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Questions on Farming vs. Fishing, and high priced items.

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  • Questions on Farming vs. Fishing, and high priced items.

    Hey all . So I just hit 52 and got my very first real piece of af (/cheer). I was so excited!

    Now i'm thinking about other stuff though. Specifically, although they're both a long ways away still, i'm thinking about Raise 3 and the Nobles Tunic. Especially the Nobles Tunic. Wow. That coat is just so cool - I want it :p.

    This stuff is ridiculously expensive though. Raise three is bad enough, as you all know. Nobles tunic is going for 25 million on my server >.<.

    Now, I know that the Nobles tunic isn't needed. Especially at lv 68, or wheneer the first possibility to get it is. I also know it would make much more sense to just get a few levels further, and hunt for it off of kirin. Nonetheless, for some reason I'm absolutely obsessed with haveing it for my xp parties as soon as i can equip it instead. That would just make me feel son incredibly, fabulously, happy.

    Which brings me to the main thrust of my question - what's the best way to save for that tunic (and the other pricey, bus much cheaper items like raise three). Is it even possible to save up the 25 million gil, or would that just take me years on end to acquire?

    I've heard that after you get good at fishing, it can reap huge proffits for you. Would constant fishing be better for gaining gil than constant farming? As of now, my fishing is still low, so I'd have to level it much I guess. Is there another craft that's much better? Does clothcraft let me craft my own tunic, and how much less would that be than 25 million gil? Instead of farming/fishing, would it actually be better to just level another job to 70ish to go hnming for the items? Should I be working a completely different craft, like goldsmithing or mining instead?

    Any advice you guys can give me would be appreciated. I know this is sort of a ridiculously silly idea on my part, but I think I'd be really happy if I could ever get this for the first equipable level.

    I'm so lost :-(. Oh well, at least I can keep leveling for awhile while I get the rest of my new af ^^.
    Aelith - 75 Whm/ 37 Smn

  • #2
    - At level 75, I haven't gotten around to getting a Noble's Tunic yet, and frankly, I don't even think I'll ever "need" it. The Cure Potency is nice. The lack of -enmity is not. Healing for more is all well and good, but if it makes you grab aggro and die, it's really not of much use. I see other WHMs at my level and they're all MP/Cure Potency focused and they die if any worthwhile enemy even breathes on them too hard. As a result, when I go HNM hunting with friends, more often than not I get asked to anchor the main tank alliance, despite the fact that quite a few of the other WHMs have "better" gear than I do. I use what I use by choice, not because I can't acquire the items, or because I can't afford them.

    - Fishing is not the way you'd want to make 25 million gil. While I can say I've probably made about 15-20 million gil net off of fishing since acquiring my Lu Shang's Fishing Rod at level 50 fishing last July, that was 6 months ago. Fishing is a nice way to make consistent money IF you're willing to spend the time on it. Otherwise, there are other activities that can net you more money (wise choices of BCNM comes to mind).

    - The only realistic way to acquire a Noble's Tunic is to go out and hunt for shining cloth with an HNM LS. All other paths require months of money, time, and resources invested, for a piece of gear which is nice, but truly isn't worth the extra effort.

    - Raise III should have WAY more priority for you than a Noble's Tunic. If you're interested in end-game activities, no HNM LS wants to invite you when all you offer is Raise II, when they have access to other WHM who have Raise III (and are therefore more effective than you are).


