ANYTHING. I started at the NA release and you want to know how many people were there to help me out lvling from 1-50? Absolutely none. I got went to Jeuno by myself, I got the Kazham keys by myself, I farmed with whm as my main because no one ever helped me do BCNM or help me Camp NMs. To this day I cant afford Erase, nor can I find people to help me get it. I've never been PLed although I sure have done it myself a lot. And I'm not complaining, because I didnt ask for help. I didnt ask anyone for anything till I needed my AF and couldnt (obviously) do it alone. The "New generation" (I can call it that because I'm so old school .___.) doesnt know how to work for anything. You lvl to 20 and find yourself a nice LS and ride people's coat tail all the way to 75, but just because your 75 doesnt make you any less of a n00b. Its these n00b WHM and RDM that are messing up the economy, they're all greedy Asshats who dont know what its like to do without help.
            *end rant*
            I feel like Granny when I talk about stuff like this....Like "Back in the day when giant Twinkling treants ravanged the land we had to walk 15 miles to Bastok with no shoes, uphill both ways!" *shakes her walker angrily*


            • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

              Originally posted by Aydin_chan
              I feel like Granny when I talk about stuff like this....Like "Back in the day when giant Twinkling treants ravanged the land we had to walk 15 miles to Bastok with no shoes, uphill both ways!" *shakes her walker angrily*
              Hey now!! It's a cane...I'm not up to the elite walker status yet! LOL
              Originally posted by Feba
              But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
              Originally posted by Taskmage
              God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
              Originally posted by DakAttack
              ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


              • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                I wonder if any WHM on Hades will be upset if I chose an hour every night to just give out free teleports to those whose job level is less than level 31 at the time I port them.

                Here's what I should charge ...

                Level 1 to 30 Free
                Level 31 to 50 100% of going rate
                Level 51 to 70 150% of going rate
                Level 71 to 75 Git your own damn teleport, outpost warp or be preparted to get shafted for 300% of going rate.


                • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                  I can't see why they would get mad, it really is your own choice and nobody elses


                  • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                    1: stack of Fire Crystals is 8-9k on Remora
                    2: chocobo price is way up Mea one goes for 6k for a single ride
                    3: spells in AH are going loco for WHM
                    4: if you don't need a teleport then don't shout for one
                    5: as long as the players wil go on boosting up AH price then so wil the WHM for teletaxi

                    i don't shout for what price i teleport
                    i see a /tell then i take it
                    WHM are not farmers that got like TH1 or TH2 or what ever to get the items they need
                    even the THF got problems
                    if you seen the price on WHM equipment that has gone up then you should be able to understand why we normaly don't take teleports for less then 1k

                    i teleport also (hello i'm a WHM also you know)
                    though i'm not teleporting as a main income in gil (yes i can make good gil about 80k a hour)
                    but for that time i could be doing a lot of other stuff
                    if people shout the want a teleport for 15k then i don't just think about teleporting them, i just take the teleport
                    and at the end of the teleport day i do a /shout that my teletaxi has gone to a end and round up a full party for a free teleport to where ever they want to

                    other WHM do have a problem with free teleports even if its to end your day since its there gil that your also taking

                    i'm always on when most people need a teleport and no other WHM is around, they see you teleport to like Vazhl then they automatic know that you also must have the others and send you a /tell for a ride

                    heck i don't mind teleporting a few people for free if i got a good day
                    even take like a 100gil for a teleport sometimes if it can fill up a full party

                    so next time you want a teleport then don't go loco on the WHM lol
                    i seen shouts from people using bad language just cuz a fellow teleporter is asking for a little extra

                    my own extra is if i teleport a RDM that can refresh me when i teleport
                    sometimes i don't even leave Jeuno to teleport someone
                    i just telezone them
                    they get teleported and i stay in Jeuno ready for the next ride with full MP

                    and wel as sayd before by Samskeyti

                    Pay the WHM 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 or whatever he's selling his service for... or use an alternative means of transportation. It's simple. Get it? Do you understand?

                    and wel if you don't like it then just walk to the place you need to be at its very simple
                    WAR 13, MNK 7, WHM 64, BLM 31, RDM 13, THF 26, PLD 14, DRK 15,
                    BST 24, BRD 16, RNG 25, SAM 6, NIN 19, DRG 37, SMN 43
                    Avatars: -={FENRIR}=-
                    Prime fights? please let me join


                    • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                      Originally posted by Sharpedo

                      other WHM do have a problem with free teleports even if its to end your day since its there gil that your also taking
                      Ah well, survival of the fastest! I grab them first they get a free tele.
                      Originally posted by Feba
                      But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                      Originally posted by Taskmage
                      God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                      Originally posted by DakAttack
                      ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                      • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                        yea lol, some do get pritty nasty in shout when they can't be fast enough to grab that nice gil offer for a teleport lol
                        WAR 13, MNK 7, WHM 64, BLM 31, RDM 13, THF 26, PLD 14, DRK 15,
                        BST 24, BRD 16, RNG 25, SAM 6, NIN 19, DRG 37, SMN 43
                        Avatars: -={FENRIR}=-
                        Prime fights? please let me join


                        • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?


                          Im getting my WHM up to be effective then When i get Summoner Be An effective Person in a party (high mp pool), Ill only use tleport when i need to not when i want to make money, id probly make more off cooking than teleporting.

                          and btw

                          Whats Crag Teleport & Dem Teleport (new to the whole WHM buisness)


                          • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                            uh, the spell teleports you (and the PT) to the respective crag (holla, dem, mea, vazhl).. dem is one of them ^_^


                            • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                              wel you got the crag teleports witch are with the big white building where you get teleported to
                              this is Holla, Dem and Mea

                              then you also got the non crag teleports sutch as Altep, Yhoat and Vazhl
                              these teleports where added in later in the game and also don't have the big white building in it

                              it is alays nice to have SMN as sub job for teleports, though BLM is way better since you can warp yourself back to Jeuno after you teleported
                              or would you reather use a Warp Cudgel over and over to get back? lol
                              WAR 13, MNK 7, WHM 64, BLM 31, RDM 13, THF 26, PLD 14, DRK 15,
                              BST 24, BRD 16, RNG 25, SAM 6, NIN 19, DRG 37, SMN 43
                              Avatars: -={FENRIR}=-
                              Prime fights? please let me join


                              • Re: WhiteMage /slap Do you need it?

                                Recast timer on the stick >_>; unless you buy a ton..O_o

