Shining Ruby is "ok" but can you honestly say spending 10 seconds summoning carbuncle + time to activate blood pact is worth the 2 ticks of MP you would have otherwise recovered if you had just kept resting? You could heal the difference in damage easily with that extra MP. Shining Ruby's effect is very short-lived.
Also, I forget now what the percentage is, but it gives a % def/magicdef boost. I think it's around 10%, but I'm not sure. at lv48, I had like 209 defense with Holy Breastplate and Protect III and with Shining Ruby, I had 229. My lv30 pld friend has 256 def with Protect II and Steamed Crab. That'd mean about 281 if Shining Ruby were added and that's only at lv30.
Aerial Armor sucks except under very specific circumstances for XP. If your BLM is magic bursting Ancient Magic and the mob isn't instantly dead or dead within 5 seconds of the magic burst, you're doing something wrong.