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help ><!

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  • help ><!

    Hello im new to being a Whm i would just like to ask a few questions

    1. What rings/earings shoud a whm have?
    2. Does boosting my mnd help??
    3. Im lvl 32 how soon do i need erase?
    4. Being elvaan i have snm sub is that ok or should i lvl blm too?


  • #2
    You suck.


    • #3
      Please answer his question, instead of saying useless post like that. Sniper
      Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

      Merits - 98
      Goldsmith - 85.2


      • #4
        I'd say go all out on MP gear, for the basic exp PTs.

        Erase does help a lot no matter what level you're at. Things like evasion down, Stats down, MP down, HP down all hurt and it's nice to have erase for those types of situations. At lvl40 you can do some BCNM40 runs for Erase, so don't panic over the price.

        BLM sub is really nice for Tractor/Warp/Escape/Aspir/Drain/etc. Though a SMN sub is also really nice with auto refresh/extra mp. So yes, I'd say level both when you have time.

        Hope this helped.
        Not one of these again~~~! =X


        • #5
          Thanks for the help ^^ alot better then the other reply...

          Its a shame to be on the same server as someone like him... and i thought melon was one best na hnm ls on the server.... it seems like i've been mistaken.


          • #6
            (1) Earrings don't matter at all for WHM. There's really nothing spectacular in any fashion at most levels. You could wear level 10 earrings and no one woild bat an eyelash. Rings.. depends on what you're looking for. Assuming you haven't got the money flow to buy Astral Rings (very few people do), there are some reasonable and relatively inexpensive alternatives. Mana Rings are +15MP, and at level 40, you'll get access to Electrum Rings, which convert 20 HP into MP each. Very useful, and usually reasonably priced.

            (2) Boosting MND has the effect of making Slow, Paralyze, and Silence slightly more effective, but beyond level 40, there's not much you can do to make those spells stick any better - WHM just aren't very good at enfeebling magic. It also has a very marginal effect on Cure spells, but +MND is pretty low priority as far as I'm concerned.

            (3) Erase is handy, but overpriced beyond the reach of most new players. You can definitely live without it until 60+ (though of course its nice if you have it sooner, since it opens some types of enemies up for XP, such as Dhalmels and Spiders).

            (4) SMN sub is terrible prior to WHM50/SMN25. Just. Don't. Do. It. RDM and BLM subs both outperform SMN sub up to level 50. RDM sub is really nice these days with the addition of the Warlock's Earring (exception to rule number 1 above), which grants +1MP recovered per tick of rest while your subjob is Red Mage (there's an interesting +30MP version for /SMN but it's also very expensive, and personally I don't think it's worth it).

            Playing WHM really isn't as much about your gear or the amount of max MP you have, but rather how well you use that MP. While it's always nice to have better stats/more MP, those things are very secondary to your performance.



            • #7
              i say anything that will help you bring up your MP i have those earing that take away 50 hp and convert them into MP, those are very useful if you dont mind losing out on the HP


              • #8
                Originally posted by chuckdee420
                i say anything that will help you bring up your MP i have those earing that take away 50 hp and convert them into MP, those are very useful if you dont mind losing out on the HP
                That would be Serket Ring which is level 51. On Siren I think its in the order of 2M gil.
                - Never Underestimate The Power Of A Duck!
                Dux Dux, Lallafel, Odin
                My Profile On Lodestone


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dux
                  That would be Serket Ring which is level 51. On Siren I think its in the order of 2M gil.
                  on Midgardsormr there only 500k


                  • #10
                    Umm if those were serket rings and they lvl 51, how are you wearing them? your profile says you are only lvl 14 and imo Taru's dont need mp+ equipment we have high mps to begin with.

                    Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
                    Genkai FINISHED!!
                    Maat finally went down.
                    All BLM AF1 - Acquired
                    All WHM AF1 - Acquired
                    Windurst Rank 7


                    • #11
                      Umm if those were serket rings and they lvl 51, how are you wearing them? your profile says you are only lvl 14
                      Hmm...I think he means that he has a pair of Astral Rings (25+25=50).

                      and imo Taru's dont need mp+ equipment we have high mps to begin with.
                      I disagree.

                      Yes, Tarus do have the luxury of pumping stats more than other races due to having naturally high MP, but even so, I'd highly recommend investing in some +MP can never have too much MP.

                      on Midgardsormr there only 500k
                      Damn...almost makes me wish for a server migration...on my server, they go for almost 5 million :dead: My HNM LS has only gone after Serket a handful of times, and all of those times I lost rings to WHMs, BLMs, and RDMs who "needed it more" ... and the last person who got a ring quit three days later and deleted all his crap with his character :mad:
                      All Nations: Rank 10
                      Rise of the Zilart: Complete
                      Chains of Promathia: Complete
                      75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37

                      What to level next? (DRK!)


                      • #12
                        hmmm, imo I would forgo the +MP equipment and concentrate on either/or +HP and +MND equips first.

                        Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
                        Genkai FINISHED!!
                        Maat finally went down.
                        All BLM AF1 - Acquired
                        All WHM AF1 - Acquired
                        Windurst Rank 7


                        • #13
                          Feh. Astral Rings floating around 500K each, Serket Rings at least 2 million last time I checked on Midgardsormr.

                          If you're going to post stuff, Ixon, at least get your facts straight.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Madison
                            Thanks for the help ^^ alot better then the other reply...

                            Its a shame to be on the same server as someone like him... and i thought melon was one best na hnm ls on the server.... it seems like i've been mistaken.
                            I don't know that person ;x we're friendly peacefull people :3

                            1. What rings/earings shoud a whm have?
                            astrals/electrum/serket/peacering (mnd maybe if you're a taru, or the HP+ MP+ ring), most-mp-rewarding-earrings ;3

                            2. Does boosting my mnd help??
                            prioritize mp unless you're a tarutaru, curing is your main task and MP helps most for this

                            3. Im lvl 32 how soon do i need erase?
                            asap. but if you can't buy it cos it's so expensive, it's understandable imo

                            4. Being elvaan i have snm sub is that ok or should i lvl blm too?
                            sub smn starting from WHM50, before that you're off better with BLM sub. also after 50 you might wanna consider to sub BLM if you don't have another BLM or /BLM in PT.
                            Linaaa (^-^) Levels [WHM:75|SMN:59|BST:54|THF:51|BLM:37|NIN:37|WAR:37|MNK:22|RNG:21|RDM:16|SAM:10]

                            Guilds: Clothcraft: 92.1+3 - Leather: 60.0 - Goldsmith: 24.0 - Woodcraft: 6.1 - Cooking: 1.0
                            Avatars: Carby / Garuda / Shiva / Ifrit / Ramuh / Leviathan / Fenrir (*^-^*)V ***
                            NM's: killed lots, lots of drops, lost track.

                            Live journal Linaaa LiveJournal ^^v


                            • #15
                              serket ring = 2.2 mil.

                              500k my ass.

